My configs. I use fish
, and nvim
. My .bashrc
is still there because it's required by my OS and I have a minimal
vim config that I use when sshing. There are also configs for sway
, and some other applications; which I don't
currently use.
My main nvim config. It doesn't use Mason, it still uses Lazy for package management. LSPs are installed via system
package manager. You just need them on $PATH
. I have left comments next to the lsp setup functions in lsp.lua
show how I installed them. I try to not use plugins for simple things and have custom functions and autocmds for things.
I use a lot of treesitter features. Telescope is a must. I tried to live without it, but it makes life quite a bit
easier for fuzzy finding.
The nvim_minimal
config does not use a package manager and tries to use few plugins. Plugins are in, just
extract them, or use ./
to download them. LSPs should be installed and available in your $PATH
config doesn't use mason) the file tree should look like this
|-- after/
| `-- plugin/
| `-- fuzz.lua
|-- ftplugin/
| |-- cpp.lua
| |-- lua.lua
| |-- markdown.lua
| |-- netrw.lua
| |-- python.lua
| `-- rust.lua
|-- lua/
| `-- k/
| |-- cmp.lua
| |-- configs.lua
| |-- keymaps.lua
| |-- lsp.lua
| |-- statusline.lua
| `-- treesitter.lua
|-- pack/
| |-- Comment.nvim/
| | `-- start/
| |-- LuaSnip/
| | `-- start/
| |-- cmp-buffer/
| | `-- start/
| |-- cmp-cmdline/
| | `-- start/
| |-- cmp-nvim-lsp/
| | `-- start/
| |-- cmp-path/
| | `-- start/
| |-- cmp_luasnip/
| | `-- start/
| |-- gitsigns.nvim/
| | `-- start/
| |-- nightfox.nvim/
| | `-- start/
| |-- nvim-cmp/
| | `-- start/
| |-- nvim-lspconfig/
| | `-- start/
| |-- nvim-treesitter/
| | `-- start/
| |-- nvim-treesitter-context/
| | `-- start/
| |-- nvim-treesitter-refactor/
| | `-- start/
| `-- nvim-treesitter-textobjects/
| `-- start/
`-- init.lua