diff --git a/_data/ar/store.yml b/_data/ar/store.yml index fa5005caa8..dad33612b3 100644 --- a/_data/ar/store.yml +++ b/_data/ar/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: title: "Employee account: Working hours, holiday, sickness, public holidays" intro: "Employee management: Working hours & overtime. Vacations, sickness and PTO. Public holiday management and calendar integration. Monthly approvals with PDF." + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: cloudrizon-kimai-mobile-app-android0: description: 'Start screen of the application' diff --git a/_data/cs/store.yml b/_data/cs/store.yml index 8d1cb216d2..1e808cb928 100644 --- a/_data/cs/store.yml +++ b/_data/cs/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: intro: "Employee management: Working hours & overtime. Vacations, sickness and PTO. Public holiday management and calendar integration. Monthly approvals with PDF." title: "Employee account: Working hours, holiday, sickness, public holidays" + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: cloudrizon-kimai-mobile-app-android0: description: 'Úvodní obrazovka aplikace' diff --git a/_data/da/store.yml b/_data/da/store.yml index 91fd009251..5ebc224f2b 100644 --- a/_data/da/store.yml +++ b/_data/da/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: title: "Employee account: Working hours, holiday, sickness, public holidays" intro: "Employee management: Working hours & overtime. Vacations, sickness and PTO. Public holiday management and calendar integration. Monthly approvals with PDF." + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: cloudrizon-kimai-mobile-app-android0: description: 'Start screen of the application' diff --git a/_data/de_CH/store.yml b/_data/de_CH/store.yml index ffe1d24811..0307bd62e9 100644 --- a/_data/de_CH/store.yml +++ b/_data/de_CH/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: helsinkisystems-budgetwatcher: title: Budget Watcher (beobachtet Budgets und versendet Benachrichtigungen) intro: Versendet Benachrichtigungen, wenn eine konfigurierbare Budgetgrenze bei einem Projekt erreicht ist + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: expenses-bundle4: description: Sie können einen Namen, den Kostenfaktor und einen kurzen Hilfetext für jede Kategorie vergeben diff --git a/_data/el/store.yml b/_data/el/store.yml index ae3e3f6853..f7275ee964 100644 --- a/_data/el/store.yml +++ b/_data/el/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: title: "Employee account: Working hours, holiday, sickness, public holidays" intro: "Employee management: Working hours & overtime. Vacations, sickness and PTO. Public holiday management and calendar integration. Monthly approvals with PDF." + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: cloudrizon-kimai-mobile-app-android0: description: 'Start screen of the application' diff --git a/_data/eo/store.yml b/_data/eo/store.yml index 9154db642b..1192c5be59 100644 --- a/_data/eo/store.yml +++ b/_data/eo/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: title: "Employee account: Working hours, holiday, sickness, public holidays" intro: "Employee management: Working hours & overtime. Vacations, sickness and PTO. Public holiday management and calendar integration. Monthly approvals with PDF." + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: cloudrizon-kimai-mobile-app-android0: description: 'Start screen of the application' diff --git a/_data/es/store.yml b/_data/es/store.yml index 67926071ae..aa10fec27e 100644 --- a/_data/es/store.yml +++ b/_data/es/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: title: "Cuenta del empleado: Horas de trabajo, vacaciones, enfermedad, días festivos" intro: "Gestión de los empleados: Horas de trabajo y horas extraordinarias. Vacaciones, enfermedad y PTO. Gestión de festivos e integración con el calendario. Aprobaciones mensuales con PDF." + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: cloudrizon-kimai-mobile-app-android0: description: Pantalla de inicio de la aplicación diff --git a/_data/eu/store.yml b/_data/eu/store.yml index 6ae8bd944d..7f97a15974 100644 --- a/_data/eu/store.yml +++ b/_data/eu/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: title: "Employee account: Working hours, holiday, sickness, public holidays" intro: "Employee management: Working hours & overtime. Vacations, sickness and PTO. Public holiday management and calendar integration. Monthly approvals with PDF." + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: cloudrizon-kimai-mobile-app-android0: description: 'Start screen of the application' diff --git a/_data/fa/store.yml b/_data/fa/store.yml index 3eb8dc2452..726c2dbace 100644 --- a/_data/fa/store.yml +++ b/_data/fa/store.yml @@ -258,3 +258,6 @@ items: controlling: intro: "Employee management: Working hours & overtime. Vacations, sickness and PTO. Public holiday management and calendar integration. Monthly approvals with PDF." title: "Employee account: Working hours, holiday, sickness, public holidays" + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. diff --git a/_data/fi/store.yml b/_data/fi/store.yml