diff --git a/galois.go b/galois.go index 466ced2..9b36395 100644 --- a/galois.go +++ b/galois.go @@ -910,10 +910,10 @@ func galExp(a byte, n int) byte { return expTable[uint8(logResult)] } -func genAvx2Matrix(matrixRows [][]byte, inputs, inIdx, outputs int, dst []byte) []byte { - // if !avx2CodeGen { - // panic("codegen not enabled") - // } +func genCodeGenMatrix(matrixRows [][]byte, inputs, inIdx, outputs int, dst []byte) []byte { + if !codeGen { + panic("codegen not enabled") + } total := inputs * outputs // Duplicated in+out @@ -942,7 +942,7 @@ func genAvx2Matrix(matrixRows [][]byte, inputs, inIdx, outputs int, dst []byte) var gf2p811dMulMatrices = [256]uint64{0, 0x102040810204080, 0x8001828488102040, 0x8103868c983060c0, 0x408041c2c4881020, 0x418245cad4a850a0, 0xc081c3464c983060, 0xc183c74e5cb870e0, 0x2040a061e2c48810, 0x2142a469f2e4c890, 0xa04122e56ad4a850, 0xa14326ed7af4e8d0, 0x60c0e1a3264c9830, 0x61c2e5ab366cd8b0, 0xe0c16327ae5cb870, 0xe1c3672fbe7cf8f0, 0x102050b071e2c488, 0x112254b861c28408, 0x9021d234f9f2e4c8, 0x9123d63ce9d2a448, 0x50a01172b56ad4a8, 0x51a2157aa54a9428, 0xd0a193f63d7af4e8, 0xd1a397fe2d5ab468, 0x3060f0d193264c98, 0x3162f4d983060c18, 0xb06172551b366cd8, 0xb163765d0b162c58, 0x70e0b11357ae5cb8, 0x71e2b51b478e1c38, 0xf0e13397dfbe7cf8, 0xf1e3379fcf9e3c78, 0x8810a8d83871e2c4, 0x8912acd02851a244, 0x8112a5cb061c284, 0x9132e54a0418204, 0xc890e91afcf9f2e4, 0xc992ed12ecd9b264, 0x48916b9e74e9d2a4, 0x49936f9664c99224, 0xa85008b9dab56ad4, 0xa9520cb1ca952a54, 0x28518a3d52a54a94, 0x29538e3542850a14, 0xe8d0497b1e3d7af4, 0xe9d24d730e1d3a74, 0x68d1cbff962d5ab4, 0x69d3cff7860d1a34, 0x9830f8684993264c, 0x9932fc6059b366cc, 0x18317aecc183060c, 0x19337ee4d1a3468c, 0xd8b0b9aa8d1b366c, 0xd9b2bda29d3b76ec, 0x58b13b2e050b162c, 0x59b33f26152b56ac, 0xb8705809ab57ae5c, 0xb9725c01bb77eedc, 0x3871da8d23478e1c, 0x3973de853367ce9c, 0xf8f019cb6fdfbe7c, 0xf9f21dc37ffffefc, 0x78f19b4fe7cf9e3c, 0x79f39f47f7efdebc, 0xc488d46c1c3871e2, 0xc58ad0640c183162, 0x448956e8942851a2, 0x458b52e084081122, 0x840895aed8b061c2, 0x850a91a6c8902142, 0x409172a50a04182, 0x50b132240800102, 0xe4c8740dfefcf9f2, 0xe5ca7005eedcb972, 0x64c9f68976ecd9b2, 0x65cbf28166cc9932, 0xa44835cf3a74e9d2, 0xa54a31c72a54a952, 0x2449b74bb264c992, 0x254bb343a2448912, 0xd4a884dc6ddab56a, 0xd5aa80d47dfaf5ea, 0x54a90658e5ca952a, 0x55ab0250f5ead5aa, 0x9428c51ea952a54a, 0x952ac116b972e5ca, 0x1429479a2142850a, 0x152b43923162c58a, 0xf4e824bd8f1e3d7a, 0xf5ea20b59f3e7dfa, 0x74e9a639070e1d3a, 0x75eba231172e5dba, 0xb468657f4b962d5a, 0xb56a61775bb66dda, 0x3469e7fbc3860d1a, 0x356be3f3d3a64d9a, 0x4c987cb424499326, 0x4d9a78bc3469d3a6, 0xcc99fe30ac59b366, 0xcd9bfa38bc79f3e6, 0xc183d76e0c18306, 0xd1a397ef0e1c386, 0x8c19bff268d1a346, 0x8d1bbbfa78f1e3c6, 0x6cd8dcd5c68d1b36, 0x6ddad8ddd6ad5bb6, 0xecd95e514e9d3b76, 0xeddb5a595ebd7bf6, 0x2c589d1702050b16, 0x2d5a991f12254b96, 0xac591f938a152b56, 0xad5b1b9b9a356bd6, 0x5cb82c0455ab57ae, 0x5dba280c458b172e, 0xdcb9ae80ddbb77ee, 0xddbbaa88cd9b376e, 0x1c386dc69123478e, 0x1d3a69ce8103070e, 0x9c39ef42193367ce, 0x9d3beb4a0913274e, 0x7cf88c65b76fdfbe, 0x7dfa886da74f9f3e, 0xfcf90ee13f7ffffe, 0xfdfb0ae92f5fbf7e, 0x3c78cda773e7cf9e, 0x3d7ac9af63c78f1e, 0xbc794f23fbf7efde, 0xbd7b4b2bebd7af5e, 0xe2c46a368e1c3871, 0xe3c66e3e9e3c78f1, 0x62c5e8b2060c1831, 0x63c7ecba162c58b1, 0xa2442bf44a942851, 0xa3462ffc5ab468d1, 0x2245a970c2840811, 0x2347ad78d2a44891, 0xc284ca576cd8b061, 0xc386ce5f7cf8f0e1, 0x428548d3e4c89021, 0x43874cdbf4e8d0a1, 0x82048b95a850a041, 0x83068f9db870e0c1, 0x205091120408001, 0x3070d193060c081, 0xf2e43a86fffefcf9, 0xf3e63e8eefdebc79, 0x72e5b80277eedcb9, 0x73e7bc0a67ce9c39, 0xb2647b443b76ecd9, 0xb3667f4c2b56ac59, 0x3265f9c0b366cc99, 0x3367fdc8a3468c19, 0xd2a49ae71d3a74e9, 0xd3a69eef0d1a3469, 0x52a51863952a54a9, 0x53a71c6b850a1429, 0x9224db25d9b264c9, 0x9326df2dc9922449, 0x122559a151a24489, 0x13275da941820409, 0x6ad4c2eeb66ddab5, 0x6bd6c6e6a64d9a35, 0xead5406a3e7dfaf5, 0xebd744622e5dba75, 0x2a54832c72e5ca95, 0x2b56872462c58a15, 0xaa5501a8faf5ead5, 0xab5705a0ead5aa55, 0x4a94628f54a952a5, 0x4b96668744891225, 0xca95e00bdcb972e5, 0xcb97e403cc993265, 0xa14234d90214285, 0xb16274580010205, 0x8a15a1c9183162c5, 0x8b17a5c108112245, 0x7af4925ec78f1e3d, 0x7bf69656d7af5ebd, 0xfaf510da4f9f3e7d, 0xfbf714d25fbf7efd, 0x3a74d39c03070e1d, 0x3b76d79413274e9d, 0xba7551188b172e5d, 0xbb7755109b376edd, 0x5ab4323f254b962d, 0x5bb63637356bd6ad, 0xdab5b0bbad5bb66d, 0xdbb7b4b3bd7bf6ed, 0x1a3473fde1c3860d, 0x1b3677f5f1e3c68d, 0x9a35f17969d3a64d, 0x9b37f57179f3e6cd, 0x264cbe5a92244993, 0x274eba5282040913, 0xa64d3cde1a3469d3, 0xa74f38d60a142953, 0x66ccff9856ac59b3, 0x67cefb90468c1933, 0xe6cd7d1cdebc79f3, 0xe7cf7914ce9c3973, 0x60c1e3b70e0c183, 0x70e1a3360c08103, 0x860d9cbff8f0e1c3, 0x870f98b7e8d0a143, 0x468c5ff9b468d1a3, 0x478e5bf1a4489123, 0xc68ddd7d3c78f1e3, 0xc78fd9752c58b163, 0x366ceeeae3c68d1b, 0x376eeae2f3e6cd9b, 0xb66d6c6e6bd6ad5b, 0xb76f68667bf6eddb, 0x76ecaf28274e9d3b, 0x77eeab20376eddbb, 0xf6ed2dacaf5ebd7b, 0xf7ef29a4bf7efdfb, 0x162c4e8b0102050b, 0x172e4a831122458b, 0x962dcc0f8912254b, 0x972fc807993265cb, 0x56ac0f49c58a152b, 0x57ae0b41d5aa55ab, 0xd6ad8dcd4d9a356b, 