Generate a list of possible words based on wordles letter feedback
wordle <absent> <correct> <present>
wordle [-a|--absent] <absent> [-c|--correct] <correct> [-p|--present] <present>
-a, --absent List all letters that are not in the word
Example: qrdops
-c, --correct Define which letters are known on which position
Example: a=3 r=5
A is in the word on position 3
R is in the word on position 5
-h, --help Show help
-l, --letters List all available letters. Has priority over --absent
-p, --present Define which letters are in the word but are not in the
given position(s).
Example: a=3,4 r=5
A is in the word but not on position 3 and 4
R is in the word but not on position 5
-f, --frequency Show letter count