index 6ae8bd944d..7f97a15974 100644 --- a/_data/fi/store.yml +++ b/_data/fi/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: title: "Employee account: Working hours, holiday, sickness, public holidays" intro: "Employee management: Working hours & overtime. Vacations, sickness and PTO. Public holiday management and calendar integration. Monthly approvals with PDF." + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: cloudrizon-kimai-mobile-app-android0: description: 'Start screen of the application' diff --git a/_data/fo/store.yml b/_data/fo/store.yml index 2aa07d8d01..3c3778f59f 100644 --- a/_data/fo/store.yml +++ b/_data/fo/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: intro: "Employee management: Working hours & overtime. Vacations, sickness and PTO. Public holiday management and calendar integration. Monthly approvals with PDF." title: "Employee account: Working hours, holiday, sickness, public holidays" + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: cloudrizon-kimai-mobile-app-android0: description: 'Start screen of the application' diff --git a/_data/fr/store.yml b/_data/fr/store.yml index 74242e269b..574fc91d2f 100644 --- a/_data/fr/store.yml +++ b/_data/fr/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: title: "Compte employé : heures de travail, congés, maladie, jours fériés" intro: "Gestion des employés : heures de travail et heures supplémentaires. Congés, maladie et congés payés. Gestion des jours fériés et intégration au calendrier. Approbations mensuelles avec PDF." + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: cloudrizon-kimai-mobile-app-android0: description: Écran de démarrage de l'application diff --git a/_data/he/store.yml b/_data/he/store.yml index 17934cc00c..29f8d7c963 100644 --- a/_data/he/store.yml +++ b/_data/he/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: intro: "ניהול עובדים: שעות עבודה ונוספות. חופשות, מחלה וחל״ת. ניהול חגים ציבוריים ושילוב מול לוחות שנה. אישורים חודשיים עם PDF." title: 'חשבון עובד: שעות עבודה, חופשה, מחלה, חגים ציבוריים' + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: expenses-bundle3: description: הוצאות מסודרות בקטגוריות כדי לשפר את אפשרויות הסקירה והסינון diff --git a/_data/hr/store.yml b/_data/hr/store.yml index 3d63a64506..f1c0f2508f 100644 --- a/_data/hr/store.yml +++ b/_data/hr/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: title: 'Račun zaposlenika: Radno vrijeme, praznici, bolovanja, državni praznici' intro: 'Upravljanje zaposlenicima: Radno vrijeme i prekovremeni rad. Godišnji odmori, bolovanja i slobodni dani. Upravljanje državnim praznicima i integracija s kalendarom. Mjesečna odobrenja s PDF datotekom.' + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: cloudrizon-kimai-mobile-app-android0: description: Početni ekran programa diff --git a/_data/hu/store.yml b/_data/hu/store.yml index 6ae8bd944d..7f97a15974 100644 --- a/_data/hu/store.yml +++ b/_data/hu/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: title: "Employee account: Working hours, holiday, sickness, public holidays" intro: "Employee management: Working hours & overtime. Vacations, sickness and PTO. Public holiday management and calendar integration. Monthly approvals with PDF." + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: cloudrizon-kimai-mobile-app-android0: description: 'Start screen of the application' diff --git a/_data/id/store.yml b/_data/id/store.yml index b295f024be..793d7915a3 100644 --- a/_data/id/store.yml +++ b/_data/id/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: helsinkisystems-budgetwatcher: title: 'Budget Watcher (watch project budgets and send notifications)' intro: 'Get notified whenever a certain amount of your projects budget is used' + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: cloudrizon-kimai-mobile-app-android0: description: 'Start screen of the app' diff --git a/_data/it/store.yml b/_data/it/store.yml index bc20bb43f2..9cc93eee15 100644 --- a/_data/it/store.yml +++ b/_data/it/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: intro: "Gestione dei dipendenti: ore lavorative e straordinari. Ferie, malattie e permessi. Gestione dei giorni festivi pubblici e integrazione del calendario. Approvazioni mensili con PDF." title: "Account dipendente: ore lavorative, ferie, malattie, giorni festivi" + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: pcsg-recurring-budget-bundle5: description: Esempio di un'e-mail di statistiche sul budget inviata al responsabile del team di progetto dopo un intervallo di budget completato. diff --git a/_data/ja/store.yml b/_data/ja/store.yml index 2574c20ec8..ad223c4465 100644 --- a/_data/ja/store.yml +++ b/_data/ja/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: intro: "Employee management: Working hours & overtime. Vacations, sickness and PTO. Public holiday management and calendar integration. Monthly approvals with PDF." title: "Employee account: Working hours, holiday, sickness, public holidays" + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: cloudrizon-kimai-mobile-app-android0: description: 'Start screen of the