0xd7af89c55dba75eb, 0xae5c1682aa55ab57, 0xaf5e128aba75ebd7, 0x2e5d940622458b17, 0x2f5f900e3265cb97, 0xeedc57406eddbb77, 0xefde53487efdfbf7, 0x6eddd5c4e6cd9b37, 0x6fdfd1ccf6eddbb7, 0x8e1cb6e348912347, 0x8f1eb2eb58b163c7, 0xe1d3467c0810307, 0xf1f306fd0a14387, 0xce9cf7218c193367, 0xcf9ef3299c3973e7, 0x4e9d75a504091327, 0x4f9f71ad142953a7, 0xbe7c4632dbb76fdf, 0xbf7e423acb972f5f, 0x3e7dc4b653a74f9f, 0x3f7fc0be43870f1f, 0xfefc07f01f3f7fff, 0xfffe03f80f1f3f7f, 0x7efd8574972f5fbf, 0x7fff817c870f1f3f, 0x9e3ce6533973e7cf, 0x9f3ee25b2953a74f, 0x1e3d64d7b163c78f, 0x1f3f60dfa143870f, 0xdebca791fdfbf7ef, 0xdfbea399eddbb76f, 0x5ebd251575ebd7af, 0x5fbf211d65cb972f} func genGFNIMatrix(matrixRows [][]byte, inputs, inIdx, outputs int, dst []uint64) []uint64 { - if !avx2CodeGen { + if !codeGen { panic("codegen not enabled") } total := inputs * outputs diff --git a/galois_amd64_test.go b/galois_amd64_test.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..55094be --- /dev/null +++ b/galois_amd64_test.go @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +// Copyright 2015, Klaus Post, see LICENSE for details. + +package reedsolomon + +import ( + "testing" +) + +func TestGenGalois(t *testing.T) { + if defaultOptions.useAVX2 { + testGenGaloisUpto10x10(t, galMulSlicesAvx2, galMulSlicesAvx2Xor) + } +} diff --git a/galois_arm64.go b/galois_arm64.go index 1e63646..8ef402b 100644 --- a/galois_arm64.go +++ b/galois_arm64.go @@ -5,10 +5,6 @@ package reedsolomon -import ( - "fmt" -) - const pshufb = true //go:noescape @@ -53,163 +49,6 @@ func galMulSliceXor(c byte, in, out []byte, o *options) { } } -// galMulSlicesSve -func galMulSlicesSve(matrix []byte, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int { - n := stop - start - - // fmt.Println(len(in), len(out)) - switch len(out) { - case 1: - mulSve_10x1_64(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 63) - case 2: - mulSve_10x2_64(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 63) - case 3: - mulSve_10x3_64(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 63) - case 4: - mulSve_10x4(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 31) - case 5: - mulSve_10x5(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 31) - case 6: - mulSve_10x6(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 31) - case 7: - mulSve_10x7(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 31) - case 8: - mulSve_10x8(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 31) - case 9: - mulSve_10x9(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 31) - case 10: - mulSve_10x10(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 31) - } - panic(fmt.Sprintf("ARM SVE: unhandled size: %dx%d", len(in), len(out))) -} - -// galMulSlicesSveXor -func galMulSlicesSveXor(matrix []byte, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int { - n := (stop - start) - - switch len(out) { - case 1: - mulSve_10x1_64Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 63) - case 2: - mulSve_10x2_64Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 63) - case 3: - mulSve_10x3_64Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 63) - case 4: - mulSve_10x4Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 31) - case 5: - mulSve_10x5Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 31) - case 6: - mulSve_10x6Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 31) - case 7: - mulSve_10x7Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 31) - case 8: - mulSve_10x8Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 31) - case 9: - mulSve_10x9Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 31) - case 10: - mulSve_10x10Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 31) - } - panic(fmt.Sprintf("ARM SVE: unhandled size: %dx%d", len(in), len(out))) -} - -// galMulSlicesNeon -func galMulSlicesNeon(matrix []byte, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int { - n := stop - start - - switch len(out) { - case 1: - mulNeon_10x1_64(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 63) - case 2: - mulNeon_10x2_64(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 63) - case 3: - mulNeon_10x3_64(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 63) - case 4: - mulNeon_10x4(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 31) - case 5: - mulNeon_10x5(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 31) - case 6: - mulNeon_10x6(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 31) - case 7: - mulNeon_10x7(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 31) - case 8: - mulNeon_10x8(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 31) - case 9: - mulNeon_10x9(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 31) - case 10: - mulNeon_10x10(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 31) - } - panic(fmt.Sprintf("ARM NEON: unhandled size: %dx%d", len(in), len(out))) -} - -// galMulSlicesNeonXor -func galMulSlicesNeonXor(matrix []byte, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int { - n := (stop - start) - - switch len(out) { - case 1: - mulNeon_10x1_64Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 