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Advanced instructions

Table of Contents

  1. Installation 🐍
  2. Training
  3. Inference


  1. Open a terminal window and run conda create --name your-env-name python=3.11 -y to create the environment (replace your-env-name with a desired name).
  2. Activate the environment with conda activate your-env-name. In the future, you will have to activate the environment anytime you want to use CryoSamba.
  3. Install PyTorch (for CUDA 11.8):
    pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url
  4. Install the remaining libraries:
    pip install tifffile mrcfile easydict loguru tensorboard cupy-cuda11x typer
  5. Navigate to the directory where you want to save the Cryosamba code (via cd /path/to/dir). Then run
git clone

in this directory. If you only have access to a Cryosamba .zip file instead, simply extract it there.


Setup Training

Create a your_train_config.json config file somewhere. Use as default the template below:

  "train_dir": "/path/to/dir/Cryosamba/runs/exp-name/train",
  "data_path": ["/path/to/file/volume.mrc"],
  "train_data": {
    "max_frame_gap": 6,
    "patch_shape": [256, 256],
    "patch_overlap": [16, 16],
    "split_ratio": 0.95,
    "batch_size": 32,
    "num_workers": 4
  "train": {
    "load_ckpt_path": null,
    "print_freq": 100,
    "save_freq": 1000,
    "val_freq": 1000,
    "num_iters": 200000,
    "warmup_iters": 300,
    "mixed_precision": true,
    "compile": false,
    "do_early_stopping": false
  "optimizer": {
    "lr": 2e-4,
    "lr_decay": 0.99995,
    "weight_decay": 0.0001,
    "epsilon": 1e-8,
    "betas": [0.9, 0.999]
  "biflownet": {
    "pyr_dim": 24,
    "pyr_level": 3,
    "corr_radius": 4,
    "kernel_size": 3,
    "warp_type": "soft_splat",
    "padding_mode": "reflect",
    "fix_params": false
  "fusionnet": {
    "num_channels": 16,
    "padding_mode": "reflect",
    "fix_params": false

Explanation of parameters:

  • train_dir: Folder where the checkpoints will be saved (e.g., exp-name/train).
  • data_path: full path to a single (3D) .tif, .mrc or .rec file, or full path to a folder containing a sequence of (2D) .tif files, ordered alphanumerically matching the Z-stack order. You can train on multiple volumes by including the paths as elements of a list.
  • train_data: parameters related to the raw data used for training
    • max_frame_gap: Maximum frame gap used for training (see manuscript). For our data, we used values of 3, 6 and 10 for resolutions of 15.72, 7.86 and 2.62 angstroms/voxel, respectively.
    • patch_shape: X and Y resolution of the patches the model will be trained on (must be a multiple of 32).
    • patch_overlap: overlap (on X and Y) between consecutive patches (see manuscript).
    • split_ratio: train and validation data split ratio. Must be a float between 0 and 1. E.g., 0.95 means that 95% of the data will be assigned for training and 5% for validation.
    • batch_size: Number of data points loaded into the GPU at once.
    • num_workers: Number of simultaneous CPU workers used by the Pytorch Dataloader.
  • train: parameters related to the training routine
    • load_ckpt_path: null to start a training run from scratch, or the path to a (.pt or .pth) model checkpoint if you want to start from a pretrained model.
    • print_freq: frequency of the print statements in number of iterations.
    • save_freq: frequency of model checkpoint saving in number of iterations.
    • val_freq: frequency validation runs in number of iterations.
    • num_iters: Length of the training run (default is 200k iterations).
    • warmup_iters: number of iterations for the learning rate warmu-up.
    • mixed_precision: if true, uses mixed precision training.
    • compile: If true, uses torch.compile for faster training (might lead to errors, and has a few-minutes overhead time before the training iterations).
    • do_early_stopping: If activated, training will be halted if, starting after 20 epochs, the validation loss doesn't decrease for at least 3 consecutive epochs.
  • optimizer: parameters related to the optimization algorithm
    • lr: base learning rate.
    • lr_decay: multiplicative factor for the learning rate decay.
    • weight_decay: weight decay for the AdamW optimizer.
    • epsilon: epsilon for the AdamW optimizer.
    • betas: betas for the AdamW optimizer.
  • biflownet: parameters related to the Bi-Directional Optical Flow module (see manuscript and EBME paper)
    • pyr_dim: base number of channels of the Feature Pyramid and Flow Estimator networks' layers.
    • pyr_level: number of pyramid levels of the Feature Pyramid network.
    • corr_radius: radius of the correlation volume function.
    • kernel_size: kernel size of the biflownet convolutional layers.
    • warp_type: type of Optical Flow warping (soft_splat, avg_splat, fw_splat or backwarp)
    • padding_mode: padding mode of biflownet convolutional layers.
    • fix_params: set to true in order to fix biflownet's weights and disable learning.
  • fusionnet:
    • num_channels: base number of channels of fusionnet layers.
    • padding_mode: padding mode of fusionnet convolutional layers.
    • fix_params: set to true in order to fix fusionnet's weights and disable learning.

