All components of KinescopePlayerView
is partially customisable. You can change colors, fonts, sizes using method KinescopePlayerView.setLayout(with config: KinescopePlayerViewConfiguration)
All properties of KinescopePlayerViewConfiguration
have default values included in SDK, so customisation is optional.
You can easily edit these values using builders. For examle to change color of timeline in control panel you can use this code:
playerView.setLayout(with: .builder().setControlPanel(
or you can use predefined configurable configuration accentTimeLineAndPlayButton
to change color of timeline and play button in control panel.
Using these builders you can change any property of KinescopePlayerViewConfiguration
and apply it to player view. To learn about properties more you should read next chapters of this doc.
Options menu is a set of buttons with different actions like AirPlay, Picture in Picture, etc. You can manage this menu by adding or removing some options.
By default, options menu is collapsed, but you can show it by tapping on the options button with dots in the bottom right corner of the player view.
To add some custom option you can use method addOption
with KinescopePlayerOption
enum value.
For example
if let shareIcon = UIImage(systemName: "square.and.arrow.up") {
player?.addCustomPlayerOption(with: CustomPlayerOption.share,
and: shareIcon)
To handle tap on custom option you should implement KinescopePlayerDelegate
protocol and use method player(didSelect option: KinescopePlayerOption)
func player(didSelectCustomOptionWith optionId: AnyHashable, anchoredAt view: UIView) {
guard let option = optionId as? CustomPlayerOption else {
switch option {
case .share:
// your code here
AnchoredView is button which were tapped. You can use it to show popover or action sheet. It's required on iPad applications.
To hide some built-in options which you do not want you can use method disableOptions
with array of options you want to hide.
For example, to hide AirPlay option use this code:
All built-in options are listed in KinescopePlayerOption
Using disableOptions
also can disable custom option if id of this option is equal to previously added option.
value defines how the video is displayed within a layer’s bounds rectangle.
Possible values are resizeAspect
, resizeAspectFill
, resize
(default is resizeAspect
Implementation of service to load posters into imageView.
Set nil
to disable previews.
Default implementation is most simple background loader without any external library usage.
You can replace it with your favorite image loading library with caching and loading cancelation.
Custom indicator view used to indicate process of video downloading.
Default implementation is using native UIActivityIndicatorView
with white color and large style.
Configuration of overlay with tapGesture to play/pause video. This including images, fonts and colors for
- fast forward and rewind buttons
- play and pause buttons
- video title
- live indicator
Set nil
to hide overlay (usefull for videos collection with autoplaying).
Default implementation could be checked in Example project.
Configuration of control panel with timeline, time labels and live indicator.
You can modify textColor, fontSize, colors and sizes of control panel and it's components.
Set nil
to hide control panel.
Default implementation could be checked in Example project.
Configuration of announce view with information of planned time of start for live streams.
Youc can modify textColor, fontSize and icon for announce view.
Default implementation could be checked in Example project.
Configuration for error view with refresh button. Showing on broken livestreams or repeated failed attempts to play video.
You can modify textColor, fontSize and backgroundColor of error overlay and it's components.
Set nil
to hide control panel
Default implementation could be checked in Example project.
Configuration of side menu with setings.
You can modify main side menu and items on secondary menu level.
Default implementation could be checked in Example project.
Configuration of shadow overlay beneath side menu showing on fullscreen mode.
Default implementation could be checked in Example project.
KinescopeServicesProvider includes KinescopeAssetDownloadable which has out-of-box implementation - AssetDownloader. KinescopeAssetDownloadable provides an API to
- download asset(concrete mp4 file)
- control dowloading process via pause/resume/cancel(dequeue)
- delete downloaded asset
- get downloaded assets list and their paths
- handle downloading events(progress, completion, error) via KinescopeAssetDownloadableDelegate
- etc
You can get access to downloader with Kinescope.shared.assetDownloader and call methods from it. To add your delegate use add(delegate: KinescopeAssetDownloadableDelegate) method.
KinescopeAssetDownloadable uses concrete asset id of some video for downloading and future access.
