# XT from Image
This document explains how to Extracts `xt` from an image using the DiffAE model.
## Extracting xt from an Image
from PIL import Image
import torch
from torchvision.transforms import functional as VF
from templates import ffhq256_autoenc, LitModel
device = 'cuda'
conf = ffhq256_autoenc()
model = LitModel(conf)
# Load Image
img = Image.open('example.jpg').resize((256, 256)).convert('RGB')
# Convert to Tensor
x = VF.to_tensor(img).unsqueeze(0).to(device)
# Encode
xt = model.encode_stochastic(x, cond, T=250)
## Expected Output
- The variable `xt` different timesteps contains progressively noisier representations of the image.