diff --git a/kobo/apps/hook/constants.py b/kobo/apps/hook/constants.py
index 00998fc333..7b84fa03bb 100644
--- a/kobo/apps/hook/constants.py
+++ b/kobo/apps/hook/constants.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # coding: utf-8
 from enum import Enum
+from rest_framework import status
@@ -16,3 +17,11 @@ class HookLogStatus(Enum):
+# Status codes that trigger a retry
+    # status.HTTP_429_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS,
+    status.HTTP_502_BAD_GATEWAY,
+    status.HTTP_504_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT,
diff --git a/kobo/apps/hook/exceptions.py b/kobo/apps/hook/exceptions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1997f47c2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kobo/apps/hook/exceptions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+class HookRemoteServerDownError(Exception):
+    pass
diff --git a/kobo/apps/hook/models/hook_log.py b/kobo/apps/hook/models/hook_log.py
index 51c1a8a2f9..00ecd429e0 100644
--- a/kobo/apps/hook/models/hook_log.py
+++ b/kobo/apps/hook/models/hook_log.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-# coding: utf-8
 from datetime import timedelta
 import constance
@@ -17,38 +16,43 @@
 class HookLog(models.Model):
-    hook = models.ForeignKey("Hook", related_name="logs", on_delete=models.CASCADE)
+    hook = models.ForeignKey(
+        "Hook", related_name="logs", on_delete=models.CASCADE
+    )
     uid = KpiUidField(uid_prefix="hl")
-    submission_id = models.IntegerField(default=0, db_index=True)  # `KoBoCAT.logger.Instance.id`
+    submission_id = models.IntegerField(  # `KoboCAT.logger.Instance.id`
+        default=0, db_index=True
+    )
     tries = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(default=0)
     status = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(
         choices=[[e.value, e.name.title()] for e in HookLogStatus],
-        default=HookLogStatus.PENDING.value
+        default=HookLogStatus.PENDING.value,
     )  # Could use status_code, but will speed-up queries
-    status_code = models.IntegerField(default=KOBO_INTERNAL_ERROR_STATUS_CODE, null=True, blank=True)
+    status_code = models.IntegerField(
+        default=KOBO_INTERNAL_ERROR_STATUS_CODE, null=True, blank=True
+    )
     message = models.TextField(default="")
     date_created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
     date_modified = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
     class Meta:
-        ordering = ["-date_created"]
+        ordering = ['-date_created']
+    @property
     def can_retry(self) -> bool:
         Return whether instance can be resent to external endpoint.
         Notice: even if False is returned, `self.retry()` can be triggered.
         if self.hook.active:
-            seconds = HookLog.get_elapsed_seconds(
-                constance.config.HOOK_MAX_RETRIES
-            )
-            threshold = timezone.now() - timedelta(seconds=seconds)
-            # We can retry only if system has already tried 3 times.
-            # If log is still pending after 3 times, there was an issue,
-            # we allow the retry
-            return (
-                self.status == HOOK_LOG_FAILED
-                or (self.date_modified < threshold and self.status == HOOK_LOG_PENDING)
+            # If log is still pending after `constance.config.HOOK_MAX_RETRIES`
+            # times, there was an issue, we allow the retry.
+            threshold = timezone.now() - timedelta(seconds=120)
+            return self.status == HOOK_LOG_FAILED or (
+                self.date_modified < threshold
+                and self.status == HOOK_LOG_PENDING
+                and self.tries >= constance.config.HOOK_MAX_RETRIES
         return False
@@ -66,29 +70,6 @@ def change_status(
-    @staticmethod
-    def get_elapsed_seconds(retries_count: int) -> int:
-        """
-        Calculate number of elapsed seconds since first try.
-        Return the number of seconds.
-        """
-        # We need to sum all seconds between each retry
-        seconds = 0
-        for retries_count in range(retries_count):
-            # Range is zero-indexed
-            seconds += HookLog.get_remaining_seconds(retries_count)
-        return seconds
-    @staticmethod
-    def get_remaining_seconds(retries_count):
-        """
-        Calculate number of remaining seconds before next retry
-        :param retries_count: int.
-        :return: int. Number of seconds
-        """
-        return 60 * (10 ** retries_count)
     def retry(self):
         Retries to send data to external service
@@ -100,7 +81,7 @@ def retry(self):
         except Exception as e:
-            logging.error("HookLog.retry - {}".format(str(e)), exc_info=True)
+            logging.error('HookLog.retry - {}'.format(str(e)), exc_info=True)
             return False
@@ -110,7 +91,7 @@ def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
         # Update date_modified each time object is saved
         self.date_modified = timezone.now()
         # We don't want to alter tries when we only change the status
-        if kwargs.pop("reset_status", False) is False:
+        if kwargs.pop('reset_status', False) is False:
             self.tries += 1
         super().save(*args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/kobo/apps/hook/models/service_definition_interface.py b/kobo/apps/hook/models/service_definition_interface.py
index e721bf45b7..9b2bd1a095 100644
--- a/kobo/apps/hook/models/service_definition_interface.py
+++ b/kobo/apps/hook/models/service_definition_interface.py
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@
+from ..exceptions import HookRemoteServerDownError
 class ServiceDefinitionInterface(metaclass=ABCMeta):
@@ -41,7 +43,8 @@ def _get_data(self):
                 'service_json.ServiceDefinition._get_data: '
                 f'Hook #{self._hook.uid} - Data #{self._submission_id} - '
-                exc_info=True)
+                exc_info=True,
+            )
         return None
@@ -71,106 +74,141 @@ def _prepare_request_kwargs(self):
-    def send(self):
+    def send(self) -> bool:
-        Sends data to external endpoint
-        :return: bool
+        Sends data to external endpoint.
+        Raise an exception if something is wrong. Retries are only allowed
+        when `HookRemoteServerDownError` is raised.
