Please use the Google Shell Style Guide with the following refinements:
When creating a new file, use the following as a header. Notice, any contributions will transfer copyright to MindShare Inc, and GPLv2 is the required license.
# Copyright <years> MindShare Inc.
# Written for the Kubuntu Focus by <authors>
# <additional notes>
# Name : <file-name>
# Summary : <script use definition>
# Purpose : <what does this do>
# Example : <show example calls>
# License : GPLv2
# Run By : <what user or app calls this file>
# Spec : <ticket #s or PRs>
We recommend you use a file like package-main/usr/lib/kfocus/bin/kfocus-fan
as a guideline.
- Indent lines two spaces per level. Do not use tabs.
- Prefer to terminate all commands with semicolons to avoid confusion.
- Limit line width to 80 characters.
- Break lines with
and use a continuation indent of 2 characters. - Code in paragraphs. Place an empty line after each paragraph.
- Place an empty line before and after each function.
- Remove any trailing spaces.
- Do not use more than 2 consecutive blank lines between sections.
Declare all function-scope variables at the top of a function using a single
statement. Do not combine declaration and assignment. Instead, assign
an initial value to a variable as needed before first use.
names for exported global variables. Use camelCase
package (file-scope) variables. Use snake_case
for function-scope (local)
variables. Prefix package- and function-scope variables with an underscore to
avoid conflicting with other variables in the bash environment.
Use duck typing to avoid confusion. Instead of using line
for a text line
and lines
as an array of lines, use _line
and _line_list
. Use obvious
suffixes for strings such as _str
, _line
, or _name
. Use the _list
suffix for simple arrays and _table
for delimited lists. Use an _int
, _idx
or _count
suffix to indicate an integer. Use the _num
suffix to indicate
a number. Use a prefix to indicate booleans using a form of 'do', 'is', or
'has'. For example, you might use _do_exit
, _has_string
, or _is_empty
Please use the template below for function declarations. Functions are usually
package-scoped, and therefore should be usually name like _<verb><Noun>Fn
with the Fn
suffix identifying the symbol as a function. The matched
braces make it easy to quickly move the cursor to the beginning or end of
the function with many editors:
## BEGIN _verbNounFn {
# Summary : <function use definition>
# Purpose : <describe what this does>
# Example : <show example calls>
# Arguments : <list arguments>
# Globals : <list globals used here>
# Outputs : <list stderr, stdout>
# Returns : <specify return values or none>
_verbNounFn () {
# Put code here
# . END _verbNounFn }
Write and annotate your code in paragraphs. Avoid comments per line or at the end of lines except in rare instances where the results are clearer. Try to avoid noise and have the code speak for itself. Comments should have verb-noun construction with the first letter capitalized. Do not use a period unless multiple sentences are used:
# GOOD: Use a single comment for the block using noun-verb construction
# Skip user if not root
_user_id="$(id -u)";
if [ "${_user_id}" != '0' ]; then
_cm2WarnStr 'User is not root. Exit';
return 1;
# BAD: Too noisy, inconsistent sentence construction
_user_id="$(id -u)"; # user id get
if [ "${_user_id}" != '0' ]; then # root check
_cm2WarnStr 'User is not root. Exit'; # exit if not root
return 1; # non-zero return
fi # close if statement
Most shell apps should have the following structure to facilitate test
development and provide consistency. We use set -u;
to throw errors on
undefined variables. We DO NOT use set -e
to exit on errors however.
Test or trap errors instead. See kfocus-example-app
as a more complete
set -u;
## BEGIN _importCommonFn {
_importCommonFn () { ... } # <= Import common.2.source
## . END _importCommonFn }
## BEGIN _mainFn {
_mainFn () { ... } # <= This is the main function
## . END _mainFn }
## BEGIN set global vars {
# <= Declare package vars
declare _userId _binName _binDir _baseName _baseDir;
# <= Set values that will load for tests
_userId="$(id -u)";
## . END set global vars }
## BEGIN Run main if script is not sourced {
# <= This is only run if not sourced.
# <= When sourced by a test unit, these values must be set elsewhere.
if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "${0}" ]]; then
_binName="$( readlink -f "$0" )" || exit 101;
_binDir="$( dirname "${_binName}" )" || exit 101;
_baseDir="$( dirname "${_binDir}" )" || exit 101;
_baseName="$( basename "${_binName}" )" || exit 101;
_mainFn "$@";
## . END Run main if script is not sourced }
When in doubt, terminate commands with a semicolon.
We have created common routines found in lib/common.2.source
. Please use
these as illustrated in existing scripts. Following existing convention makes
it far easier to build solutions and create tests. All common symbols use the
prefix to assist in readability.
The above guidelines are sufficient for most simple applications. For more complex scenarios (large subsystems, for instance), the following strategies should be kept in mind at all times:
- Use public and private functions. Public functions should only call private functions. Private functions should only call other private functions. Introduce level hierarchy if useful (see xuu).
- Avoid opinionated returns - focus on descriptive instead, e.g. 0 = success, 1 = general failure, 2 = system I/O failure, 127 = permissions failure.
- Avoid side effects. Have low-level component functions that do one thing well, then have a higher-level function combine them. Remember DRY and single-source of truth.
- Avoid deep data structures, and especially avoid deep if-then-else. Anything over 2 levels deep should is strongly discouraged. Instead, refactor to use gauntlets in multiple sections if needed to make logic as clear as possible and remove confusing levels of contexts and side effects.