The NI Digilent Nexys A7 is a rebrand of the Nexys 4 DDR board with the addition of the Nexys A7-50T variant of the Nexys A7, which has a smaller gate array. The Nexys A7-100T variant is functionally identical to the Nexys 4 DDR. The Nexys A7-100T contains 15,850 logic slices each with 4 look-up tables (LUTs) and 8 flip-flops. The Nexys A7-50T that contains 8,150 logic slices was discontinued and is no longer available for purchase.
A Xilinx Design Constraints (XDC) file provides the physical pins on the FPGA in relation to the HDL code. Here are master XDC files for A7-100T and A7-50T boards with identical constraints:
The master XDC files of all Digilent boards can be found here.
Xilinx Downloads provide Xilinx Unified Installer: Windows (or Linux) Self Extracting Web Installer
- Download, extract, and open Xilinx Unified Installer
- To reduce installation time, disable any anti-virus software and power saving settings when running the installer
- Provide Xilinx user account credentials to download the required files
- Select "Download and Install Now"
- Select Vivado > Vivado ML Standard
- Design Tools > Vivado Design Suite that includes Vivado and Vitis HLS (high-level synthesis) -- uncheck all others such as
- Vitis Model Composer (Xilinx Toolbox for MATLAB and Simulink. Includes the functionality of System Generator for DSP)
- DocNav
- Devices > 7 Series > Artix-7 -- uncheck all others
- Installation Options > Install Cable Drivers -- this is required
- To install cable drivers on Linux, follow the instructions on P. 47 in UG973 and enter the following commands as root
- Download and extract board files
- The ZIP file has a folder called new/board_files including a folder called nexys-a7-100t
- For the Nexys A7-50T board, use nexys-a7-50t instead
- Make a new folder called board_files as This PC > Local Disk (C:) > Xilinx > Vivado > 2023.1 > data > boards > board_files
- Copy and paste the nexys-a7-100t folder
- There should be four files in This PC > Local Disk (C:) > Xilinx > Vivado > 2023.1 > data > boards > board_files > nexys-a7-100t > D.0
- board.xml
- mig.prj
- part0_pins.xml
- preset.xml
- References
- Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Release Notes, Installation, and Licensing (UG973)
- Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399)
- Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)
- Installing Vivado and Digilent board files
- FPGA board files
- Add boards and example designs to Vivado environment
- Getting Started With Vivado
- Design Hubs
- Tool command language (Tcl)
- Reference Manual and schematic
- Powered from micro-USB
- The blue power select jumper JP3 (near the power jack) determines which source (USB or Wall) is used
- If necessary, only use a 5V external power supply with center-positive 5.5 x 2.1 x 9.5 mm coaxial power connector
- The part for the R287 fuse is TR/0603FA5-R that replaces the obsolete 0603SFV350F/32-2
- The part for the D16 diode is SMBJ5.0A
- Voltage clamp
- Surface-mount technology (SMT)
- Rework (electronics)
- Solder paste
- Out-of-box (OOB) demo
- Add sources with both target language and simulator language in VHDL
- Add constraints (an XDC file)
- Select the board from
- Select Nexys A7-100T (Part: xc7a100tcsg324-1)
- Review New Project Summary" > Finish
- Tools > Settings > Tool Settings > Text Editor > Syntax Checking > Vivado
- Project VHDL and XDC files
- Digilent developed Peripheral Module (Pmod) Interface
- Pmod Interface Specification
- Pmod Expansion Modules
- Pmod KYPD 16-button Keypad with optional 2x6-pin cable
- Pmod I2S Inter-IC Sound has been replaced with Pmod I2S2
- Pmod AD1 two 12-bit analog-to-digital converter with 6-pin cable and a 5kΩ potentiometer
- Pmod DA3 16-bit digital-to-analog converter
- Pmod DHB1 dual H-bridge motor driver
- Pmod DPOT digital potentiometer
- Pmod JSTK2 two-axis joystick
- Connecting devices other than Pmods may risk damaging the Nexys A7-100T board
- The part for IC17 voltage regulator is ADP2118ACPZ-R7