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One-to-many variant of ULTRA
This framework contains C++ code for ULTRA-PHAST, an algorithmic approach for fast answering of one-to-all and one-to-many queries in public transit networks with a secondary transportation mode (e.g., walking or taxis). It was developed at KIT in the group of Prof. Dorothea Wagner.
This framework contains code for the ULTRA preprocessing step (i.e., contraction hierarchies and shortcut computation) as well as two query algorithms (UP-RAPTOR and UP-CSA). Each of the major components of the framework can be used/tested separately using one of the programs in the Runnables
takes the public transit network and computes the core-CH required for the ULTRA preprocessingComputeShortcuts
takes the public transit network as well as the core-CH and computes the ULTRA shortcutsBuildCH
takes the transfer graph and computes the CH required in the query phase for initial/final transfersRunRAPTORQueriesToBall
takes the public transit network, shortcuts, and CH and performs UP-RAPTOR experiments, with the target set randomly chosen from a ballRunRAPTORQueriesToStops
takes the public transit network, shortcuts, and CH and performs UP-RAPTOR experiments, with a target set of all stopsRunRAPTORQueriesToVertices
takes the public transit network, shortcuts, and CH and performs UP-RAPTOR experiments, with a target set of all verticesRunCSAQueriesToBall
takes the public transit network, shortcuts, and CH and performs UP-CSA experiments, with the target set randomly chosen from a ballRunCSAQueriesToStops
takes the public transit network, shortcuts, and CH and performs UP-CSA experiments, with a target set of all stopsRunCSAQueriesToVertices
takes the public transit network, shortcuts, and CH and performs UP-CSA experiments, with a target set of all vertices
The Makefile
located in the Runnables
folder contains instructions for building all of the above programs. Simply edit the top part of the Makefile to adjust the compiler and flags available to you and run make
All of the above programs use a custom binary format for loading the public transit network as well as the transfer graph. As an example we provide the public transit network of Switzerland together with a transfer graph extracted from OpenStreetMap in the appropriate binary format at
The algorithms in this framework are based on the following publications:
- PHAST: Hardware-Accelerated Shortest Path Trees Daniel Delling, Andrew V Goldberg, Andreas Nowatzyk, Renato F Werneck In: Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 73(7):940–952, 2013 pdf
- UnLimited TRAnsfers for Multi-Modal Route Planning: An Efficient Solution Moritz Baum, Valentin Buchhold, Jonas Sauer, Dorothea Wagner, Tobias Zündorf In: Proceedings of the 27th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'19), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, pages 14:1–14:16, 2019 pdf arXiv
- An Efficient Solution for One-to-Many Multi-Modal Journey Planning Jonas Sauer, Dorothea Wagner, Tobias Zündorf To appear in: 20th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2020), 2020