AssetDownloader(out-of-box implementation of KinescopeAssetDownloadable) is based on URLSession for downloading files and uses documents directory on disk for storing downloaded assets, all assets are kept in own directory "KinescopeAssets".
KinescopeServicesProvider includes KinescopeVideoDownloadable which has out-of-box implementation - VideoDownloader. KinescopeVideoDownloadable provides an API to
- download video(hls stream)
- control dowloading process via pause/resume/cancel(dequeue)
- delete downloaded video
- get downloaded video list and their paths
- handle downloading events(progress, completion, error) via KinescopeVideoDownloadableDelegate
- etc
You can get access to downloader with Kinescope.shared.videoDownloader and call methods from it. To add your delegate use add(delegate: KinescopeVideoDownloadableDelegate) method.
KinescopeVideoDownloadable uses video id and its url for downloading and future access.
VideoDownloader(out-of-box implementation of KinescopeAssetDownloadable) is based on AVAssetDownloadURLSession for downloading and UserDefaults for storing paths to downloaded assets.
KinescopeServicesProvider includes KinescopeAttachmentDownloadable which has out-of-box implementation - AttachmentDownloader. KinescopeAttachmentDownloadable provides an API to
- download attachment
- control dowloading process via pause/resume/cancel(dequeue)
- delete downloaded attachment
- get downloaded attachments list and their paths to cache
- handle downloading events(progress, completion, error) via KinescopeAttachmentDownloadableDelegate
- clear all attachments from cache
You can get access to downloader with Kinescope.shared.attachmentDownloader and call methods from it. To add your delegate use add(delegate: KinescopeAttachmentDownloadableDelegate) method.
KinescopeAttachmentDownloadable uses concrete attachment id of some file for downloading and future access.
AttachmentDownloader(out-of-box implementation of KinescopeAssetDownloadable) is based on URLSession for downloading files and used documents directory on disk for storing downloaded files, all attachments are kept in own directory "KinescopeAttachments".
AirPlay lets you share video from Apple devices direct to Apple TV, speakers and popular smart TVs. SDK has out-of-box implementation of AirPlay. Picture in Picture lets you watch a thumbnail-size video play in the corner of your screen while you do other things on your device. As AirPlay, SDK also has out-of-box implementaion of PiP and KinescopePlayer has AVPictureInPictureController delegate methods to handle PiP actions. You should keep strong reference to KinescopePlayer or AVPictureInPictureController in order to keep playing video in PiP.
To implement this features in project, just set your app’s AVAudioSession’s category to AVAudioSession.Category.playback and policy AVAudioSession.RouteSharingPolicy.longForm. To make this features working in background enable "Audio, AirPlay, and Picture in Picture" in Background Modes capability. Also with this capability audio from video will be playing after the app enters background.
Playing DRM protected content is supported by KinescopeSDK out of the box. Decoding of AVAsset with FairPlayStreaming including communication with keyServer is implemented in KinescopePlayer,. You can always change keyServer from KinescopeConfig
if you've setup custom environment, but you will be able to play any content from dashboard without any changes.
KinescopePlayerView supports live streams. It has live indicator and announce view with information of planned time of start.
To add new localization to strings from SDK, add in your project file "KinescopeLocalizable.strings", file should located in main bundle(it is important to multi-modules projects), copy all content from Localizable.strings file, which is located in KinescopeSDK and add new languages or change values of existing ones.
KinescopePlayerView has inbox error handling logic and retry-mechanism. If video is not available or some error occured player will try to retry failed operation 10 times with 5 seconds delay between each attempt. If all attempts failed player will show error overlay with refresh button.
KinescopePlayer automaticaly send analytic events to Kinescope dashboard. You can get access to this events by implementing KinescopeAnalyticsDelegate
protocol and set it like below
Kinescope.shared.setAnalytics(delegate: yourDelegate)
In delegate you can check all playback data which we sending to Kinescope dashboard.
If you want to log only events without playback data, you can intercept them using logger
Kinescope.shared.set(logger: KinescopeDefaultLogger(), levels: [])