-        success = False
+        if not self._data:
+            self.save_log(
+                KOBO_INTERNAL_ERROR_STATUS_CODE, 'Submission has been deleted', allow_retries=False
+            )
+            return False
         # Need to declare response before requests.post assignment in case of
         # RequestException
         response = None
-        if self._data:
-            try:
-                request_kwargs = self._prepare_request_kwargs()
-                # Add custom headers
-                request_kwargs.get("headers").update(
-                    self._hook.settings.get("custom_headers", {}))
-                # Add user agent
-                public_domain = "- {} ".format(os.getenv("PUBLIC_DOMAIN_NAME")) \
-                    if os.getenv("PUBLIC_DOMAIN_NAME") else ""
-                request_kwargs.get("headers").update({
-                    "User-Agent": "KoboToolbox external service {}#{}".format(
-                        public_domain,
-                        self._hook.uid)
-                })
-                # If the request needs basic authentication with username and
-                # password, let's provide them
-                if self._hook.auth_level == Hook.BASIC_AUTH:
-                    request_kwargs.update({
-                        "auth": (self._hook.settings.get("username"),
-                                 self._hook.settings.get("password"))
-                    })
-                ssrf_protect_options = {}
-                if constance.config.SSRF_ALLOWED_IP_ADDRESS.strip():
-                    ssrf_protect_options['allowed_ip_addresses'] = constance.\
-                        config.SSRF_ALLOWED_IP_ADDRESS.strip().split('\r\n')
-                if constance.config.SSRF_DENIED_IP_ADDRESS.strip():
-                    ssrf_protect_options['denied_ip_addresses'] = constance.\
-                        config.SSRF_DENIED_IP_ADDRESS.strip().split('\r\n')
-                SSRFProtect.validate(self._hook.endpoint,
-                                     options=ssrf_protect_options)
-                response = requests.post(self._hook.endpoint, timeout=30,
-                                         **request_kwargs)
-                response.raise_for_status()
-                self.save_log(response.status_code, response.text, True)
-                success = True
-            except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
-                # If request fails to communicate with remote server.
-                # Exception is raised before request.post can return something.
-                # Thus, response equals None
-                status_code = KOBO_INTERNAL_ERROR_STATUS_CODE
-                text = str(e)
-                if response is not None:
-                    text = response.text
-                    status_code = response.status_code
-                self.save_log(status_code, text)
-            except SSRFProtectException as e:
-                logging.error(
-                    'service_json.ServiceDefinition.send: '
-                    f'Hook #{self._hook.uid} - '
-                    f'Data #{self._submission_id} - '
-                    f'{str(e)}',
-                    exc_info=True)
-                self.save_log(
-                    f'{self._hook.endpoint} is not allowed')
-            except Exception as e:
-                logging.error(
-                    'service_json.ServiceDefinition.send: '
-                    f'Hook #{self._hook.uid} - '
-                    f'Data #{self._submission_id} - '
-                    f'{str(e)}',
-                    exc_info=True)
-                self.save_log(
-                    "An error occurred when sending data to external endpoint")
-        else:
-            self.save_log(
-                'Submission has been deleted'
+        try:
+            request_kwargs = self._prepare_request_kwargs()
+            # Add custom headers
+            request_kwargs.get('headers').update(
+                self._hook.settings.get('custom_headers', {})
-        return success
+            # Add user agent
+            public_domain = (
+                '- {} '.format(os.getenv('PUBLIC_DOMAIN_NAME'))
+                if os.getenv('PUBLIC_DOMAIN_NAME')
+                else ''
+            )
+            request_kwargs.get('headers').update(
+                {
+                    'User-Agent': 'KoboToolbox external service {}#{}'.format(
+                        public_domain, self._hook.uid
+                    )
+                }
+            )
-    def save_log(self, status_code: int, message: str, success: bool = False):
+            # If the request needs basic authentication with username and
+            # password, let's provide them
+            if self._hook.auth_level == Hook.BASIC_AUTH:
+                request_kwargs.update(
+                    {
+                        'auth': (
+                            self._hook.settings.get('username'),
+                            self._hook.settings.get('password'),
+                        )
+                    }
+                )
+            ssrf_protect_options = {}
+            if constance.config.SSRF_ALLOWED_IP_ADDRESS.strip():
+                ssrf_protect_options[
+                    'allowed_ip_addresses'
+                ] = constance.config.SSRF_ALLOWED_IP_ADDRESS.strip().split(
+                    '\r\n'
+                )
+            if constance.config.SSRF_DENIED_IP_ADDRESS.strip():
+                ssrf_protect_options[
+                    'denied_ip_addresses'
+                ] = constance.config.SSRF_DENIED_IP_ADDRESS.strip().split(
+                    '\r\n'
+                )
+            SSRFProtect.validate(
+              self._hook.endpoint, options=ssrf_protect_options
+            )
+            response = requests.post(
+                self._hook.endpoint, timeout=30, **request_kwargs
+            )
+            response.raise_for_status()
+            self.save_log(response.status_code, response.text, success=True)
+            return True
+        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+            # If request fails to communicate with remote server.
+            # Exception is raised before request.post can return something.
+            # Thus, response equals None
+            status_code = KOBO_INTERNAL_ERROR_STATUS_CODE
+            text = str(e)
+            if response is not None:
+                text = response.text
+                status_code = response.status_code
+            if status_code in RETRIABLE_STATUS_CODES:
+                self.save_log(status_code, text, allow_retries=True)
+                raise HookRemoteServerDownError
+            self.save_log(status_code, text)
+            raise
+        except SSRFProtectException as e:
+            logging.error(
+                'service_json.ServiceDefinition.send: '
+                f'Hook #{self._hook.uid} - '
+                f'Data #{self._submission_id} - '
+                f'{str(e)}',
+                exc_info=True,
+            )
+            self.save_log(
+                f'{self._hook.endpoint} is not allowed'
+            )
+            raise
+        except Exception as e:
+            logging.error(
+                'service_json.ServiceDefinition.send: '
+                f'Hook #{self._hook.uid} - '
+                f'Data #{self._submission_id} - '
+                f'{str(e)}',
+                exc_info=True,
+            )
+            self.save_log(
+                'An error occurred when sending '
+                f'data to external endpoint: {str(e)}',
+            )
+            raise
+    def save_log(
+        self,
+        status_code: int,
+        message: str,
+        success: bool = False,
+        allow_retries: bool = False,
+    ):
         Updates/creates log entry with:
         - `status_code` as the HTTP status code of the remote server response
         - `message` as the content of the remote server response
-        fields = {
-            'hook': self._hook,
-            'submission_id': self._submission_id
-        }
+        fields = {'hook': self._hook, 'submission_id': self._submission_id}
             # Try to load the log with a multiple field FK because
             # we don't know the log `uid` in this context, but we do know
@@ -181,7 +219,7 @@ def save_log(self, status_code: int, message: str, success: bool = False):
         if success:
             log.status = HOOK_LOG_SUCCESS
-        elif log.tries >= constance.config.HOOK_MAX_RETRIES:
+        elif not allow_retries or log.tries >= constance.config.HOOK_MAX_RETRIES:
             log.status = HOOK_LOG_FAILED
         log.status_code = status_code
diff --git a/kobo/apps/hook/tasks.py b/kobo/apps/hook/tasks.py
index 6ff659961f..c87cd21076 100644
--- a/kobo/apps/hook/tasks.py
+++ b/kobo/apps/hook/tasks.py
@@ -9,44 +9,37 @@
 from django.utils import translation, timezone
 from django_celery_beat.models import PeriodicTask
+from kobo.celery import celery_app
 from kpi.utils.log import logging
 from .constants import HOOK_LOG_FAILED
+from .exceptions import HookRemoteServerDownError
 from .models import Hook, HookLog
-def service_definition_task(self, hook_id, submission_id):
+from .utils.lazy import LazyMaxRetriesInt
+    autoretry_for=(HookRemoteServerDownError,),
+    retry_backoff=60,
+    retry_backoff_max=1200,
+    max_retries=LazyMaxRetriesInt(),
+    retry_jitter=True,
+    queue='kpi_low_priority_queue',
+def service_definition_task(hook_id: int, submission_id: int) -> bool:
     Tries to send data to the endpoint of the hook
     It retries n times (n = `constance.config.HOOK_MAX_RETRIES`)
-    - after 1 minutes,
-    - after 10 minutes,
-    - after 100 minutes
-    etc ...
