Beaker test tagging allows you to add tags to tests (using the
DSL method),
so that you can include or exclude a specific subset of the tests given for use
in this run. Why would you want to use this? Here are some examples of what
you can do with this functionality:
- Run groups of tests separately from the same testing codebase
- Declare different actions that should be taken when a test fails
- Make new tests go through a provisional process before being considered solid tests
Add tags to a Beaker test at the beginning, like you would if you were using confine. Things to stay aware of:
- A test that is not executed due to a tag will be considered a ‘skipped’ test
- Tags are free form strings and will not be subjected to any correctness testing
- Tags are NOT case sensitive
- Tagging was added after Beaker 2.14.1. If you're using that version or older, this isn't available
was added after Beaker 3.12.0. If you're using an older version, this isnt available
Single tag example:
tag ‘long_running’
Multiple tag example:
tag ‘long_running’, 'feature_test’
Preferred style block example:
test_name “my test” do
tag “filter1”,”filter2”
Preferred style no-block example:
test_name “my test”
tag “filter1”,”filter2”
: Run the set of tests matching ALL of the provided single or comma-separated list of tags.
: Run the set of tests matching ANY of the provided single or comma-separated list of tags.
: Run the set of tests that do not contain ANY of the provided single or comma-separated list of tags.
Beaker will raise an error if --test-tag-and
& --test-tag-exclude
contain the same tag, however.
Beaker will also raise an error if you use both --test-tag-or
& --test-tag-and
, because
it won't be able to determine which order they should be used in.
Execute all ‘long_running’ tests.
$ beaker --tests path/to/tests --test-tag-and long_running
Execute all tests, except those that are ‘feature_test’
$ beaker --tests path/to/tests --test-tag-exclude feature_test
Execute all tests that are long_running but not feature_test
$ beaker --tests path/to/tests --test-tag-and long_running --test-tag-exclude feature_test
Execute all tests marked both 'long_running' and 'feature_test'
$ beaker --tests /path/to/tests --test-tag-and long_running,feature_test
Equivalent to --test-tag-and
Equivalent to --test-tag-or
Equivalent to --test-tag-exclude