This is a description of the minimum functionality required for a useful product - the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). The MVP will be the first official release of the atlas.
Two types of 'users' are mentioned below: admins and users. Admins are people who fork this GitHub project and configure it to create an atlas website for other people - their users - to use.
- Config option for admins to set the background colour for the website banner.
- Config option for admins to set the website banner text.
- Config option for admins to set the colour of the website banner text.
- Config option for admins to set set a logo for the website banner.
- Config option to allow admins to add html and/or markdown pages (to be accessed from) a menu displayed on the website banner.
- A taxon selector that enables users to switch between taxa.
- Map resolution selector. Allows user to switch between different map resolutions: hectad (10 km), quadrant (5 km), tetrad (2 km) or monad (1 km). Config options for admins to specify what resolutions are available. If the admin only specifies one resolution, do not show the resolution selector to users.
- Config option to allow admins to specify whether atlas dots are shown as circles or squares or if a control should be presented to allow user to change.
- Config option to allow admins to specify the opacity of atlas dots or to specify that a control should be presented to allow user to change.
- Config option to allow admins to specify the colour of atlas dots for standard map display.
- A map type selector which provides different views of the dot map. Possible map types are: dots coloured to indicate record number; dots coloured to indicate temporal bands (as used on the iRecord species details map). Config options for admins to specify what map types are available to users.
- Other controls - to be displayed conditionally - required for the operation of additional map types (e.g. those for specifying temporal bands).
- A classic atlas overview map.
- Config option for admins to specify the maximum height of the overview map.
- Config option for admins to specify atlas area as a Vice County boundary (Britain or Ireland). These boundaries supplied with the core software.
- Config options for admins to specify atlas area as a country boundary (Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, England, Wales). Default is GB and Ireland.
- Config option for admins to specify whether or not a hectad grid is to be show with a VC boundary or a 100 km grid with a country boundary. These grids supplied with the core software.
- Config options for admins to specify a buffer around the atlas area boundary.
- Config option for admins to specify how Channel Islands and Northern Isles are displayed for GB and Ireland view.
- Config options for admins to set the colour of land areas, sea areas, boundary line, grid lines abd inset boxes.
- Config options for admins to set the width of boundary lines and grid lines.
- Config options for admins to set the style of grid lines.
- Config option for admins to specify an add-hoc atlas area by uploading a geojson boundary file.
- Config option for admins to specify an add-hoc atlas grid by uploading a geojson file.
- Config option for admins to specify a geo-referenced raster image to act as a basemap for the atlas overview.
- A download button to allow users to download an image of the currently displayed overview map. Config options to allow admins to specify whether or not to show this button.
- Zoomable map for users to explore the mapped data in more detail.
- Config option for admins to specify whether or not to show the zoomable map.
- Config option for admins to specify the height of the zoomable map.
- Config option for admins to indicate whether to show country or vice-county boundaries on map
- Ability for admins to add html or markdown pages for each taxon which will be displayed on info tab when user selects taxon.
- Config option for admins to specify whether or not to show the info pages.
- A config option for admins to indicate which of the two temporal charts to include.
- A config option for admins to indicate a year range for the Records by year chart.
- Config option for admins to specify the height of the temporal charts.
- Config option for admins to specify whether or not to show the temporal charts.
- An image gallery to show images associated with each taxon.
- Config options for admins to specify images and captions and associate with a taxon.
- Config option for admins to specify whether or not to show the gallery.
- Utility for admins to generate map files from a CSV of records.
- Utility for admins to generate map files from a CSV of records.
- Utility for admins to generate temporal data files from a CSV of records.
- Utility for admins to generate taxon list from a CSV of records.
- Utility for admins to generate taxon information stubs fro a CSV of records.
- Detailed documentation to take an admin through the process of setting up an atlas website. This will be implemented as a series of readme files in this repository.
- Technical documentation explaining the architecture of the website - aimed at coders developing or maintaining site functionality.
Note any development issues here.