-    :param self: Celery.Task.
-    :param hook_id: int. Hook PK
-    :param submission_id: int. Instance PK
     hook = Hook.objects.get(id=hook_id)
     # Use camelcase (even if it's not PEP-8 compliant)
     # because variable represents the class, not the instance.
-    ServiceDefinition = hook.get_service_definition()
+    ServiceDefinition = hook.get_service_definition()  # noqa
     service_definition = ServiceDefinition(hook, submission_id)
-    if not service_definition.send():
-        # Countdown is in seconds
-        countdown = HookLog.get_remaining_seconds(self.request.retries)
-        raise self.retry(countdown=countdown, max_retries=constance.config.HOOK_MAX_RETRIES)
-    return True
+    return service_definition.send()
-def retry_all_task(hooklogs_ids):
-    """
-    :param list: <int>.
-    """
+def retry_all_task(hooklogs_ids: int):
     hook_logs = HookLog.objects.filter(id__in=hooklogs_ids)
     for hook_log in hook_logs:
@@ -71,22 +64,24 @@ def failures_reports():
     if failures_reports_period_task:
         last_run_at = failures_reports_period_task.last_run_at
-        queryset = HookLog.objects.filter(hook__email_notification=True,
-                                          status=HOOK_LOG_FAILED)
+        queryset = HookLog.objects.filter(
+            hook__email_notification=True, status=HOOK_LOG_FAILED
+        )
         if last_run_at:
             queryset = queryset.filter(date_modified__gte=last_run_at)
-        queryset = queryset.order_by('hook__asset__name',
-                                     'hook__uid',
-                                     '-date_modified')
+        queryset = queryset.order_by(
+            'hook__asset__name', 'hook__uid', '-date_modified'
+        )
         # PeriodicTask are updated every 3 minutes (default).
         # It means, if this task interval is less than 3 minutes, some data can be duplicated in emails.
         # Setting `beat-sync-every` to 1, makes PeriodicTask to be updated before running the task.
         # So, we need to update it manually.
         # see: http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/userguide/configuration.html#beat-sync-every
-        PeriodicTask.objects.filter(task=beat_schedule.get("task")). \
-            update(last_run_at=timezone.now())
+        PeriodicTask.objects.filter(task=beat_schedule.get('task')).update(
+            last_run_at=timezone.now()
+        )
         records = {}
         max_length = 0
@@ -147,9 +142,12 @@ def failures_reports():
             text_content = plain_text_template.render(variables)
             html_content = html_template.render(variables)
-            msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(translation.gettext('REST Services Failure Report'), text_content,
-                                         constance.config.SUPPORT_EMAIL,
-                                         [record.get('email')])
+            msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(
+                translation.gettext('REST Services Failure Report'),
+                text_content,
+                constance.config.SUPPORT_EMAIL,
+                [record.get('email')],
+            )
             msg.attach_alternative(html_content, 'text/html')
diff --git a/kobo/apps/hook/tests/hook_test_case.py b/kobo/apps/hook/tests/hook_test_case.py
index b4ea20658e..bbf8799806 100644
--- a/kobo/apps/hook/tests/hook_test_case.py
+++ b/kobo/apps/hook/tests/hook_test_case.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # coding: utf-8
 import json
+import pytest
 import responses
 from django.conf import settings
 from django.urls import reverse
@@ -11,16 +12,10 @@
 from kpi.exceptions import BadFormatException
 from kpi.tests.kpi_test_case import KpiTestCase
 from ..constants import HOOK_LOG_FAILED
+from ..exceptions import HookRemoteServerDownError
 from ..models import HookLog, Hook
-class MockSSRFProtect:
-    @staticmethod
-    def _get_ip_address(url):
-        return ip_address('')
 class HookTestCase(KpiTestCase):
     def setUp(self):
@@ -94,26 +89,45 @@ def _send_and_fail(self):
         :return: dict
+        first_hooklog_response = self._send_and_wait_for_retry()
+        # Fakes Celery n retries by forcing status to `failed`
+        # (where n is `settings.HOOKLOG_MAX_RETRIES`)
+        first_hooklog = HookLog.objects.get(
+            uid=first_hooklog_response.get('uid')
+        )
+        first_hooklog.change_status(HOOK_LOG_FAILED)
+        return first_hooklog_response
+    def _send_and_wait_for_retry(self):
         self.hook = self._create_hook()
         ServiceDefinition = self.hook.get_service_definition()
         submissions = self.asset.deployment.get_submissions(self.asset.owner)
         submission_id = submissions[0]['_id']
         service_definition = ServiceDefinition(self.hook, submission_id)
-        first_mock_response = {'error': 'not found'}
+        first_mock_response = {'error': 'gateway timeout'}
         # Mock first request's try
-        responses.add(responses.POST, self.hook.endpoint,
-                      json=first_mock_response, status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
+        responses.add(
+            responses.POST,
+            self.hook.endpoint,
+            json=first_mock_response,
+            status=status.HTTP_504_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT,
+        )
         # Mock next requests' tries
-        responses.add(responses.POST, self.hook.endpoint,
-                      status=status.HTTP_200_OK,
-                      content_type='application/json')
+        responses.add(
+            responses.POST,
+            self.hook.endpoint,
+            status=status.HTTP_200_OK,
+            content_type='application/json',
+        )
         # Try to send data to external endpoint
-        success = service_definition.send()
-        self.assertFalse(success)
+        with pytest.raises(HookRemoteServerDownError):
+            service_definition.send()
         # Retrieve the corresponding log
         url = reverse('hook-log-list', kwargs={
@@ -126,20 +140,13 @@ def _send_and_fail(self):
         # Result should match first try
-            first_hooklog_response.get('status_code'), status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND
+            first_hooklog_response.get('status_code'),
+            status.HTTP_504_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT,
-        # Fakes Celery n retries by forcing status to `failed`
-        # (where n is `settings.HOOKLOG_MAX_RETRIES`)
-        first_hooklog = HookLog.objects.get(
-            uid=first_hooklog_response.get('uid')
-        )
-        first_hooklog.change_status(HOOK_LOG_FAILED)
         return first_hooklog_response
     def __prepare_submission(self):
diff --git a/kobo/apps/hook/tests/test_api_hook.py b/kobo/apps/hook/tests/test_api_hook.py
index 511d6486f2..c6368f568d 100644
--- a/kobo/apps/hook/tests/test_api_hook.py
+++ b/kobo/apps/hook/tests/test_api_hook.py
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
 # coding: utf-8
 import json
+import pytest
 import responses
 from constance.test import override_config
 from django.urls import reverse
-from mock import patch
+from ipaddress import ip_address
+from mock import patch, MagicMock
 from rest_framework import status
