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yumserver Cookbook

Build Status

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Requirements
  3. Attributes
  4. Usage
  5. Contributing
  6. License & Authors


This cookbook allows you to mirror remote Yum repos and serve them up via NGINX.


Requires Chef 12.5 or later as this cookbook makes use of Custom Resources.



Key Type Description Default
['yumserver']['basepath'] String Where to store mirroed yum repos. /var/lib/yum-rep


You always need to include the main recipe:

include_recipe 'yumserver::default'

This creates the basepath and installs the following packages:

  • yum-utils
  • createrepo
  • rsync

Additionally the recipe calls yumserver::_nginx which;

  • Sets-up the upstream NGINX repo.
  • Installs nginx.
  • Configures nginx to serve up the basepath.
  • Manages the nginx service.


Each Yum repo you wish to mirror can be defined using the yumserver_mirror custom resource.

Each yumserver_mirror has the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description Default
name String or Symbol Resource name. N/A
local_path String The basepath where the repo should be stored. /var/lib/yum-repo
repo_name String Name of the Yum repo. N/A
repo_description String Description of the Yum repo. N/A
repo_baseurl String Base URL of the Yum repo. N/A
options String Additional options to pass to reposync. N/A
timeout Integer Timeout for the reposync command. 600
use_repo Boolean If the repo should be availble for the yumserver to use. true
repo_workers Integer Number of createrepo workers to start up. server cpu count

To Mirror EPEL for EL7 for example:

yumserver_mirror 'epel7' do
  repo_name 'epel'
  repo_description 'Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7'
  repo_baseurl ''
  action :create


Each Yum repo you wish to mirror that provides an rsync endpoint can be defined using the yumserver_rsync_mirror custom resource.

Each yumserver_rsync_mirror has the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description Default
name String or Symbol Resource name. N/A
local_path String The basepath where the repo should be stored. /var/lib/yum-repo
repo_name String Name of the Yum repo. N/A
repo_description String Description of the Yum repo. N/A
repo_url String URL of the Yum repo. N/A
timeout Integer Timeout for the rsync command. 600
rsync_options String Options to pass to rsync. -aHS --numeric-ids --delete --delete-delay --delay-updates
use_repo Boolean If the repo should be availble for the yumserver to use. true

To Mirror EPEL for EL7 for example:

yumserver_rsync_mirror 'epel7' do
  repo_name 'epel'
  repo_description 'Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7'
  repo_url 'rsync://'
  action :create


If you would like to contribute to this cookbook please follow these steps;

  1. Fork the repository on Github.
  2. Create a named feature branch (like add_component_x).
  3. Write your change.
  4. Write tests for your change (if applicable).
  5. Run the tests, ensuring they all pass.
  6. Submit a Pull Request using Github.

License and Authors

License: BSD 2-clause