application' diff --git a/_data/ko/store.yml b/_data/ko/store.yml index 236354cf40..0ba44617cf 100644 --- a/_data/ko/store.yml +++ b/_data/ko/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: intro: "Employee management: Working hours & overtime. Vacations, sickness and PTO. Public holiday management and calendar integration. Monthly approvals with PDF." title: "Employee account: Working hours, holiday, sickness, public holidays" + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: katjaglass-approval-bundle2: description: The approval history including all comments can be viewed by the teamlead or users diff --git a/_data/nb_NO/store.yml b/_data/nb_NO/store.yml index e3c1b36d90..8262a3bc75 100644 --- a/_data/nb_NO/store.yml +++ b/_data/nb_NO/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: title: "Employee account: Working hours, holiday, sickness, public holidays" intro: "Employee management: Working hours & overtime. Vacations, sickness and PTO. Public holiday management and calendar integration. Monthly approvals with PDF." + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: cloudrizon-kimai-mobile-app-android2: description: Allow configuring and switching between multiple Kimai instances diff --git a/_data/nl/store.yml b/_data/nl/store.yml index 7da332bfad..03dfed3223 100644 --- a/_data/nl/store.yml +++ b/_data/nl/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: title: "Werknemersaccount: Werkuren, vakantie, ziekte, feestdagen" intro: "Werknemersbeheer: Werkuren & overuren. Vakanties, ziekte en verlof. Beheer van feestdagen en integratie in de kalender. Maandelijkse goedkeuringen met PDF." + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: cloudrizon-kimai-mobile-app-android0: description: 'Startscherm van de applicatie' diff --git a/_data/pa/store.yml b/_data/pa/store.yml index ac2d375215..263ac3cf81 100644 --- a/_data/pa/store.yml +++ b/_data/pa/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: helsinkisystems-budgetwatcher: title: 'Budget Watcher (watch project budgets and send notifications)' intro: 'Get notified whenever a certain amount of your projects budget is used' + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: cloudrizon-kimai-mobile-app-android0: description: 'Start screen of the app' diff --git a/_data/pl/store.yml b/_data/pl/store.yml index 52155d94ed..d00a6a90e8 100644 --- a/_data/pl/store.yml +++ b/_data/pl/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: title: "Konto pracownika: Godziny pracy, urlop, choroba, święta" intro: "Zarządzanie pracownikami: Godziny pracy i nadgodziny. Urlopy, choroby i dni wolne. Zarządzanie świętami i integracja kalendarza. Miesięczne zatwierdzenia z plikiem PDF." + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: cloudrizon-kimai-mobile-app-android0: description: 'Ekran startowy aplikacji' diff --git a/_data/pt/store.yml b/_data/pt/store.yml index 9720454b3d..ec22d7a534 100644 --- a/_data/pt/store.yml +++ b/_data/pt/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: title: "Conta do funcionário: Horas de trabalho, férias, licenças médicas, feriados" intro: "Gestão de funcionários: Horas de trabalho e horas extras. Férias, licenças médicas e dias de folga remunerados. Gestão de feriados públicos e integração com calendário. Aprovações mensais com PDF." + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: cloudrizon-kimai-mobile-app-android0: description: 'Ecrã inicial da app' diff --git a/_data/pt_BR/store.yml b/_data/pt_BR/store.yml index ed1934ba53..4194dfe7b3 100644 --- a/_data/pt_BR/store.yml +++ b/_data/pt_BR/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: title: 'Conta do funcionário: Horas de trabalho, férias, doença, feriados' intro: 'Gerenciamento de funcionários: Horas de trabalho e horas extras. Férias, doença e descanso remunerado. Gerenciamento de feriados e integração de calendários. Aprovações mensais com PDF.' + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: katjaglass-approval-bundle4: description: Os administradores têm as mesmas permissões que os líderes das equipes, e podem também, localizar todos os colegas na visão geral e ter a opção de desfazer uma aprovação diff --git a/_data/ro/store.yml b/_data/ro/store.yml index 8d0e5d58a7..43f1a85a60 100644 --- a/_data/ro/store.yml +++ b/_data/ro/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: title: "Employee account: Working hours, holiday, sickness, public holidays" intro: "Employee management: Working hours & overtime. Vacations, sickness and PTO. Public holiday management and calendar integration. Monthly approvals with PDF." + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: cloudrizon-kimai-mobile-app-android0: description: 'Start screen of the application' diff --git a/_data/ru/store.yml b/_data/ru/store.yml index 7c88dd324f..b644ff9a88 100644 --- a/_data/ru/store.yml +++ b/_data/ru/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: title: "Учет сотрудников: рабочие часы, отпуск, больничный, праздничные дни" intro: "Управление сотрудниками: рабочие часы и переработка. Отпуск, больничные и оплачиваемый отпуск. Управление