 from kobo.apps.hook.constants import (
@@ -21,7 +24,8 @@
 from kpi.utils.datetime import several_minutes_from_now
-from .hook_test_case import HookTestCase, MockSSRFProtect
+from .hook_test_case import HookTestCase
+from ..exceptions import HookRemoteServerDownError
 class ApiHookTestCase(HookTestCase):
@@ -56,42 +60,6 @@ def test_anonymous_access(self):
     def test_create_hook(self):
-    @patch('ssrf_protect.ssrf_protect.SSRFProtect._get_ip_address',
-           new=MockSSRFProtect._get_ip_address)
-    @responses.activate
-    def test_data_submission(self):
-        # Create first hook
-        first_hook = self._create_hook(name="dummy external service",
-                                       endpoint="http://dummy.service.local/",
-                                       settings={})
-        responses.add(responses.POST, first_hook.endpoint,
-                      status=status.HTTP_200_OK,
-                      content_type="application/json")
-        hook_signal_url = reverse("hook-signal-list", kwargs={"parent_lookup_asset": self.asset.uid})
-        submissions = self.asset.deployment.get_submissions(self.asset.owner)
-        data = {'submission_id': submissions[0]['_id']}
-        response = self.client.post(hook_signal_url, data=data, format='json')
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_202_ACCEPTED)
-        # Create second hook
-        second_hook = self._create_hook(name="other dummy external service",
-                                        endpoint="http://otherdummy.service.local/",
-                                        settings={})
-        responses.add(responses.POST, second_hook.endpoint,
-                      status=status.HTTP_200_OK,
-                      content_type="application/json")
-        response = self.client.post(hook_signal_url, data=data, format='json')
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_202_ACCEPTED)
-        response = self.client.post(hook_signal_url, data=data, format='json')
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_409_CONFLICT)
-        data = {'submission_id': 4}  # Instance doesn't belong to `self.asset`
-        response = self.client.post(hook_signal_url, data=data, format='json')
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
     def test_editor_access(self):
         hook = self._create_hook()
@@ -205,18 +173,20 @@ def test_partial_update_hook(self):
         self.assertEqual(hook.name, "some disabled external service")
-    @patch('ssrf_protect.ssrf_protect.SSRFProtect._get_ip_address',
-           new=MockSSRFProtect._get_ip_address)
+    @patch(
+        'ssrf_protect.ssrf_protect.SSRFProtect._get_ip_address',
+        new=MagicMock(return_value=ip_address(''))
+    )
     def test_send_and_retry(self):
         first_log_response = self._send_and_fail()
         # Let's retry through API call
-        retry_url = reverse("hook-log-retry", kwargs={
-            "parent_lookup_asset": self.asset.uid,
-            "parent_lookup_hook": self.hook.uid,
-            "uid": first_log_response.get("uid")
+        retry_url = reverse('hook-log-retry', kwargs={
+            'parent_lookup_asset': self.asset.uid,
+            'parent_lookup_hook': self.hook.uid,
+            'uid': first_log_response.get('uid')
         # It should be a success
@@ -224,17 +194,49 @@ def test_send_and_retry(self):
         self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
         # Let's check if logs has 2 tries
-        detail_url = reverse("hook-log-detail", kwargs={
-            "parent_lookup_asset": self.asset.uid,
-            "parent_lookup_hook": self.hook.uid,
-            "uid": first_log_response.get("uid")
+        detail_url = reverse('hook-log-detail', kwargs={
+            'parent_lookup_asset': self.asset.uid,
+            'parent_lookup_hook': self.hook.uid,
+            'uid': first_log_response.get('uid')
+        })
+        response = self.client.get(detail_url, format=SUBMISSION_FORMAT_TYPE_JSON)
+        self.assertEqual(response.data.get('tries'), 2)
+    @patch(
+        'ssrf_protect.ssrf_protect.SSRFProtect._get_ip_address',
+        new=MagicMock(return_value=ip_address(''))
+    )
+    @responses.activate
+    def test_send_and_cannot_retry(self):
+        first_log_response = self._send_and_wait_for_retry()
+        # Let's retry through API call
+        retry_url = reverse('hook-log-retry', kwargs={
+            'parent_lookup_asset': self.asset.uid,
+            'parent_lookup_hook': self.hook.uid,
+            'uid': first_log_response.get('uid')
+        })
+        # It should be a failure. The hook log is going to be retried
+        response = self.client.patch(retry_url, format=SUBMISSION_FORMAT_TYPE_JSON)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+        # Let's check if logs has 2 tries
+        detail_url = reverse('hook-log-detail', kwargs={
+            'parent_lookup_asset': self.asset.uid,
+            'parent_lookup_hook': self.hook.uid,
+            'uid': first_log_response.get('uid')
         response = self.client.get(detail_url, format=SUBMISSION_FORMAT_TYPE_JSON)
-        self.assertEqual(response.data.get("tries"), 2)
+        self.assertEqual(response.data.get('tries'), 1)
-    @patch('ssrf_protect.ssrf_protect.SSRFProtect._get_ip_address',
-           new=MockSSRFProtect._get_ip_address)
+    @patch(
+        'ssrf_protect.ssrf_protect.SSRFProtect._get_ip_address',
+        new=MagicMock(return_value=ip_address(''))
+    )
     def test_payload_template(self):
@@ -317,8 +319,10 @@ def test_payload_template_validation(self):
         self.assertEqual(response.data, expected_response)
-    @patch('ssrf_protect.ssrf_protect.SSRFProtect._get_ip_address',
-           new=MockSSRFProtect._get_ip_address)
+    @patch(
+        'ssrf_protect.ssrf_protect.SSRFProtect._get_ip_address',
+        new=MagicMock(return_value=ip_address(''))
+    )
     def test_hook_log_filter_success(self):
         # Create success hook
@@ -352,17 +356,24 @@ def test_hook_log_filter_success(self):
         response = self.client.get(f'{hook_log_url}?status={HOOK_LOG_FAILED}', format='json')
         self.assertEqual(response.data.get('count'), 0)
-    @patch('ssrf_protect.ssrf_protect.SSRFProtect._get_ip_address',
-           new=MockSSRFProtect._get_ip_address)
+    @patch(
+        'ssrf_protect.ssrf_protect.SSRFProtect._get_ip_address',
+        new=MagicMock(return_value=ip_address(''))
+    )
     def test_hook_log_filter_failure(self):
         # Create failing hook
-        hook = self._create_hook(name="failing hook",
-                                endpoint="http://failing.service.local/",
-                                settings={})
-        responses.add(responses.POST, hook.endpoint,
-                      status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
-                      content_type="application/json")
+        hook = self._create_hook(
+            name='failing hook',
+            endpoint='http://failing.service.local/',
+            settings={},
+        )
+        responses.add(
+            responses.POST,
+            hook.endpoint,
+            status=status.HTTP_504_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT,
+            content_type="application/json",
+        )
         # simulate a submission
