diff --git a/.github/workflows/test-ruby.yml b/.github/workflows/test-ruby.yml
index ff135867f932be..ecded2cc2fa67e 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/test-ruby.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/test-ruby.yml
@@ -250,3 +250,116 @@ jobs:
           name: e2e-screenshots
           path: tmp/screenshots/
+  test-search:
+    name: Testing search
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    needs:
+      - build
+    services:
+      postgres:
+        image: postgres:14-alpine
+        env:
+          POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres
+          POSTGRES_USER: postgres
+        options: >-
+          --health-cmd pg_isready
+          --health-interval 10s
+          --health-timeout 5s
+          --health-retries 5
+        ports:
+          - 5432:5432
+      redis:
+        image: redis:7-alpine
+        options: >-
+          --health-cmd "redis-cli ping"
+          --health-interval 10s
+          --health-timeout 5s
+          --health-retries 5
+        ports:
+          - 6379:6379
+      elasticsearch:
+        image: docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:7.17.9
+        env:
+          discovery.type: single-node
+          xpack.security.enabled: false
+        options: >-
+          --health-cmd "curl http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health"
+          --health-interval 10s
+          --health-timeout 5s
+          --health-retries 10
+        ports:
+          - 9200:9200
+    env:
+      DB_HOST: localhost
+      DB_USER: postgres
+      DB_PASS: postgres
+      RAILS_ENV: test
+      BUNDLE_WITH: test
+      ES_ENABLED: true
+      ES_HOST: localhost
+      ES_PORT: 9200
+    strategy:
+      fail-fast: false
+      matrix:
+        ruby-version:
+          - '3.0'
+          - '3.1'
+          - '.ruby-version'
+    steps:
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+      - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
+        with:
+          path: './public'
+          name: ${{ github.sha }}
+      - name: Update package index
+        run: sudo apt-get update
+      - name: Set up Node.js
+        uses: actions/setup-node@v3
+        with:
+          cache: yarn
+          node-version-file: '.nvmrc'
+      - name: Install native Ruby dependencies
+        run: sudo apt-get install -y libicu-dev libidn11-dev
+      - name: Install additional system dependencies
+        run: sudo apt-get install -y ffmpeg imagemagick
+      - name: Set up bundler cache
+        uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1
+        with:
+          ruby-version: ${{ matrix.ruby-version}}
+          bundler-cache: true
+      - run: yarn --frozen-lockfile
+      - name: Load database schema
+        run: './bin/rails db:create db:schema:load db:seed'
+      - run: bundle exec rake spec:search
+      - name: Archive logs
+        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
+        if: failure()
+        with:
+          name: test-search-logs-${{ matrix.ruby-version }}
+          path: log/
+      - name: Archive test screenshots
+        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
+        if: failure()
+        with:
+          name: test-search-screenshots
+          path: tmp/screenshots/
diff --git a/Vagrantfile b/Vagrantfile
index 1117d62fff2cf1..4303f8e067c23f 100644
--- a/Vagrantfile
+++ b/Vagrantfile
@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ path.logs: /var/log/elasticsearch
 http.port: 9200
 discovery.seed_hosts: ["localhost"]
-cluster.initial_master_nodes: ["node-1"]' > /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
+cluster.initial_master_nodes: ["node-1"]
+xpack.security.enabled: false' > /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
 sudo systemctl restart elasticsearch
diff --git a/lib/tasks/spec.rake b/lib/tasks/spec.rake
index 8f2cbeea358a75..ec4cd39bf4ce55 100644
--- a/lib/tasks/spec.rake
+++ b/lib/tasks/spec.rake
@@ -9,3 +9,13 @@ if Rake::Task.task_defined?('spec:system')
   Rake::Task['spec:system'].enhance ['spec:enable_system_specs']
+if Rake::Task.task_defined?('spec:search')
+  namespace :spec do
+    task :enable_search_specs do # rubocop:disable Rails/RakeEnvironment
+      ENV['RUN_SEARCH_SPECS'] = 'true'
+    end
+  end
+  Rake::Task['spec:search'].enhance ['spec:enable_search_specs']
diff --git a/spec/rails_helper.rb b/spec/rails_helper.rb
index d4ff79c51c9b51..7b8dccb6a0b34c 100644
--- a/spec/rails_helper.rb
+++ b/spec/rails_helper.rb
@@ -4,11 +4,17 @@
 # This needs to be defined before Rails is initialized
   ENV['STREAMING_API_BASE_URL'] = "http://localhost:#{STREAMING_PORT}"
+  # Include any configuration or setups specific to search tests here
 require File.expand_path('../config/environment', __dir__)
 abort('The Rails environment is running in production mode!') if Rails.env.production?
