diff --git a/keras_core/backend/common/variables.py b/keras_core/backend/common/variables.py
index 9050a769f..3551e4d87 100644
--- a/keras_core/backend/common/variables.py
+++ b/keras_core/backend/common/variables.py
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ def value(self):
     def assign(self, value):
         value = self._convert_to_tensor(value, dtype=self.dtype)
-        if not shape_equal(value, self.value):
+        if not shape_equal(value.shape, self.shape):
             raise ValueError(
                 "The shape of the target variable and "
                 "the shape of the target value in "
@@ -444,11 +444,11 @@ def standardize_shape(shape):
     return shape
-def shape_equal(a, b):
-    """Return whether a.shape == b.shape (allows None entries)."""
-    if len(a.shape) != len(b.shape):
+def shape_equal(a_shape, b_shape):
+    """Return whether a_shape == b_shape (allows None entries)."""
+    if len(a_shape) != len(b_shape):
         return False
-    for e1, e2 in zip(a.shape, b.shape):
+    for e1, e2 in zip(a_shape, b_shape):
         if e1 is not None and e2 is not None and e1 != e2:
             return False
     return True
diff --git a/keras_core/backend/jax/trainer.py b/keras_core/backend/jax/trainer.py
index 77c59eb36..5a329d0ef 100644
--- a/keras_core/backend/jax/trainer.py
+++ b/keras_core/backend/jax/trainer.py
@@ -410,6 +410,7 @@ def fit(
             optimizer_variables = [v.value for v in self.optimizer.variables]
             metrics_variables = [v.value for v in self.metrics_variables]
+            self._purge_model_variables()
             for step, data in epoch_iterator.enumerate_epoch(return_type="np"):
                 # Callbacks
@@ -568,6 +569,8 @@ def evaluate(
         metrics_variables = [v.value for v in self.metrics_variables]
+        self._purge_model_variables(trainable_variables=False,
+                                    optimizer_variables=False)
         for step, data in epoch_iterator.enumerate_epoch(return_type="np"):
@@ -895,3 +898,31 @@ def _enforce_jax_state_sharding(
+    def _purge_model_variables(self, 
+                               trainable_variables=True, 
+                               non_trainable_variables=True, 
+                               optimizer_variables=True, 
+                               metric_variables=True):
+        """Remove all the model variable for memory saving.
+        During JAX training, since the training function are stateless, we have
+        to pass in and get the model weights over and over, during which the
+        copy of the weights that attached to the KerasVariable are still and
+        occupying extra memory. We remove those variable to save memory (for 
+        better memory utilization) at the beginning of the epoch, and reattach
+        the value back to variables at the end of the epoch, via 
+        `jax_state_sync()`.
+        """
+        if trainable_variables:
+            for v in self.trainable_variables:
+                v._value = None
+        if non_trainable_variables:
+            for v in self.non_trainable_variables:
+                v._value = None
+        if optimizer_variables:
+            for v in self.optimizer.variables:
+                v._value = None
+        if metric_variables:
+            for v in self.metrics_variables:
+                v._value = None
diff --git a/keras_core/trainers/trainer_test.py b/keras_core/trainers/trainer_test.py
index 5028b7b28..0e2788bdf 100644
--- a/keras_core/trainers/trainer_test.py
+++ b/keras_core/trainers/trainer_test.py
@@ -261,6 +261,63 @@ def test_predict_flow(self, run_eagerly, jit_compile):
         self.assertAllClose(outputs["y_one"], 4 * np.ones((100, 3)))
         self.assertAllClose(outputs["y_two"], 4 * np.ones((100, 3)))
+    @pytest.mark.skipif(
+        backend.backend() != "jax",
+        reason="Memory optimization is only implemented in JAX",
+    )
+    def test_fit_eval_flow_for_jax_model_weights(self):
+        model = ExampleModel(units=3)
+        epochs = 3
+        batch_size = 20
+        steps_per_epoch = 7
+        dataset_size = batch_size * (steps_per_epoch - 2)
+        x = np.ones((dataset_size, 4))
+        y = np.zeros((dataset_size, 3))
+        class ModelWeightCheck(Callback):
+            def __init__(self):
+                super().__init__()
+            # Note that we access model via self._model since self.model
+            # will trigger a sync of the jax training state back to the model.
+            def on_train_batch_begin(self, batch, logs=None):
+                for v in self._model.trainable_variables:
+                    assert v._value is None
+                for v in self._model.non_trainable_variables:
+                    assert v._value is None
+                for v in self._model.optimizer.variables:
+                    assert v._value is None
+                for v in self._model.metrics_variables:
+                    assert v._value is None
+            def on_test_batch_begin(self, batch, logs=None):
+                for v in self._model.non_trainable_variables:
+                    assert v._value is None
+                for v in self._model.metrics_variables:
+                    assert v._value is None
+        model.compile(
+            optimizer=optimizers.SGD(),
+            loss=losses.MeanSquaredError(),
+            metrics=[metrics.MeanSquaredError()],
+        )
+        model.fit(
+            x,
+            y,
+            batch_size=batch_size,
+            steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch,
+            epochs=epochs,
+            callbacks=[ModelWeightCheck()],
+        )
+        model.evaluate(
+            x,
+            y,
+            batch_size=batch_size,
+            callbacks=[ModelWeightCheck()],
+        )
         backend.backend() == "torch",