         ServiceDefinition = hook.get_service_definition()
@@ -370,8 +381,8 @@ def test_hook_log_filter_failure(self):
         submission_id = submissions[0]['_id']
         service_definition = ServiceDefinition(hook, submission_id)
-        success = service_definition.send()
-        self.assertFalse(success)
+        with pytest.raises(HookRemoteServerDownError):
+            service_definition.send()
         # Get log for the failing hook
         hook_log_url = reverse('hook-log-list', kwargs={
@@ -380,18 +391,24 @@ def test_hook_log_filter_failure(self):
         # There should be no success log for the failing hook
-        response = self.client.get(f'{hook_log_url}?status={HOOK_LOG_SUCCESS}', format='json')
+        response = self.client.get(
+            f'{hook_log_url}?status={HOOK_LOG_SUCCESS}', format='json'
+        )
         self.assertEqual(response.data.get('count'), 0)
         # There should be a pending log for the failing hook
-        response = self.client.get(f'{hook_log_url}?status={HOOK_LOG_PENDING}', format='json')
+        response = self.client.get(
+            f'{hook_log_url}?status={HOOK_LOG_PENDING}', format='json'
+        )
         self.assertEqual(response.data.get('count'), 1)
     def test_hook_log_filter_validation(self):
         # Create hook
-        hook = self._create_hook(name="success hook",
-                                endpoint="http://hook.service.local/",
-                                settings={})
+        hook = self._create_hook(
+            name='success hook',
+            endpoint='http://hook.service.local/',
+            settings={},
+        )
         # Get log for the success hook
         hook_log_url = reverse('hook-log-list', kwargs={
@@ -403,14 +420,16 @@ def test_hook_log_filter_validation(self):
         response = self.client.get(f'{hook_log_url}?status=abc', format='json')
         self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
-    @patch('ssrf_protect.ssrf_protect.SSRFProtect._get_ip_address',
-           new=MockSSRFProtect._get_ip_address)
+    @patch(
+        'ssrf_protect.ssrf_protect.SSRFProtect._get_ip_address',
+        new=MagicMock(return_value=ip_address(''))
+    )
     def test_hook_log_filter_date(self):
         # Create success hook
-        hook = self._create_hook(name="date hook",
-                                endpoint="http://date.service.local/",
-                                settings={})
+        hook = self._create_hook(
+            name="date hook", endpoint="http://date.service.local/", settings={}
+        )
         responses.add(responses.POST, hook.endpoint,
diff --git a/kobo/apps/hook/tests/test_email.py b/kobo/apps/hook/tests/test_email.py
index 2b1f7d0fdf..2a587340cb 100644
--- a/kobo/apps/hook/tests/test_email.py
+++ b/kobo/apps/hook/tests/test_email.py
@@ -5,9 +5,10 @@
 from django.template.loader import get_template
 from django.utils import translation, dateparse
 from django_celery_beat.models import PeriodicTask, CrontabSchedule
-from mock import patch
+from ipaddress import ip_address
+from mock import patch, MagicMock
-from .hook_test_case import HookTestCase, MockSSRFProtect
+from .hook_test_case import HookTestCase
 from ..tasks import failures_reports
@@ -28,8 +29,10 @@ def _create_periodic_task(self):
         return periodic_task
-    @patch('ssrf_protect.ssrf_protect.SSRFProtect._get_ip_address',
-           new=MockSSRFProtect._get_ip_address)
+    @patch(
+        'ssrf_protect.ssrf_protect.SSRFProtect._get_ip_address',
+        new=MagicMock(return_value=ip_address(''))
+    )
     def test_notifications(self):
diff --git a/kobo/apps/hook/tests/test_ssrf.py b/kobo/apps/hook/tests/test_ssrf.py
index 89a71f4d4c..df3ebd193f 100644
--- a/kobo/apps/hook/tests/test_ssrf.py
+++ b/kobo/apps/hook/tests/test_ssrf.py
@@ -1,21 +1,24 @@
-# coding: utf-8
+import pytest
 import responses
 from constance.test import override_config
-from mock import patch
+from ipaddress import ip_address
+from mock import patch, MagicMock
 from rest_framework import status
+from ssrf_protect.exceptions import SSRFProtectException
 from kobo.apps.hook.constants import (
-from .hook_test_case import HookTestCase, MockSSRFProtect
+from .hook_test_case import HookTestCase
 class SSRFHookTestCase(HookTestCase):
-    @patch('ssrf_protect.ssrf_protect.SSRFProtect._get_ip_address',
-           new=MockSSRFProtect._get_ip_address)
+    @patch(
+        'ssrf_protect.ssrf_protect.SSRFProtect._get_ip_address',
+        new=MagicMock(return_value=ip_address(''))
+    )
     def test_send_with_ssrf_options(self):
@@ -34,9 +37,12 @@ def test_send_with_ssrf_options(self):
         # Try to send data to external endpoint
-        success = service_definition.send()
-        self.assertFalse(success)
+        # Note: it should failed because we explicitly deny and
+        # SSRFProtect._get_ip_address is mocked to return
+        with pytest.raises(SSRFProtectException):
+            service_definition.send()
         hook_log = hook.logs.all()[0]
         self.assertEqual(hook_log.status_code, KOBO_INTERNAL_ERROR_STATUS_CODE)
-        self.assertEqual(hook_log.status, HOOK_LOG_PENDING)
+        self.assertEqual(hook_log.status, HOOK_LOG_FAILED)
         self.assertTrue('is not allowed' in hook_log.message)
diff --git a/kobo/apps/hook/tests/test_utils.py b/kobo/apps/hook/tests/test_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..931f66ce1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kobo/apps/hook/tests/test_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+import responses
+from ipaddress import ip_address
+from mock import patch, MagicMock
+from rest_framework import status
+from .hook_test_case import HookTestCase
+from ..utils.services import call_services
+class HookUtilsTestCase(HookTestCase):
+    @patch(
+        'ssrf_protect.ssrf_protect.SSRFProtect._get_ip_address',
+        new=MagicMock(return_value=ip_address(''))
+    )
+    @responses.activate
+    def test_data_submission(self):
+        # Create first hook
+        first_hook = self._create_hook(
+            name='dummy external service',
+            endpoint='http://dummy.service.local/',
+            settings={},
+        )
+        responses.add(
+            responses.POST,
+            first_hook.endpoint,
+            status=status.HTTP_200_OK,
+            content_type='application/json',
+        )
+        submissions = self.asset.deployment.get_submissions(self.asset.owner)
+        submission_id = submissions[0]['_id']
+        assert call_services(self.asset.uid, submission_id) is True
+        # Create second hook
+        second_hook = self._create_hook(
+            name='other dummy external service',
+            endpoint='http://otherdummy.service.local/',
+            settings={},
+        )
+        responses.add(
+            responses.POST,
+            second_hook.endpoint,
+            status=status.HTTP_200_OK,
+            content_type='application/json',
+        )
+        # Since second hook hasn't received the submission, `call_services`
+        # should still return True
+        assert call_services(self.asset.uid, submission_id) is True
+        # But if we try again, it should return False (we cannot send the same
+        # submission twice to the same external endpoint).