63) - case 2: - mulNeon_10x2_64Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 63) - case 3: - mulNeon_10x3_64Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 63) - case 4: - mulNeon_10x4Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 31) - case 5: - mulNeon_10x5Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 31) - case 6: - mulNeon_10x6Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 31) - case 7: - mulNeon_10x7Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 31) - case 8: - mulNeon_10x8Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 31) - case 9: - mulNeon_10x9Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 31) - case 10: - mulNeon_10x10Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) - return n & (maxInt - 31) - } - panic(fmt.Sprintf("ARM NEON: unhandled size: %dx%d", len(in), len(out))) -} - // 4-way butterfly func ifftDIT4(work [][]byte, dist int, log_m01, log_m23, log_m02 ffe, o *options) { ifftDIT4Ref(work, dist, log_m01, log_m23, log_m02, o) diff --git a/galois_arm64_test.go b/galois_arm64_test.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dd27bb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/galois_arm64_test.go @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +// Copyright 2015, Klaus Post, see LICENSE for details. +// Copyright 2024, Minio, Inc. + +package reedsolomon + +import ( + "testing" +) + +func TestGenGalois(t *testing.T) { + if defaultOptions.useSVE { + testGenGaloisUpto10x10(t, galMulSlicesSve, galMulSlicesSveXor) + } + if defaultOptions.useNEON { + testGenGaloisUpto10x10(t, galMulSlicesNeon, galMulSlicesNeonXor) + } +} diff --git a/galois_gen_none.go b/galois_gen_none.go index 1bb268a..20323f0 100644 --- a/galois_gen_none.go +++ b/galois_gen_none.go @@ -1,19 +1,17 @@ -//go:build !amd64 || noasm || appengine || gccgo || nogen +//go:build !(amd64 || arm64) || noasm || appengine || gccgo || nogen package reedsolomon -const maxAvx2Inputs = 1 -const maxAvx2Outputs = 1 -const minAvx2Size = 1 -const avxSizeMask = 0 -const avx2CodeGen = false +const ( + codeGen = false + codeGenMaxGoroutines = 8 + codeGenMaxInputs = 1 + codeGenMaxOutputs = 1 + minCodeGenSize = 1 +) -func galMulSlicesAvx2(matrix []byte, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int { - panic("codegen not available") -} - -func galMulSlicesAvx2Xor(matrix []byte, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int { - panic("codegen not available") +func (r *reedSolomon) hasCodeGen(_ int, _, _ int) (_, _ *func(matrix []byte, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int, ok bool) { + return nil, nil, false } func galMulSlicesGFNI(matrix []uint64, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int { diff --git a/galois_gen_switch_amd64.go b/galois_gen_switch_amd64.go index 429e2c2..2826a12 100644 --- a/galois_gen_switch_amd64.go +++ b/galois_gen_switch_amd64.go @@ -10,12 +10,20 @@ import ( ) const ( - avx2CodeGen = true - maxAvx2Inputs = 10 - maxAvx2Outputs = 10 - minAvx2Size = 64 + codeGen = true + codeGenMaxGoroutines = 8 + codeGenMaxInputs = 10 + codeGenMaxOutputs = 10 + minCodeGenSize = 64 ) +func (r *reedSolomon) hasCodeGen(byteCount int, inputs, outputs int) (_, _ *func(matrix []byte, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int, ok bool) { + f, fXor := galMulSlicesAvx2, galMulSlicesAvx2Xor + return &f, &fXor, codeGen && pshufb && r.o.useAVX2 && + byteCount >= codeGenMinSize && inputs+outputs >= codeGenMinShards && + inputs <= codeGenMaxInputs && outputs <= codeGenMaxOutputs +} + func galMulSlicesAvx2(matrix []byte, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int { n := stop - start diff --git a/galois_gen_switch_arm64.go b/galois_gen_switch_arm64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e912a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/galois_gen_switch_arm64.go @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ +//go:build !appengine && !noasm && gc && !nogen && !nopshufb +// +build !appengine,!noasm,gc,!nogen,!nopshufb + +package reedsolomon + +import ( + "fmt" +) + +const ( + codeGen = true + codeGenMaxGoroutines = 16 + codeGenMaxInputs = 10 + codeGenMaxOutputs = 10 + minCodeGenSize = 64 +) + +func (r *reedSolomon) hasCodeGen(byteCount int, inputs, outputs int) (_, _ *func(matrix []byte, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int, ok bool) { + if r.o.useSVE { + f, fXor := galMulSlicesSve, galMulSlicesSveXor + return &f, &fXor, codeGen && pshufb && + byteCount >= codeGenMinSize && inputs+outputs >= codeGenMinShards && + inputs <= codeGenMaxInputs && outputs <= codeGenMaxOutputs + } + f, fXor := galMulSlicesNeon, galMulSlicesNeonXor + return &f, &fXor, codeGen && pshufb && r.o.useNEON && + byteCount >= codeGenMinSize && inputs+outputs >= codeGenMinShards && + inputs <= codeGenMaxInputs && outputs <= codeGenMaxOutputs +} + +// galMulSlicesSve +func galMulSlicesSve(matrix []byte, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int { + n := stop - start + + // fmt.Println(len(in), len(out)) + switch len(out) { + case 1: + mulSve_10x1_64(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 63) + case 2: + mulSve_10x2_64(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 63) + case 3: + mulSve_10x3_64(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 63) + case 4: + mulSve_10x4(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 31) + case 5: + mulSve_10x5(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 31) + case 6: + mulSve_10x6(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 31) + case 7: + mulSve_10x7(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 31) + case 8: + mulSve_10x8(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 31) + case 9: + mulSve_10x9(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 31) + case 10: + mulSve_10x10(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 31) + } + panic(fmt.Sprintf("ARM SVE: unhandled size: %dx%d", len(in), len(out))) +} + +// galMulSlicesSveXor +func galMulSlicesSveXor(matrix []byte, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int { + n := (stop - start) + + switch len(out) { + case 1: + mulSve_10x1_64Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 63) + case 2: + mulSve_10x2_64Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 63) + case 3: + mulSve_10x3_64Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 63) + case 4: + mulSve_10x4Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 31) + case 5: + mulSve_10x5Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 31) + case 6: + mulSve_10x6Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 31) + case 7: + mulSve_10x7Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 31) + case 8: + mulSve_10x8Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 31) + case 9: + mulSve_10x9Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 31) + case 10: + mulSve_10x10Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 31) + } + panic(fmt.Sprintf("ARM SVE: unhandled size: %dx%d", len(in), len(out))) +} + +// galMulSlicesNeon +func galMulSlicesNeon(matrix []byte, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int { + n := stop - start + + switch len(out) { + case 1: + mulNeon_10x1_64(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 63) + case 2: + mulNeon_10x2_64(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 63) + case 3: + mulNeon_10x3_64(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 63) + case 4: + mulNeon_10x4(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 31) + case 5: + mulNeon_10x5(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 31) + case 6: + mulNeon_10x6(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 31) + case 7: + mulNeon_10x7(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 31) + case 8: + mulNeon_10x8(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 31) + case 9: + mulNeon_10x9(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 31) + case 10: + mulNeon_10x10(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 31) + } + panic(fmt.Sprintf("ARM NEON: unhandled size: %dx%d", len(in), len(out))) +} + +// galMulSlicesNeonXor +func galMulSlicesNeonXor(matrix []byte, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int { + n := (stop - start) + + switch len(out) { + case 1: + mulNeon_10x1_64Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 63) + case 2: + mulNeon_10x2_64Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 63) + case 3: + mulNeon_10x3_64Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 63) + case 4: + mulNeon_10x4Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 31) + case 5: + mulNeon_10x5Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 31) + case 6: + mulNeon_10x6Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 31) + case 7: + mulNeon_10x7Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 31) + case 8: + mulNeon_10x8Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 31) + case 9: + mulNeon_10x9Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 31) + case 10: + mulNeon_10x10Xor(matrix, in, out, start, n) + return n & (maxInt - 31) + } + panic(fmt.Sprintf("ARM NEON: unhandled size: %dx%d", len(in), len(out))) +} + +func galMulSlicesGFNI(matrix []uint64, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int { + panic("codegen not available") +} + +func galMulSlicesGFNIXor(matrix []uint64, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int { + panic("codegen not available") +} + +func galMulSlicesAvxGFNI(matrix []uint64, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int { + panic("codegen not available") +} + +func galMulSlicesAvxGFNIXor(matrix []uint64, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int { + panic("codegen not available") +} diff --git a/galois_gen_switch_nopshufb_amd64.go b/galois_gen_switch_nopshufb_amd64.go index 1ba08b5..d23bca1 100644 --- a/galois_gen_switch_nopshufb_amd64.go +++ b/galois_gen_switch_nopshufb_amd64.go @@ -10,14 +10,15 @@ import ( ) const ( - avx2CodeGen = true - maxAvx2Inputs = 10 - maxAvx2Outputs = 10 - minAvx2Size = 64 + codeGen = true + codeGenMaxInputs = 10 + codeGenMinOutputs = 10 + minCodeGenSize = 64 ) -func galMulSlicesAvx2(matrix []byte, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int { panic(`no pshufb`) } -func galMulSlicesAvx2Xor(matrix []byte, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int { panic(`no pshufb`) } +func (r *reedSolomon) hasCodeGen(byteCount int, inputs, outputs int) (_, _ *func(matrix []byte, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int, ok bool) { + return nil, nil, false // no code generation for generic case (only GFNI cases) +} func galMulSlicesGFNI(matrix []uint64, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int { n := (stop - start) & (maxInt - (64 - 1)) @@ -1370,3 +1371,19 @@ func galMulSlicesAvxGFNIXor(matrix []uint64, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) } panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled size: %dx%d", len(in), len(out))) } + +func galMulSlicesSve(matrix []byte, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int { + panic("codegen not available") +} + +func galMulSlicesSveXor(matrix []byte, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int { + panic("codegen not available") +} + +func galMulSlicesNeon(matrix []byte, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int { + panic("codegen not available") +} + +func galMulSlicesNeonXor(matrix []byte, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int { + panic("codegen not available") +} diff --git a/galois_test.go b/galois_test.go index d0aea69..580b216 100644 --- a/galois_test.go +++ b/galois_test.go @@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ func testGenGalois(t *testing.T, matrixRows [][]byte, size, start, stop int, f f } } - m := genAvx2Matrix(matrixRows, len(inputs), 0, len(outputs), nil) + m := genCodeGenMatrix(matrixRows, len(inputs), 0, len(outputs), nil) end := start + f(m, inputs, outputs, start, stop) if end != stop { @@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ func testGenGaloisXor(t *testing.T, matrixRows [][]byte, size, start, stop int, } } - m := genAvx2Matrix(matrixRows, len(inputs), 0, len(outputs), nil) + m := genCodeGenMatrix(matrixRows, len(inputs), 0, len(outputs), nil) end := start + f(m, inputs, outputs, start, stop) if end != stop { @@ -363,54 +363,42 @@ func testGenGaloisEarlyAbort(t *testing.T, matrixRows [][]byte, size int, f func } } -func TestGenGalois(t *testing.T) { +func testGenGaloisUpto10x10(t *testing.T, f, fXor func(matrix []byte, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int) { - testUpto10x10 := func(f func(matrix []byte, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int, - fXor func(matrix []byte, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int) { - - for output := 1; output <= 10; output++ { - for input := 1; input <= 10; input++ { - matrixRows := make([][]byte, input) - for i := range matrixRows { - matrixRows[i] = make([]byte, output) - for j := range matrixRows[i] { - matrixRows[i][j] = byte(mathrand.Intn(16)) - } + for output := 1; output <= codeGenMaxOutputs; output++ { + for input := 1; input <= codeGenMaxInputs; input++ { + matrixRows := make([][]byte, input) + for i := range matrixRows { + matrixRows[i] = make([]byte, output) + for j := range matrixRows[i] { + matrixRows[i][j] = byte(mathrand.Intn(16)) } + } - size, stepsize := 32, 32 - if input <= 3 { - size, stepsize = 64, 64 // 3x? are all _64 versions - } + size, stepsize := 32, 32 + if input <= 3 { + size, stepsize = 64, 64 // 3x? are all _64 versions + } - // test early abort - testGenGaloisEarlyAbort(t, matrixRows, size-1, f) - testGenGaloisEarlyAbort(t, matrixRows, size-1, fXor) - const limit = 1024 - for ; size < limit; size += stepsize { - // test full range - testGenGalois(t, matrixRows, size, 0, size, f) - testGenGaloisXor(t, matrixRows, size, 0, size, fXor) - - if size >= stepsize*2 && size < limit-stepsize*2 { - start := stepsize - stop := size - start - // test partial range - testGenGalois(t, matrixRows, size, start, stop, f) - testGenGaloisXor(t, matrixRows, size, start, stop, fXor) - } + // test early abort + testGenGaloisEarlyAbort(t, matrixRows, size-1, f) + testGenGaloisEarlyAbort(t, matrixRows, size-1, fXor) + const limit = 1024 + for ; size < limit; size += stepsize { + // test full range + testGenGalois(t, matrixRows, size, 0, size, f) + testGenGaloisXor(t, matrixRows, size, 0, size, fXor) + + if size >= stepsize*2 && size < limit-stepsize*2 { + start := stepsize + stop := size - start + // test partial range + testGenGalois(t, matrixRows, size, start, stop, f) + testGenGaloisXor(t, matrixRows, size, start, stop, fXor) } } } } - - testSVE, testNEON := false, true - if testSVE { - testUpto10x10(galMulSlicesSve, galMulSlicesSveXor) - } - if testNEON { - testUpto10x10(galMulSlicesNeon, galMulSlicesNeonXor) - } } func benchmarkGalois(b *testing.B, size int) { diff --git a/options.go b/options.go index 73cc7d6..377137e 100644 --- a/options.go +++ b/options.go @@ -21,7 +21,9 @@ type options struct { useAVX512, useAVX2, useSSSE3, - useSSE2 bool + useSSE2, + useNEON, + useSVE bool useJerasureMatrix bool usePAR1Matrix bool @@ -51,6 +53,8 @@ var defaultOptions = options{ useAVX512: cpuid.CPU.Supports(cpuid.AVX512F, cpuid.AVX512BW, cpuid.AVX512VL), useAvx512GFNI: cpuid.CPU.Supports(cpuid.AVX512F, cpuid.GFNI, cpuid.AVX512DQ), useAvxGNFI: cpuid.CPU.Supports(cpuid.AVX, cpuid.GFNI), + useNEON: cpuid.CPU.Supports(cpuid.ASIMD), + useSVE: cpuid.CPU.Supports(cpuid.SVE), } // leopardMode controls the use of leopard GF in encoding and decoding. @@ -316,6 +320,11 @@ func (o *options) cpuOptions() string { if o.useAvxGNFI { res = append(res, "AVX+GFNI") } + if o.useSVE { + res = append(res, "ARM+SVE") + } else if o.useNEON { + res = append(res, "ARM+NEON") + } if len(res) == 0 { return "pure Go" } diff --git a/reedsolomon.go b/reedsolomon.go index bebba04..3a8d7d3 100644 --- a/reedsolomon.go +++ b/reedsolomon.go @@ -153,9 +153,8 @@ type Extensions interface { } const ( - avx2CodeGenMinSize = 64 - avx2CodeGenMinShards = 3 - avx2CodeGenMaxGoroutines = 8 + codeGenMinSize = 64 + codeGenMinShards = 3 gfniCodeGenMaxGoroutines = 4 intSize = 32 << (^uint(0) >> 63) // 32 or 64 @@ -482,21 +481,23 @@ func New(dataShards, parityShards int, opts ...Option) (Encoder, error) { r.o.perRound = 128 << 10 } + _, _, useCodeGen := r.hasCodeGen(codeGenMinSize, codeGenMaxInputs, codeGenMaxOutputs) + divide := parityShards + 1 - if avx2CodeGen && r.o.useAVX2 && (dataShards > maxAvx2Inputs || parityShards > maxAvx2Outputs) { + if codeGen && useCodeGen && (dataShards > codeGenMaxInputs || parityShards > codeGenMaxOutputs) { // Base on L1 cache if we have many inputs. r.o.perRound = cpuid.CPU.Cache.L1D if r.o.perRound < 32<<10 { r.o.perRound = 32 << 10 } divide = 0 - if dataShards > maxAvx2Inputs { - divide += maxAvx2Inputs + if dataShards > codeGenMaxInputs { + divide += codeGenMaxInputs } else { divide += dataShards } - if parityShards > maxAvx2Inputs { - divide += maxAvx2Outputs + if parityShards > codeGenMaxInputs { + divide += codeGenMaxOutputs } else { divide += parityShards } @@ -555,11 +556,11 @@ func New(dataShards, parityShards int, opts ...Option) (Encoder, error) { // Generated AVX2 does not need data to stay in L1 cache between runs. // We will be purely limited by RAM speed. - if r.canAVX2C(avx2CodeGenMinSize, maxAvx2Inputs, maxAvx2Outputs) && r.o.maxGoroutines > avx2CodeGenMaxGoroutines { - r.o.maxGoroutines = avx2CodeGenMaxGoroutines + if useCodeGen && r.o.maxGoroutines > codeGenMaxGoroutines { + r.o.maxGoroutines = codeGenMaxGoroutines } - if r.canGFNI(avx2CodeGenMinSize, maxAvx2Inputs, maxAvx2Outputs) && r.o.maxGoroutines > gfniCodeGenMaxGoroutines { + if r.canGFNI(codeGenMinSize, codeGenMaxInputs, codeGenMaxOutputs) && r.o.maxGoroutines > gfniCodeGenMaxGoroutines { r.o.maxGoroutines = gfniCodeGenMaxGoroutines } @@ -577,7 +578,7 @@ func New(dataShards, parityShards int, opts ...Option) (Encoder, error) { r.parity[i] = r.m[dataShards+i] } - if avx2CodeGen && r.o.useAVX2 { + if codeGen && useCodeGen { sz := r.dataShards * r.parityShards * 2 * 32 r.mPool.New = func() interface{} { return AllocAligned(1, sz)[0] @@ -653,7 +654,7 @@ func (r *reedSolomon) EncodeIdx(dataShard []byte, idx int, parity [][]byte) erro return ErrShardSize } - if avx2CodeGen && len(dataShard) >= r.o.perRound && len(parity) >= avx2CodeGenMinShards && ((pshufb && r.o.useAVX2) || r.o.useAvx512GFNI || r.o.useAvxGNFI) { + if codeGen && len(dataShard) >= r.o.perRound && len(parity) >= codeGenMinShards && (pshufb || r.o.useAvx512GFNI || r.o.useAvxGNFI) { m := make([][]byte, r.parityShards) for iRow := range m { m[iRow] = r.parity[iRow][idx : idx+1] @@ -661,7 +662,7 @@ func (r *reedSolomon) EncodeIdx(dataShard []byte, idx int, parity [][]byte) erro if r.o.useAvx512GFNI || r.o.useAvxGNFI { r.codeSomeShardsGFNI(m, [][]byte{dataShard}, parity, len(dataShard), false) } else { - r.codeSomeShardsAVXP(m, [][]byte{dataShard}, parity, len(dataShard), false) + r.codeSomeShardsAVXP(m, [][]byte{dataShard}, parity, len(dataShard), false, nil, nil) } return nil } @@ -803,16 +804,10 @@ func (r *reedSolomon) Verify(shards [][]byte) (bool, error) { return r.checkSomeShards(r.parity, shards[:r.dataShards], toCheck[:r.parityShards], len(shards[0])), nil } -func (r *reedSolomon) canAVX2C(byteCount int, inputs, outputs int) bool { - return avx2CodeGen && pshufb && r.o.useAVX2 && - byteCount >= avx2CodeGenMinSize && inputs+outputs >= avx2CodeGenMinShards && - inputs <= maxAvx2Inputs && outputs <= maxAvx2Outputs -} - func (r *reedSolomon) canGFNI(byteCount int, inputs, outputs int) bool { - return avx2CodeGen && (r.o.useAvx512GFNI || r.o.useAvxGNFI) && - byteCount >= avx2CodeGenMinSize && inputs+outputs >= avx2CodeGenMinShards && - inputs <= maxAvx2Inputs && outputs <= maxAvx2Outputs + return codeGen && (r.o.useAvx512GFNI || r.o.useAvxGNFI) && + byteCount >= codeGenMinSize && inputs+outputs >= codeGenMinShards && + inputs <= codeGenMaxInputs && outputs <= codeGenMaxOutputs } // Multiplies a subset of rows from a coding matrix by a full set of @@ -839,7 +834,7 @@ func (r *reedSolomon) codeSomeShards(matrixRows, inputs, outputs [][]byte, byteC end = len(inputs[0]) } if r.canGFNI(byteCount, len(inputs), len(outputs)) { - var gfni [maxAvx2Inputs * maxAvx2Outputs]uint64 + var gfni [codeGenMaxInputs * codeGenMaxOutputs]uint64 m := genGFNIMatrix(matrixRows, len(inputs), 0, len(outputs), gfni[:]) if r.o.useAvx512GFNI { start += galMulSlicesGFNI(m, inputs, outputs, 0, byteCount) @@ -847,13 +842,13 @@ func (r *reedSolomon) codeSomeShards(matrixRows, inputs, outputs [][]byte, byteC start += galMulSlicesAvxGFNI(m, inputs, outputs, 0, byteCount) } end = len(inputs[0]) - } else if r.canAVX2C(byteCount, len(inputs), len(outputs)) { - m := genAvx2Matrix(matrixRows, len(inputs), 0, len(outputs), r.getTmpSlice()) - start += galMulSlicesAvx2(m, inputs, outputs, 0, byteCount) + } else if galMulGen, _, ok := r.hasCodeGen(byteCount, len(inputs), len(outputs)); ok { + m := genCodeGenMatrix(matrixRows, len(inputs), 0, len(outputs), r.getTmpSlice()) + start += (*galMulGen)(m, inputs, outputs, 0, byteCount) r.putTmpSlice(m) end = len(inputs[0]) - } else if len(inputs)+len(outputs) > avx2CodeGenMinShards && r.canAVX2C(byteCount, maxAvx2Inputs, maxAvx2Outputs) { - var gfni [maxAvx2Inputs * maxAvx2Outputs]uint64 + } else if galMulGen, galMulGenXor, ok := r.hasCodeGen(byteCount, codeGenMaxInputs, codeGenMaxOutputs); len(inputs)+len(outputs) > codeGenMinShards && ok { + var gfni [codeGenMaxInputs * codeGenMaxOutputs]uint64 end = len(inputs[0]) inIdx := 0 m := r.getTmpSlice() @@ -861,15 +856,15 @@ func (r *reedSolomon) codeSomeShards(matrixRows, inputs, outputs [][]byte, byteC ins := inputs for len(ins) > 0 { inPer := ins - if len(inPer) > maxAvx2Inputs { - inPer = inPer[:maxAvx2Inputs] + if len(inPer) > codeGenMaxInputs { + inPer = inPer[:codeGenMaxInputs] } outs := outputs outIdx := 0 for len(outs) > 0 { outPer := outs - if len(outPer) > maxAvx2Outputs { - outPer = outPer[:maxAvx2Outputs] + if len(outPer) > codeGenMaxOutputs { + outPer = outPer[:codeGenMaxOutputs] } if r.o.useAvx512GFNI { m := genGFNIMatrix(matrixRows[outIdx:], len(inPer), inIdx, len(outPer), gfni[:]) @@ -886,11 +881,11 @@ func (r *reedSolomon) codeSomeShards(matrixRows, inputs, outputs [][]byte, byteC start = galMulSlicesAvxGFNIXor(m, inPer, outPer, 0, byteCount) } } else { - m = genAvx2Matrix(matrixRows[outIdx:], len(inPer), inIdx, len(outPer), m) + m = genCodeGenMatrix(matrixRows[outIdx:], len(inPer), inIdx, len(outPer), m) if inIdx == 0 { - start = galMulSlicesAvx2(m, inPer, outPer, 0, byteCount) + start = (*galMulGen)(m, inPer, outPer, 0, byteCount) } else { - start = galMulSlicesAvx2Xor(m, inPer, outPer, 0, byteCount) + start = (*galMulGenXor)(m, inPer, outPer, 0, byteCount) } } outIdx += len(outPer) @@ -928,27 +923,27 @@ func (r *reedSolomon) codeSomeShardsP(matrixRows, inputs, outputs [][]byte, byte var wg sync.WaitGroup gor := r.o.maxGoroutines - var avx2Matrix []byte + var genMatrix []byte var gfniMatrix []uint64 - useAvx2 := r.canAVX2C(byteCount, len(inputs), len(outputs)) + galMulGen, _, useCodeGen := r.hasCodeGen(byteCount, len(inputs), len(outputs)) useGFNI := r.canGFNI(byteCount, len(inputs), len(outputs)) if useGFNI { - var tmp [maxAvx2Inputs * maxAvx2Outputs]uint64 + var tmp [codeGenMaxInputs * codeGenMaxOutputs]uint64 gfniMatrix = genGFNIMatrix(matrixRows, len(inputs), 0, len(outputs), tmp[:]) - } else if useAvx2 { - avx2Matrix = genAvx2Matrix(matrixRows, len(inputs), 0, len(outputs), r.getTmpSlice()) - defer r.putTmpSlice(avx2Matrix) - } else if (r.o.useAvx512GFNI || r.o.useAvxGNFI) && byteCount < 10<<20 && len(inputs)+len(outputs) > avx2CodeGenMinShards && - r.canGFNI(byteCount/4, maxAvx2Inputs, maxAvx2Outputs) { + } else if useCodeGen { + genMatrix = genCodeGenMatrix(matrixRows, len(inputs), 0, len(outputs), r.getTmpSlice()) + defer r.putTmpSlice(genMatrix) + } else if (r.o.useAvx512GFNI || r.o.useAvxGNFI) && byteCount < 10<<20 && len(inputs)+len(outputs) > codeGenMinShards && + r.canGFNI(byteCount/4, codeGenMaxInputs, codeGenMaxOutputs) { // It appears there is a switchover point at around 10MB where // Regular processing is faster... r.codeSomeShardsGFNI(matrixRows, inputs, outputs, byteCount, true) return - } else if r.o.useAVX2 && byteCount < 10<<20 && len(inputs)+len(outputs) > avx2CodeGenMinShards && - r.canAVX2C(byteCount/4, maxAvx2Inputs, maxAvx2Outputs) { + } else if galMulGen, galMulGenXor, ok := r.hasCodeGen(byteCount/4, codeGenMaxInputs, codeGenMaxOutputs); ok && + byteCount < 10<<20 && len(inputs)+len(outputs) > codeGenMinShards { // It appears there is a switchover point at around 10MB where // Regular processing is faster... - r.codeSomeShardsAVXP(matrixRows, inputs, outputs, byteCount, true) + r.codeSomeShardsAVXP(matrixRows, inputs, outputs, byteCount, true, galMulGen, galMulGenXor) return } @@ -965,8 +960,8 @@ func (r *reedSolomon) codeSomeShardsP(matrixRows, inputs, outputs [][]byte, byte } else { start += galMulSlicesAvxGFNI(gfniMatrix, inputs, outputs, start, stop) } - } else if useAvx2 { - start += galMulSlicesAvx2(avx2Matrix, inputs, outputs, start, stop) + } else if useCodeGen { + start += (*galMulGen)(genMatrix, inputs, outputs, start, stop) } } @@ -1017,7 +1012,7 @@ func (r *reedSolomon) codeSomeShardsP(matrixRows, inputs, outputs [][]byte, byte // Perform the same as codeSomeShards, but