The HEALPix C++ library is available on Sourceforge under SVN, we maintain a read only mirror at so that we can embed into healpy
with git submodule
We should only update the C++ sources after HEALPix has been released, otherwise there could be incompatibilities for users that compile HEALPix separately.
Once new version of HEALPix C++ has been released, we can update healpixmirror
git svn rebase
git svn push
then in healpy
cd healpixsubmodule
git pull master
cd ..
git add healpixsubmodule
git commit -m "Updated HEALPix C++ to 3.5.0"
- Review recent pull requests and update
- Edit
and create a git tag - Draft a new release on Github using the same version name of the tag, add the same details added in the Changelog to the release description
python build sdist
twine upload dist/*
- Attach the PyPI source package to the Github release (because that also includes the submodules and the compiled cython files, otherwise people might download the archive automatically created by Github that does not contain those)
Conda forge should automatically detect the PyPI package and try to build the conda package, review and merge the Pull Request at
Edit the version number in the line below and run on machine with Docker:
mkdir -p wheelhouse && docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/wheelhouse:/wheelhouse bash -c 'for PIP in /opt/python/*/bin/pip; do $PIP install numpy==1.13.3\;python_version\<\"3.7\" numpy==1.14.3\;python_version\>=\"3.7\" && $PIP wheel --no-deps healpy==1.12.10; done; for WHEEL in *.whl; do auditwheel repair $WHEEL; done'
Once in a while, update the manulinux1
docker container with:
docker pull
sudo port -N install py{27,35,36,37}-{matplotlib,numpy,six,astropy,scipy,pytest-runner,six,setuptools,pip,wheel,virtualenv} gcc8 clang-6.0
sudo port select --set clang mp-clang-6.0
export CC=gcc-mp-8
export CXX=g++-mp-8
export CFLAGS=-Wa,-q
export CXXFLAGS=-Wa,-q
for VERS in {2.7,3.5,3.6,3.7}; do rm -rf env && virtualenv-$VERS --system-site-packages env && env/bin/pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel && env/bin/pip install "numpy==1.13.3;python_version<'3.7'" "numpy==1.14.3;python_version>='3.7'" && env/bin/pip wheel --verbose --no-deps healpy==1.12.10; done
python3.7 -m venv --system-site-packages delocate
delocate/bin/pip install delocate
for WHEEL in *.whl; do delocate/bin/delocate-wheel -w wheelhouse $WHEEL; done
- Github:
- PyPI:
- conda-forge:
- wheels on PyPI for linux and Mac OS
healpy-1.12.10-cp27-cp27m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl healpy-1.12.10-cp35-cp35m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
healpy-1.12.10-cp27-cp27mu-manylinux1_x86_64.whl healpy-1.12.10-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
healpy-1.12.10-cp34-cp34m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl healpy-1.12.10-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
@zonca @DanielLenz @lpsinger @hivon @mreineck @lpsinger