PHP implementation for passphrase based encryption (PBE) as defined in PKCS#5 version 2.0 (RFC 2898)
The key for the cipher (here DES) is derived from the passphrase by applying a hash function (here MD5) several times on it.
You can use to generate the same encrypted bytes as OpenSSL when using DES with password (hashed) encryption.
$ php test.php
Plain text data: Hello World!
Key string: secret
Salt: abcdef1234567890
Crypt data: g0/OhmNJdBXs58Brm3c7sw==
Decripted data: Hello World!
== Use random salt ==
Plain text data: Hello World!
Key string: secret
Crypt data: U2FsdGVkX188lDJBE9omUNc9iGo9sEarSbSeEQwNgDs=
Decripted data: Hello World!
Check it with openssl command:
echo 'U2FsdGVkX188lDJBE9omUNc9iGo9sEarSbSeEQwNgDs=' | openssl enc -des -a -d -k 'secret'