праздничными днями и интеграция с календарем. Ежемесячные утверждения с PDF." + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: cloudrizon-kimai-mobile-app-android0: description: Начальный экран приложения diff --git a/_data/sk/store.yml b/_data/sk/store.yml index a4e2973e67..5477d33374 100644 --- a/_data/sk/store.yml +++ b/_data/sk/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: title: "Zamestnanecký účet: Pracovné hodiny, dovolenky, choroby, sviatky" intro: "Správa zamestnancov: Pracovné hodiny a nadčasy. Dovolenky, choroby a voľno. Správa verejných sviatkov a kalendárna integrácia. Mesačné schvaľovanie s PDF." + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: cloudrizon-kimai-mobile-app-android0: description: 'Start screen of the application' diff --git a/_data/sl/store.yml b/_data/sl/store.yml index ecfbbb7707..4af5beb281 100644 --- a/_data/sl/store.yml +++ b/_data/sl/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: title: "Employee account: Working hours, holiday, sickness, public holidays" intro: "Employee management: Working hours & overtime. Vacations, sickness and PTO. Public holiday management and calendar integration. Monthly approvals with PDF." + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: cloudrizon-kimai-mobile-app-android0: description: 'Start screen of the app' diff --git a/_data/sv/store.yml b/_data/sv/store.yml index 8383a6fee1..e2460cae04 100644 --- a/_data/sv/store.yml +++ b/_data/sv/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: title: "Användarkonto: Arbetstimmar, semester, sjukfrånvaro, helgdagar" intro: "Användarhantering: Arbetstid och övertid. Semester, sjukfrånvaro och betald ledighet. Hantering av allmänna helgdagar och kalenderintegration. Månadsvis godkännande med PDF." + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: cloudrizon-kimai-mobile-app-android0: description: 'Startskärmen för programmet' diff --git a/_data/tr/store.yml b/_data/tr/store.yml index 953e6ff8b1..218d6ccc5d 100644 --- a/_data/tr/store.yml +++ b/_data/tr/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: title: "Employee account: Working hours, holiday, sickness, public holidays" intro: "Employee management: Working hours & overtime. Vacations, sickness and PTO. Public holiday management and calendar integration. Monthly approvals with PDF." + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: cloudrizon-kimai-mobile-app-android0: description: 'Start screen of the application' diff --git a/_data/uk/store.yml b/_data/uk/store.yml index 5061edf4bb..3bca90816e 100644 --- a/_data/uk/store.yml +++ b/_data/uk/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: title: "Облік співробітників: Робочий час, відпустки, хвороби, святкові дні" intro: "Управління співробітниками: Робочий час і понаднормова робота. Відпустки, хвороби та відгул. Управління святковими днями і інтеграція з календарем. Місячні схвалення з PDF." + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: audit-trail-bundle1: description: Аудиторський журнал може мати такий вигляд, коли кожна зміна буде записана, і Ви можете побачити більше записів на часовій шкалі об'єкта diff --git a/_data/vi/store.yml b/_data/vi/store.yml index e2acb1bc41..9ce3ab8044 100644 --- a/_data/vi/store.yml +++ b/_data/vi/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: title: "Employee account: Working hours, holiday, sickness, public holidays" intro: "Employee management: Working hours & overtime. Vacations, sickness and PTO. Public holiday management and calendar integration. Monthly approvals with PDF." + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: custom-fields-bundle0: description: The listing page shows all available item-types and their configured custom fields diff --git a/_data/zh_Hans/store.yml b/_data/zh_Hans/store.yml index e0197ad067..1a0d00b510 100644 --- a/_data/zh_Hans/store.yml +++ b/_data/zh_Hans/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: title: "Employee account: Working hours, holiday, sickness, public holidays" intro: "Employee management: Working hours & overtime. Vacations, sickness and PTO. Public holiday management and calendar integration. Monthly approvals with PDF." + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: keleo-css-custom-bundle2: description: Timesheet view with activated custom rules to highlight active records and hide overlapping records diff --git a/_data/zh_Hant/store.yml b/_data/zh_Hant/store.yml index 6f32ba5966..77ce87c7c0 100644 --- a/_data/zh_Hant/store.yml +++ b/_data/zh_Hant/store.yml @@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ items: controlling: title: "Employee account: Working hours, holiday, sickness, public holidays" intro: "Employee management: Working hours & overtime. Vacations, sickness and PTO. Public holiday management and calendar integration. Monthly approvals with PDF." + helsinkisystems-lexoffice: + title: Lexoffice Invoice Sync + intro: Whenever an invoice is created in Kimai this pluin automatically creates a Lexoffice invoice. screenshots: cloudrizon-kimai-mobile-app-android0: description: 'Start screen of the application'