- Audio
- All 4 DACs connected to the Raspberry Pi now output the same volume.
- Web App
- Improved mDNS/zeroconf service advertisement (will help with mobile apps currently under development).
- Simplified initial configuration.
- Renamed the Shairport stream to AirPlay.
- Added link to community forums.
- Documentation:
- Added better web app documentation and updated examples.
- Improved high-level hardware diagrams and updated them to match the shipped hardware.
- Added new hardware schematics and changelogs.
- Updater:
- Show up-to-date status.
- Update directly from releases on Github.
- Programs latest firmware.
- Hardware
- Updated to Preamp Board firmware 1.4: support linear voltage fan control on new hardware.
- Auto-add new zones if a new Expansion Unit is detected.
- Web App
- Added stream/input, zone, and group configuration interface.
- Added load/save configuration (and hw reset).
- Automated Plex account connection/authorization.
- Added mDNS/zeroconf advertisement for amplipi-api service.
- Streams
- Added Spotify Metadata using Vollibrespot.
- Added FMRadio stream (requires USB Receiver).
- Added album art endpoint for rendering custom album art sizes (/api/sources/{sid}/image/{height}).
- Moved stream.info to source.info so analog inputs have info as well.
- Added endpoint for PA Style Announcements (api/announce).
- Hardware
- Updated schematics and hardware info for developer units.
- Added production and built in tests.
- Updated to Preamp Board firmware 1.3: added PWM fan control for new hardware.