+        assert call_services(self.asset.uid, submission_id) is False
diff --git a/kobo/apps/hook/utils.py b/kobo/apps/hook/utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 55fe5760e0..0000000000
--- a/kobo/apps/hook/utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-from .models.hook_log import HookLog
-from .tasks import service_definition_task
-class HookUtils:
-    @staticmethod
-    def call_services(asset: 'kpi.models.asset.Asset', submission_id: int):
-        """
-        Delegates to Celery data submission to remote servers
-        """
-        # Retrieve `Hook` ids, to send data to their respective endpoint.
-        hooks_ids = (
-            asset.hooks.filter(active=True)
-            .values_list('id', flat=True)
-            .distinct()
-        )
-        # At least, one of the hooks must not have a log that corresponds to
-        # `submission_id`
-        # to make success equal True
-        success = False
-        for hook_id in hooks_ids:
-            if not HookLog.objects.filter(
-                submission_id=submission_id, hook_id=hook_id
-            ).exists():
-                success = True
-                service_definition_task.apply_async(
-                    queue='kpi_low_priority_queue', args=(hook_id, submission_id)
-                )
-        return success
diff --git a/kobo/apps/hook/utils/__init__.py b/kobo/apps/hook/utils/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/kobo/apps/hook/utils/lazy.py b/kobo/apps/hook/utils/lazy.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..58a64c9d1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kobo/apps/hook/utils/lazy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+import constance
+class LazyMaxRetriesInt:
+    """
+    constance settings cannot be used as default parameters of a function.
+    This wrapper helps to return the value of `constance.config.HOOK_MAX_RETRIES`
+    on demand.
+    """
+    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        return constance.config.HOOK_MAX_RETRIES
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return str(constance.config.HOOK_MAX_RETRIES)
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if isinstance(other, int):
+            return self() == other
+        return NotImplemented
+    def __ne__(self, other):
+        if isinstance(other, int):
+            return self() != other
+        return NotImplemented
+    def __lt__(self, other):
+        if isinstance(other, int):
+            return self() < other
+        return NotImplemented
+    def __le__(self, other):
+        if isinstance(other, int):
+            return self() <= other
+        return NotImplemented
+    def __gt__(self, other):
+        if isinstance(other, int):
+            return self() > other
+        return NotImplemented
+    def __ge__(self, other):
+        if isinstance(other, int):
+            return self() >= other
+        return NotImplemented
diff --git a/kobo/apps/hook/utils/services.py b/kobo/apps/hook/utils/services.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0d05c7ad1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kobo/apps/hook/utils/services.py
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+from ..models.hook import Hook
+from ..models.hook_log import HookLog
+from ..tasks import service_definition_task
+def call_services(asset_uid: str, submission_id: int) -> bool:
+    """
+    Delegates to Celery data submission to remote servers
+    """
+    # Retrieve `Hook` ids, to send data to their respective endpoint.
+    hooks_ids = (
+        Hook.objects.filter(asset__uid=asset_uid, active=True)
+        .values_list('id', flat=True)
+        .distinct()
+    )
+    # At least, one of the hooks must not have a log that corresponds to
+    # `submission_id`
+    # to make success equal True
+    success = False
+    for hook_id in hooks_ids:
+        if not HookLog.objects.filter(
+            submission_id=submission_id, hook_id=hook_id
+        ).exists():
+            success = True
+            service_definition_task.delay(hook_id, submission_id)
+    return success
diff --git a/kobo/apps/hook/views/v1/__init__.py b/kobo/apps/hook/views/v1/__init__.py
index 66a9504388..c3bb54f968 100644
--- a/kobo/apps/hook/views/v1/__init__.py
+++ b/kobo/apps/hook/views/v1/__init__.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 # coding: utf-8
 from .hook import HookViewSet
 from .hook_log import HookLogViewSet
-from .hook_signal import HookSignalViewSet
diff --git a/kobo/apps/hook/views/v1/hook_signal.py b/kobo/apps/hook/views/v1/hook_signal.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 37b0a5c5b3..0000000000
--- a/kobo/apps/hook/views/v1/hook_signal.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-from kobo.apps.hook.views.v2.hook_signal import HookSignalViewSet as HookSignalViewSetV2
-class HookSignalViewSet(HookSignalViewSetV2):
-    """
-    ## This document is for a deprecated version of kpi's API.
-    **Please upgrade to latest release `/api/v2/assets/hook-signal/`**
-    This endpoint is only used to trigger asset's hooks if any.
-    Tells the hooks to post an instance to external servers.
