Depending on the options chosen for the deployment, there may be the need for the AWS API access key and secret key for the AWS account used for the deployment
Deploy three instances based on the following considerations:
Identify the required instancy type according to CPU and RAM capacity guidance in the "RKE Install Requirements" tab of https://rancher.com/docs/rancher/v2.x/en/installation/requirements/#hardware-requirements
The Rancher server must be accessible from the Internet, thus the VPC to be used must have a configured Internet Gateway and all RKE nodes must have a publicly routable IP address
SLES nodes need to be an instance type of t2.medium or larger to get built-in subscriptions
Completing this deployment without a SLES subscription has not yet been attempted
For the SLES registation process to complete correctly, attach a public IP address to the primary NIC when creating the instances
After the nodes are booted up and ready, remove the public IP adresses, then allocate and attach Elastic IP addresses to them
Create two IAM policies for the control-plane RKE role and another for both etcd and worker RKE roles: https://rancher.com/docs/rke/latest/en/config-options/cloud-providers/aws/#iam-requirements
(Optional) Create an IAM policy to allow the RKE nodes to store etcd snapshots in S3: https://rancher.com/docs/rke/latest/en/etcd-snapshots/recurring-snapshots/
This design maintains all three RKE roles (control-plane, etcd, and worker) on all three RKE node |
Create one IAM role and attach the policies to it
If splitting out RKE roles to different nodes is desired, i.e. creating a separate etcd cluster; it is more secure to create additional IAM roles that serve only the required RKE roles
Attach the IAM role to the nodes
Tag the resources: https://rancher.com/docs/rke/latest/en/config-options/cloud-providers/aws/#tagging-aws-resources
Tag the VPC, subnet, and security group as "shared"
Create a security group based on: https://rancher.com/docs/rancher/v2.x/en/installation/requirements/ports/
The exact security group settings can be difficult to get right. An alternative is to deploy a docker container Rancher server, enter the API credentials and deploy a single node RKE cluster in EC2
Can later destroy the RKE cluster and the node with the Rancher server, but preserve the Security Group
Create an NLB: https://rancher.com/docs/rancher/v2.x/en/installation/resources/advanced/helm2/create-nodes-lb/nlb/
All nodes must have sshd_config configured with “AllowTcpForwarding yes”
Restart sshd after making the change
Make sure the primary user account on the nodes (which will be specified in the cluster.yml file) is in the docker group
The ssh key from the user and node that will run "rke up" need to be in the authorized_keys file
Fairly simple overview of creating the cluster: https://rancher.com/docs/rancher/v2.x/en/installation/resources/k8s-tutorials/ha-rke/
Basic cluster.yaml file. Useful to show how to turn on basic etcd snapshots: https://rancher.com/docs/rancher/v2.x/en/installation/resources/advanced/helm2/kubernetes-rke/
Better to run
rke config
and go through the steps-
Later have to add the NLB URL to network.authentication.sans: [rancher.mycompany.com] to have it included in the Let’s Encrypt certificate
After "rke up", set the clusters.cluster.server in the kube_config_cluster.yml file to the same name to access the K8s API through the NLP
Note: Setting the "cloud_provider.name" field to AWS suppressed the K8s hostnames (hostname_override in the cluster.yml file) and inserted the AWS hostnames
//// A very interesting quickstart guide using TF: https://rancher.com/docs/rancher/v2.x/en/quick-start-guide/deployment/amazon-aws-qs/ ////
Overview: https://rancher.com/docs/rancher/v2.x/en/installation/install-rancher-on-k8s/
Used Let’s Encrypt and it works well