@@ -30,6 +36,7 @@
 # System tests config
 DatabaseCleaner.strategy = [:deletion]
 streaming_server_manager = StreamingServerManager.new
+search_data_manager = SearchDataManager.new
 Devise::Test::ControllerHelpers.module_eval do
   alias_method :original_sign_in, :sign_in
@@ -69,7 +76,14 @@ def get(path, headers: nil, sign_with: nil, **args)
 RSpec.configure do |config|
   # This is set before running spec:system, see lib/tasks/tests.rake
-  config.filter_run_excluding type: :system unless RUN_SYSTEM_SPECS
+  config.filter_run_excluding type: lambda { |type|
+    case type
+    when :system
+    when :search
+    end
+  }
   config.fixture_path = Rails.root.join('spec', 'fixtures')
   config.use_transactional_fixtures = true
   config.order = 'random'
@@ -113,10 +127,17 @@ def get(path, headers: nil, sign_with: nil, **args)
       streaming_server_manager.start(port: STREAMING_PORT)
+      Chewy.strategy(:urgent)
+      search_data_manager.prepare_test_data
+    end
   config.after :suite do
+    search_data_manager.cleanup_test_data if RUN_SEARCH_SPECS
   config.around :each, type: :system do |example|
@@ -137,6 +158,12 @@ def get(path, headers: nil, sign_with: nil, **args)
     self.use_transactional_tests = true
+  config.around :each, type: :search do |example|
+    search_data_manager.populate_indexes
+    example.run
+    search_data_manager.remove_indexes
+  end
   config.before(:each) do |example|
     unless example.metadata[:paperclip_processing]
       allow_any_instance_of(Paperclip::Attachment).to receive(:post_process).and_return(true) # rubocop:disable RSpec/AnyInstance
diff --git a/spec/search/models/concerns/account_search_spec.rb b/spec/search/models/concerns/account_search_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..65e1e4de1c9289
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/search/models/concerns/account_search_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'rails_helper'
+describe AccountSearch do
+  describe 'a non-discoverable account becoming discoverable' do
+    let(:account) { Account.find_by(username: 'search_test_account_1') }
+    context 'when picking a non-discoverable account' do
+      it 'its bio is not in the AccountsIndex' do
+        results = AccountsIndex.filter(term: { username: account.username })
+        expect(results.count).to eq(1)
+        expect(results.first.text).to be_nil
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when the non-discoverable account becomes discoverable' do
+      it 'its bio is added to the AccountsIndex' do
+        account.discoverable = true
+        account.save!
+        results = AccountsIndex.filter(term: { username: account.username })
+        expect(results.count).to eq(1)
+        expect(results.first.text).to eq(account.note)
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'a discoverable account becoming non-discoverable' do
+    let(:account) { Account.find_by(username: 'search_test_account_0') }
+    context 'when picking an discoverable account' do
+      it 'has its bio in the AccountsIndex' do
+        results = AccountsIndex.filter(term: { username: account.username })
+        expect(results.count).to eq(1)
+        expect(results.first.text).to eq(account.note)
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when the discoverable account becomes non-discoverable' do
+      it 'its bio is removed from the AccountsIndex' do
+        account.discoverable = false
+        account.save!
+        results = AccountsIndex.filter(term: { username: account.username })
+        expect(results.count).to eq(1)
+        expect(results.first.text).to be_nil
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/spec/search/models/concerns/account_statuses_search_spec.rb b/spec/search/models/concerns/account_statuses_search_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..d35cfa56392760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/search/models/concerns/account_statuses_search_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'rails_helper'
+describe AccountStatusesSearch do
+  describe 'a non-indexable account becoming indexable' do
+    let(:account) { Account.find_by(username: 'search_test_account_1') }
+    context 'when picking a non-indexable account' do
+      it 'has no statuses in the PublicStatusesIndex' do
+        expect(PublicStatusesIndex.filter(term: { account_id: account.id }).count).to eq(0)
+      end
+      it 'has statuses in the StatusesIndex' do
+        expect(StatusesIndex.filter(term: { account_id: account.id }).count).to eq(account.statuses.count)
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when the non-indexable account becomes indexable' do
+      it 'adds the public statuses to the PublicStatusesIndex' do
+        account.indexable = true
+        account.save!
+        expect(PublicStatusesIndex.filter(term: { account_id: account.id }).count).to eq(account.statuses.where(visibility: :public).count)
+        expect(StatusesIndex.filter(term: { account_id: account.id }).count).to eq(account.statuses.count)
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'an indexable account becoming non-indexable' do
+    let(:account) { Account.find_by(username: 'search_test_account_0') }
+    context 'when picking an indexable account' do
+      it 'has statuses in the PublicStatusesIndex' do
+        expect(PublicStatusesIndex.filter(term: { account_id: account.id }).count).to eq(account.statuses.where(visibility: :public).count)
+      end
+      it 'has statuses in the StatusesIndex' do
+        expect(StatusesIndex.filter(term: { account_id: account.id }).count).to eq(account.statuses.count)
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when the indexable account becomes non-indexable' do
+      it 'removes the statuses from the PublicStatusesIndex' do
+        account.indexable = false
+        account.save!
+        expect(PublicStatusesIndex.filter(term: { account_id: account.id }).count).to eq(0)
+        expect(StatusesIndex.filter(term: { account_id: account.id }).count).to eq(account.statuses.count)
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/spec/spec_helper.rb b/spec/spec_helper.rb
index dcbcad48e6f462..b4c20545f541a1 100644
--- a/spec/spec_helper.rb
+++ b/spec/spec_helper.rb
@@ -129,3 +129,45 @@ def stop
+class SearchDataManager
+  def prepare_test_data
+    4.times do |i|
+      username = "search_test_account_#{i}"
+      account = Fabricate.create(:account, username: username, indexable: i.even?, discoverable: i.even?, note: "Lover of #{i}.")
+      2.times do |j|
+        Fabricate.create(:status, account: account, text: "#{username}'s #{j} post", visibility: j.even? ? :public : :private)
+      end
+    end
+    3.times do |i|
+      Fabricate.create(:tag, name: "search_test_tag_#{i}")
+    end
+  end
+  def indexes
+    [
+      AccountsIndex,
+      PublicStatusesIndex,
+      StatusesIndex,
+      TagsIndex,
+    ]
+  end
+  def populate_indexes
+    indexes.each do |index_class|
+      index_class.purge!
+      index_class.import!
+    end
+  end
+  def remove_indexes
+    indexes.each(&:delete!)
+  end
+  def cleanup_test_data
+    Status.destroy_all
+    Account.destroy_all
+    Tag.destroy_all
+  end