-    <pre class="prettyprint">
-    <b>POST</b> /api/v2/assets/<code>{uid}</code>/hook-signal/
-    </pre>
-    > Example
-    >
-    >       curl -X POST https://[kpi-url]/assets/aSAvYreNzVEkrWg5Gdcvg/hook-signal/
-    > **Expected payload**
-    >
-    >        {
-    >           "submission_id": {integer}
-    >        }
-    """
-    pass
diff --git a/kobo/apps/hook/views/v2/__init__.py b/kobo/apps/hook/views/v2/__init__.py
index 66a9504388..c3bb54f968 100644
--- a/kobo/apps/hook/views/v2/__init__.py
+++ b/kobo/apps/hook/views/v2/__init__.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 # coding: utf-8
 from .hook import HookViewSet
 from .hook_log import HookLogViewSet
-from .hook_signal import HookSignalViewSet
diff --git a/kobo/apps/hook/views/v2/hook.py b/kobo/apps/hook/views/v2/hook.py
index 9c4f795b0d..1e2a975868 100644
--- a/kobo/apps/hook/views/v2/hook.py
+++ b/kobo/apps/hook/views/v2/hook.py
@@ -174,13 +174,20 @@ def retry(self, request, uid=None, *args, **kwargs):
         response = {"detail": t("Task successfully scheduled")}
         status_code = status.HTTP_200_OK
         if hook.active:
-            seconds = HookLog.get_elapsed_seconds(constance.config.HOOK_MAX_RETRIES)
-            threshold = timezone.now() - timedelta(seconds=seconds)
-            records = hook.logs.filter(Q(date_modified__lte=threshold,
-                                         status=HOOK_LOG_PENDING) |
-                                       Q(status=HOOK_LOG_FAILED)). \
-                values_list("id", "uid").distinct()
+            threshold = timezone.now() - timedelta(seconds=120)
+            records = (
+                hook.logs.filter(
+                    Q(
+                        date_modified__lte=threshold,
+                        status=HOOK_LOG_PENDING,
+                        tries__gte=constance.config.HOOK_MAX_RETRIES,
+                    )
+                    | Q(status=HOOK_LOG_FAILED)
+                )
+                .values_list('id', 'uid')
+                .distinct()
+            )
             # Prepare lists of ids
             hooklogs_ids = []
             hooklogs_uids = []
@@ -190,7 +197,9 @@ def retry(self, request, uid=None, *args, **kwargs):
             if len(records) > 0:
                 # Mark all logs as PENDING
-                HookLog.objects.filter(id__in=hooklogs_ids).update(status=HOOK_LOG_PENDING)
+                HookLog.objects.filter(id__in=hooklogs_ids).update(
+                    status=HOOK_LOG_PENDING
+                )
                 # Delegate to Celery
                     queue='kpi_low_priority_queue', args=(hooklogs_ids,)
diff --git a/kobo/apps/hook/views/v2/hook_log.py b/kobo/apps/hook/views/v2/hook_log.py
index ab6e1e29c9..6b5a8874c1 100644
--- a/kobo/apps/hook/views/v2/hook_log.py
+++ b/kobo/apps/hook/views/v2/hook_log.py
@@ -108,21 +108,24 @@ def retry(self, request, uid=None, *args, **kwargs):
         status_code = status.HTTP_200_OK
         hook_log = self.get_object()
-        if hook_log.can_retry():
+        if hook_log.can_retry:
             success = hook_log.retry()
             if success:
                 # Return status_code of remote server too.
                 # `response["status_code"]` is not the same as `status_code`
-                response["detail"] = hook_log.message
-                response["status_code"] = hook_log.status_code
+                response['detail'] = hook_log.message
+                response['status_code'] = hook_log.status_code
-                response["detail"] = t(
-                    "An error has occurred when sending the data. Please try again later.")
+                response['detail'] = t(
+                    'An error has occurred when sending the data. '
+                    'Please try again later.'
+                )
                 status_code = status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
-            response["detail"] = t(
-                "Data is being or has already been processed")
+            response['detail'] = t(
+                'Data is being or has already been processed'
+            )
             status_code = status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
         return Response(response, status=status_code)
diff --git a/kobo/apps/hook/views/v2/hook_signal.py b/kobo/apps/hook/views/v2/hook_signal.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bab71ef46..0000000000
--- a/kobo/apps/hook/views/v2/hook_signal.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-from django.http import Http404
-from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as t
-from rest_framework import status, viewsets, serializers
-from rest_framework.response import Response
-from rest_framework.pagination import _positive_int as positive_int
-from rest_framework_extensions.mixins import NestedViewSetMixin
-from kobo.apps.hook.utils import HookUtils
-from kpi.models import Asset
-from kpi.utils.viewset_mixins import AssetNestedObjectViewsetMixin
-class HookSignalViewSet(AssetNestedObjectViewsetMixin, NestedViewSetMixin,
-                        viewsets.ViewSet):
-    """
-    ##
-    This endpoint is only used to trigger asset's hooks if any.
-    Tells the hooks to post an instance to external servers.
-    <pre class="prettyprint">
-    <b>POST</b> /api/v2/assets/<code>{uid}</code>/hook-signal/
-    </pre>
-    > Example
-    >
-    >       curl -X POST https://[kpi-url]/api/v2/assets/aSAvYreNzVEkrWg5Gdcvg/hook-signal/
-    > **Expected payload**
-    >
-    >        {
-    >           "submission_id": {integer}
-    >        }
-    """
-    parent_model = Asset
-    def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
-        """
-        It's only used to trigger hook services of the Asset (so far).
-        :param request:
-        :return:
-        """
-        try:
-            submission_id = positive_int(
-                request.data.get('submission_id'), strict=True)
-        except ValueError:
-            raise serializers.ValidationError(
-                {'submission_id': t('A positive integer is required.')})
-        # Check if instance really belongs to Asset.
-        try:
-            submission = self.asset.deployment.get_submission(submission_id,
-                                                              request.user)
-        except ValueError:
-            raise Http404
-        if not (submission and int(submission['_id']) == submission_id):
-            raise Http404
-        if HookUtils.call_services(self.asset, submission_id):
-            # Follow Open Rosa responses by default
-            response_status_code = status.HTTP_202_ACCEPTED
-            response = {
-                "detail": t(
-                    "We got and saved your data, but may not have "
-                    "fully processed it. You should not try to resubmit.")
-            }
-        else:
-            # call_services() refused to launch any task because this
-            # instance already has a `HookLog`
-            response_status_code = status.HTTP_409_CONFLICT
-            response = {
-                "detail": t(
-                    "Your data for instance {} has been already "
-                    "submitted.".format(submission_id))
-            }
-        return Response(response, status=response_status_code)
diff --git a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/api/tests/viewsets/test_xform_viewset.py b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/api/tests/viewsets/test_xform_viewset.py
index 2831e70fb3..cd79a93c39 100644
--- a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/api/tests/viewsets/test_xform_viewset.py
+++ b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/api/tests/viewsets/test_xform_viewset.py
@@ -477,7 +477,6 @@ def test_xform_serializer_none(self):
             'instances_with_geopoints': False,
             'num_of_submissions': 0,
             'attachment_storage_bytes': 0,
-            'has_kpi_hooks': False,
             'kpi_asset_uid': '',
         self.assertEqual(data, XFormSerializer(None).data)
diff --git a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/logger/migrations/0035_remove_xform_has_kpi_hooks_and_instance_posted_to_kpi.py b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/logger/migrations/0035_remove_xform_has_kpi_hooks_and_instance_posted_to_kpi.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b6e48241c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/logger/migrations/0035_remove_xform_has_kpi_hooks_and_instance_posted_to_kpi.py
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Generated by Django 4.2.11 on 2024-07-31 15:59
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import django.db.models.deletion
+import kobo.apps.openrosa.apps.logger.models.attachment
+import kobo.apps.openrosa.apps.logger.models.xform
+import kpi.deployment_backends.kc_access.storage
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+    dependencies = [
+        migrations.swappable_dependency(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL),
+        ('logger', '0034_set_require_auth_at_project_level'),
+    ]
+    operations = [
+        migrations.RemoveField(
+            model_name='xform',
+            name='has_kpi_hooks',
+        ),
+        migrations.RemoveField(
+            model_name='instance',
+            name='posted_to_kpi',
+        ),
+    ]
diff --git a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/logger/models/instance.py b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/logger/models/instance.py
index 86a52500f0..7b685d261b 100644
--- a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/logger/models/instance.py
+++ b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/logger/models/instance.py
@@ -106,10 +106,6 @@ class Instance(models.Model):