split the workload into // several goroutines. // If clear is set, the first write will overwrite the output. -func (r *reedSolomon) codeSomeShardsAVXP(matrixRows, inputs, outputs [][]byte, byteCount int, clear bool) { +func (r *reedSolomon) codeSomeShardsAVXP(matrixRows, inputs, outputs [][]byte, byteCount int, clear bool, galMulGen, galMulGenXor *func(matrix []byte, in [][]byte, out [][]byte, start int, stop int) int) { var wg sync.WaitGroup gor := r.o.maxGoroutines @@ -1028,7 +1023,7 @@ func (r *reedSolomon) codeSomeShardsAVXP(matrixRows, inputs, outputs [][]byte, b first bool } // Make a plan... - plan := make([]state, 0, ((len(inputs)+maxAvx2Inputs-1)/maxAvx2Inputs)*((len(outputs)+maxAvx2Outputs-1)/maxAvx2Outputs)) + plan := make([]state, 0, ((len(inputs)+codeGenMaxInputs-1)/codeGenMaxInputs)*((len(outputs)+codeGenMaxOutputs-1)/codeGenMaxOutputs)) tmp := r.getTmpSlice() defer r.putTmpSlice(tmp) @@ -1040,18 +1035,18 @@ func (r *reedSolomon) codeSomeShardsAVXP(matrixRows, inputs, outputs [][]byte, b ins := inputs for len(ins) > 0 { inPer := ins - if len(inPer) > maxAvx2Inputs { - inPer = inPer[:maxAvx2Inputs] + if len(inPer) > codeGenMaxInputs { + inPer = inPer[:codeGenMaxInputs] } outs := outputs outIdx := 0 for len(outs) > 0 { outPer := outs - if len(outPer) > maxAvx2Outputs { - outPer = outPer[:maxAvx2Outputs] + if len(outPer) > codeGenMaxOutputs { + outPer = outPer[:codeGenMaxOutputs] } // Generate local matrix - m := genAvx2Matrix(matrixRows[outIdx:], len(inPer), inIdx, len(outPer), tmp) + m := genCodeGenMatrix(matrixRows[outIdx:], len(inPer), inIdx, len(outPer), tmp) tmp = tmp[len(m):] plan = append(plan, state{ input: inPer, @@ -1070,19 +1065,19 @@ func (r *reedSolomon) codeSomeShardsAVXP(matrixRows, inputs, outputs [][]byte, b outIdx := 0 for len(outs) > 0 { outPer := outs - if len(outPer) > maxAvx2Outputs { - outPer = outPer[:maxAvx2Outputs] + if len(outPer) > codeGenMaxOutputs { + outPer = outPer[:codeGenMaxOutputs] } inIdx := 0 ins := inputs for len(ins) > 0 { inPer := ins - if len(inPer) > maxAvx2Inputs { - inPer = inPer[:maxAvx2Inputs] + if len(inPer) > codeGenMaxInputs { + inPer = inPer[:codeGenMaxInputs] } // Generate local matrix - m := genAvx2Matrix(matrixRows[outIdx:], len(inPer), inIdx, len(outPer), tmp) + m := genCodeGenMatrix(matrixRows[outIdx:], len(inPer), inIdx, len(outPer), tmp) tmp = tmp[len(m):] //fmt.Println("bytes:", len(inPer)*r.o.perRound, "out:", len(outPer)*r.o.perRound) plan = append(plan, state{ @@ -1111,14 +1106,14 @@ func (r *reedSolomon) codeSomeShardsAVXP(matrixRows, inputs, outputs [][]byte, b lstop = stop } for lstart < stop { - if lstop-lstart >= minAvx2Size { + if galMulGen != nil && galMulGenXor != nil && lstop-lstart >= minCodeGenSize { // Execute plan... var n int for _, p := range plan { if p.first { - n = galMulSlicesAvx2(p.m, p.input, p.output, lstart, lstop) + n = (*galMulGen)(p.m, p.input, p.output, lstart, lstop) } else { - n = galMulSlicesAvx2Xor(p.m, p.input, p.output, lstart, lstop) + n = (*galMulGenXor)(p.m, p.input, p.output, lstart, lstop) } } lstart += n @@ -1183,7 +1178,7 @@ func (r *reedSolomon) codeSomeShardsGFNI(matrixRows, inputs, outputs [][]byte, b first bool } // Make a plan... - plan := make([]state, 0, ((len(inputs)+maxAvx2Inputs-1)/maxAvx2Inputs)*((len(outputs)+maxAvx2Outputs-1)/maxAvx2Outputs)) + plan := make([]state, 0, ((len(inputs)+codeGenMaxInputs-1)/codeGenMaxInputs)*((len(outputs)+codeGenMaxOutputs-1)/codeGenMaxOutputs)) // Flips between input first to output first. // We put the smallest data load in the inner loop. @@ -1192,15 +1187,15 @@ func (r *reedSolomon) codeSomeShardsGFNI(matrixRows, inputs, outputs [][]byte, b ins := inputs for len(ins) > 0 { inPer := ins - if len(inPer) > maxAvx2Inputs { - inPer = inPer[:maxAvx2Inputs] + if len(inPer) > codeGenMaxInputs { + inPer = inPer[:codeGenMaxInputs] } outs := outputs outIdx := 0 for len(outs) > 0 { outPer := outs - if len(outPer) > maxAvx2Outputs { - outPer = outPer[:maxAvx2Outputs] + if len(outPer) > codeGenMaxOutputs { + outPer = outPer[:codeGenMaxOutputs] } // Generate local matrix m := genGFNIMatrix(matrixRows[outIdx:], len(inPer), inIdx, len(outPer), make([]uint64, len(inPer)*len(outPer))) @@ -1221,16 +1216,16 @@ func (r *reedSolomon) codeSomeShardsGFNI(matrixRows, inputs, outputs [][]byte, b outIdx := 0 for len(outs) > 0 { outPer := outs - if len(outPer) > maxAvx2Outputs { - outPer = outPer[:maxAvx2Outputs] + if len(outPer) > codeGenMaxOutputs { + outPer = outPer[:codeGenMaxOutputs] } inIdx := 0 ins := inputs for len(ins) > 0 { inPer := ins - if len(inPer) > maxAvx2Inputs { - inPer = inPer[:maxAvx2Inputs] + if len(inPer) > codeGenMaxInputs { + inPer = inPer[:codeGenMaxInputs] } // Generate local matrix m := genGFNIMatrix(matrixRows[outIdx:], len(inPer), inIdx, len(outPer), make([]uint64, len(inPer)*len(outPer))) @@ -1261,7 +1256,7 @@ func (r *reedSolomon) codeSomeShardsGFNI(matrixRows, inputs, outputs [][]byte, b lstop = stop } for lstart < stop { - if lstop-lstart >= minAvx2Size { + if lstop-lstart >= minCodeGenSize { // Execute plan... var n int if r.o.useAvx512GFNI {