Recommended folder structure for each experiment:

├── train
└── inference

Running a training session may overwrite the exp-name/train folder but won't affect exp-name/inference, and vice versa.

Run Training

  1. In the terminal, run nvidia-smi to check available GPUs. For example, if you have 8 GPUs they will be numbered from 0 to 7.
  2. To train on GPUs 0 and 1, go to the CryoSamba folder and run:
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 torchrun --standalone --nproc_per_node=2 --config path/to/your_train_config.json
    Adjust --nproc_per_node to change the number of GPUs. Use --seed 1234 for reproducibility.
  3. To interrupt training, press CTRL + C. You can resume training or start from scratch if prompted.

Training will run until the maximum number of iterations is reached. However, training and validation losses might converge/stabilize before that, at which point you can safely halt the process and save time and money on your electricity bill. In order to monitor the losses' progress you can: 1) see the logs printed on your screen, 2) see the runtime.log file inside your training folder, or 3) visualize their plots with TensorBoard.

The output of the training run will be checkpoint files containing the trained model weights. There is no denoised data output at this point yet. You can used the trained model weights to run inference on your data and then get the denoised outputs.

Visualization with TensorBoard

  1. Open a terminal window inside a graphical interface (e.g., a regular desktop computer, Chrome Remote Desktop, XDesk).
  2. Activate the environment and run:
    tensorboard --logdir path/to/exp-name/train
  3. In a browser, open localhost:6006.
  4. Use the slider under SCALARS to smooth noisy plots.


Setup Inference

Create a your_inference_config.json config file somewhere. Use as default the template below:

    "train_dir": "/path/to/dir/Cryosamba/runs/exp-name/train",
    "data_path": "/path/to/file/volume.mrc",
    "inference_dir": "/path/to/dir/Cryosamba/runs/exp-name/inference",
    "inference_data": {
        "max_frame_gap": 12,
        "patch_shape": [256, 256],
        "patch_overlap": [16, 16],
        "batch_size": 32,
        "num_workers": 4
    "inference": {
        "output_format": "same",
        "load_ckpt_name": null,
        "pyr_level": 3,
        "TTA": true,
        "mixed_precision": true,
        "compile": true

Explanation of parameters:

  • train_dir: Folder from which the checkpoints will be loaded.
  • data_path: full path to a single (3D) .tif, .mrc or .rec file, or full path to a folder containing a sequence of (2D) .tif files, ordered alphanumerically matching the Z-stack order.
  • inference_dir: Folder where the denoised data will be saved (e.g., exp-name/inference).
  • inference_data: parameters related to the raw data used for inference
    • max_frame_gap: maximum frame gap used for inference (see manuscript). For our data, we used values of 6, 12 and 20 for resolutions of 15.72, 7.86 and 2.62 angstroms/voxel, respectively.
    • patch_shape: X and Y resolution of the patches the model will be trained on (must be a multiple of 32).
    • patch_overlap: overlap (on X and Y) between consecutive patches (see manuscript).
    • batch_size: Number of data points loaded into the GPU at once.
    • num_workers: Number of simultaneous CPU workers used by the Pytorch Dataloader.
  • inference: parameters related to the inference routine
    • output_format: "same" to save the denoised result in the same format as the input raw data. Otherwise, specify either "tif_file", "mrc_file", "rec_file" or "tif_sequence".
    • load_ckpt_path: null to load model weights from train-dir/, otherwise use the path for a custom model checkpoint.
    • pyr_level: number of pyramid levels of the Feature Pyramid network of the biflownet.
    • TTA: if true, uses Test-Time Augmentation (see manuscript), for slightly better results at the cost of longer inference times.
    • mixed_precision: if true, uses mixed precision training.
    • compile: If true, uses torch.compile for faster inference (might lead to errors, and has a few-minutes overhead time before the inference iterations).

Run Inference

  1. In the terminal, run nvidia-smi to check available GPUs. For example, if you have 8 GPUs they will be numbered from 0 to 7.
  2. To run inference on GPUs 0 and 1, go to the CryoSamba folder and run:
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 torchrun --standalone --nproc_per_node=2 --config path/to/your_inference_config.json
    Adjust --nproc_per_node to change the number of GPUs. Use --seed 1234 for reproducibility.
  3. To interrupt inference, press CTRL + C. You can resume or start from scratch if prompted.
  4. The final denoised volume will be located at /path/to/dir/runs/exp-name/inference. It will be either a file named result.tif, result.mrc, result.rec or a folder named result.

You can simply open the final denoised volume in your preferred data visualization/processing software and check how it looks like.