This is a web application built with React that displays weather information for lakes on a map.
- Display lakes on a Google Map with weather information markers.
- Predict the amount of ice on each lake.
- Filter the number of lakes displayed on the map using a slider.
- Hover over a lake marker to view detailed weather information in an info window.
- Cluster markers for improved performance and visualization.
graph LR;
A[User] --> B
J[Weather API] --> M
N[Google Earth Engine] --> S
O[Google Maps API] --> B
P[USGS National Hydrography Dataset] --> S
subgraph Web Application;
B[React Frontend]
B --> C[CloudFront]
C --> D[S3 Bucket]
B --> F[API Gateway]
F --> G[AWS Lambda]
G --> H[FastAPI Backend]
H --> I[RDS Postgres]
subgraph Weather ETL;
K[EventBridge Schedule] --> L[StepFunction State Machine]
L --> M[Spark on EMR Serverless]
M --> I
subgraph Satellite Image ETL;
Q[EventBridge Schedule] --> R[StepFunction State Machine]
R --> S[Spark on EMR Serverless]
S --> I
S --> D
graph TD;
A[Map Component] --> B[LakeFilterBox Component]
B --> C[Slider Component]
C --> D[onLimitChange Event]
D --> A
A --> E[GoogleMap Component]
E --> F[LakeMarker Components]
F --> G[LakeInfoBox Components]