Releases: kike-canaries/canairio_android
Releases · kike-canaries/canairio_android
rev537 v0.3.8
- Multiple variable selector in settings (see below)
- Update chart fragment from settings
- Dynamic class for multiple variables
- Firmware info in settings
- Saved tracks filter support
- fixed recording issue when the app is killed
- fixed issue on device status switch in recording mode
- fixed SD recording issue on API 29
Multiple variable support
rev530 v0.3.5 New device info and status in settings
New OTA updates (firmware with automatic updates and more)
We already have a new firmware with automatic updates, please use it because CanAirIO will be change and it will have many improvements!
In this release:
- Many issues in settings section was resolved!
- Device firmware info and device status items
- Now you can select the UART sensor (PM2.5 and CO2) in settings
- Supported new CO2 sensors and released CanAirIO Sensors Library
Coming soon: CO2 variables in the chart
rev460 v0.3.0 signed - PM sensor selector
- ready send PM sensor selection via preference over Bluetooth.
- preference fragment refactored
- some settings fragment issues was resolved
- updated to last version of Android Studio tools 4.1
- Tested with this: CanAirIO firmware pull request.
- Sensirion test passed
- Plantower test pased
- Generic sensors test passed
rev437 v0.2.8 signed
- Fixed some issues
- Supported scanning for legacy and new device names
- Compatibility and support libraries updated
Supported last CanAirIO firmware rev565
rev431 v0.2.8
- Some validation fields issues fixed on settings window
- Improvements on UI refresh
- Some broken links fixed
rev358 v0.2.3 signed
rev358 v0.2.2 Crashlytics and extra settings
- Extra API settings (for development)
- Supported send localization params
- Supported reboot device via app
- Updated OSMDroid library and improvements
- Added Firebase Crashlytics tracker
- Unified the `librarycommon` dependency
- Wifi, InfruxDb and API settings updated
CanAirio API with Authentication
rev276 v0.1.9 4th workshop Bogota - Colombia
- API authentication device settings via bluetooth
- Dual cloud alternative (CanAirIO API or InfluxDb)
This release works with rev301 firmware or above.
rev273 WiFi and InfluxDB support
- New preferences fragment
- Supported WiFi config via
to device - Supported Influxdb config via BT
- Implemented device status flag callbacks
- Migrated to AndroidX (removed support libraries)
- Upgraded PMChart library to official branch
- Removed stick bit for background service on normal operation (on record disabled)
- fixed Map loading issues on some devices
- improve MPAndroidChart drawing and fixed some issues
Sensor firmare
This release works with rev273 firmare or above.
Last release in GooglePlay
- Various bug fixes and improvements
- Fixed icon issue on some devices
- Fixed loading data issue on public list section
- Fixed signing parameters and signing for debug version
Sensor firmare
This release works with rev134beta firmare or above.
First release in GooglePlay
- Publish tracks for other users
- Firebase recycler view integration
- OSMDroid info window for marks
- Share button from records list
- Signature support via gradle task
- Records and Posts lists updated
- Removed support for API19 (Android 4.4.4)
- Other minor issues fixed
Sensor firmare
This release works with rev81alpha firmare or above.