     # TODO Don't forget to update all records with command `update_is_sync_with_mongo`.
     is_synced_with_mongo = LazyDefaultBooleanField(default=False)
-    # If XForm.has_kpi_hooks` is True, this field should be True either.
-    # It tells whether the instance has been successfully sent to KPI.
-    posted_to_kpi = LazyDefaultBooleanField(default=False)
     class Meta:
         app_label = 'logger'
diff --git a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/logger/models/xform.py b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/logger/models/xform.py
index c37aae1666..6e34279294 100644
--- a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/logger/models/xform.py
+++ b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/logger/models/xform.py
@@ -96,7 +96,6 @@ class XForm(BaseModel):
     tags = TaggableManager()
-    has_kpi_hooks = LazyDefaultBooleanField(default=False)
     kpi_asset_uid = models.CharField(max_length=32, null=True)
     pending_delete = models.BooleanField(default=False)
@@ -173,14 +172,6 @@ def data_dictionary(self, use_cache: bool = False):
     def has_instances_with_geopoints(self):
         return self.instances_with_geopoints
-    @property
-    def kpi_hook_service(self):
-        """
-        Returns kpi hook service if it exists. XForm should have only one occurrence in any case.
-        :return: RestService
-        """
-        return self.restservices.filter(name="kpi_hook").first()
     def _set_id_string(self):
         matches = self.instance_id_regex.findall(self.xml)
         if len(matches) != 1:
diff --git a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/main/migrations/0015_drop_old_restservice_tables.py b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/main/migrations/0015_drop_old_restservice_tables.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b58d492d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/main/migrations/0015_drop_old_restservice_tables.py
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# Generated by Django 4.2.11 on 2024-07-31 15:59
+from django.db import migrations, connections
+from django.conf import settings
+    'restservice_restservice',
+def get_operations():
+    if settings.TESTING or settings.SKIP_HEAVY_MIGRATIONS:
+        # Skip this migration if running in test environment or because we want
+        # to voluntarily skip it.
+        return []
+    operations = []
+    sql = """
+        SELECT con.conname
+           FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint con
+                INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class rel
+                           ON rel.oid = con.conrelid
+                INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace nsp
+                           ON nsp.oid = connamespace
+           WHERE nsp.nspname = 'public'
+                 AND rel.relname = %s;
+    """
+    with connections[settings.OPENROSA_DB_ALIAS].cursor() as cursor:
+        drop_table_queries = []
+        for table in tables:
+            cursor.execute(sql, [table])
+            drop_index_queries = []
+            for row in cursor.fetchall():
+                if not row[0].endswith('_pkey'):
+                    drop_index_queries.append(
+                        f'ALTER TABLE public.{table} DROP CONSTRAINT {row[0]};'
+                    )
+            drop_table_queries.append(f'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {table};')
+            operations.append(
+                migrations.RunSQL(
+                    sql=''.join(drop_index_queries),
+                    reverse_sql=migrations.RunSQL.noop,
+                )
+            )
+        operations.append(
+            migrations.RunSQL(
+                sql=''.join(drop_table_queries),
+                reverse_sql=migrations.RunSQL.noop,
+            )
+        )
+    return operations
+def print_migration_warning(apps, schema_editor):
+    if settings.TESTING or settings.SKIP_HEAVY_MIGRATIONS:
+        return
+    print(
+        """
+        This migration might take a while. If it is too slow, you may want to
+        re-run migrations with SKIP_HEAVY_MIGRATIONS=True and apply this one
+        manually from the django shell.
+        """
+    )
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+    dependencies = [
+        ('main', '0014_drop_old_formdisclaimer_tables'),
+    ]
+    operations = [migrations.RunPython(print_migration_warning), *get_operations()]
diff --git a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/RestServiceInterface.py b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/RestServiceInterface.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 28495d5a5c..0000000000
--- a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/RestServiceInterface.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-class RestServiceInterface:
-    def send(self, url, data=None):
-        raise NotImplementedError
diff --git a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/__init__.py b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fe25636ee..0000000000
--- a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-SERVICE_KPI_HOOK = ("kpi_hook", "KPI Hook POST")
-default_app_config = "kobo.apps.openrosa.apps.restservice.app.RestServiceConfig"
diff --git a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/app.py b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/app.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 32c379ee84..0000000000
--- a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/app.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-from django.apps import AppConfig
-class RestServiceConfig(AppConfig):
-    name = 'kobo.apps.openrosa.apps.restservice'
-    verbose_name = 'restservice'
-    def ready(self):
-        # Register RestService signals
-        from . import signals
-        super().ready()
diff --git a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/management/__init__.py b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/management/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 57d631c3f0..0000000000
--- a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/management/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
diff --git a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/management/commands/__init__.py b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/management/commands/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 57d631c3f0..0000000000
--- a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/management/commands/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
diff --git a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/management/commands/update_kpi_hooks_endpoint.py b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/management/commands/update_kpi_hooks_endpoint.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 64a3a79053..0000000000
--- a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/management/commands/update_kpi_hooks_endpoint.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
-from kobo.apps.openrosa.apps.restservice.models import RestService
-class Command(BaseCommand):
-    """
-    A faster method is available with PostgreSQL:
-        UPDATE restservice_restservice
-            SET service_url = REGEXP_REPLACE(
-                service_url,
-                '/assets/([^/]*)/submissions/',
-                '/api/v2/assets/\1/hook-signal/'
-            )
-            WHERE service_url LIKE '/assets/%';
-    """
-    help = 'Updates KPI rest service endpoint'
-    def handle(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        rest_services = RestService.objects.filter(name='kpi_hook').all()
-        for rest_service in rest_services:
-            service_url = rest_service.service_url
-            do_save = False
-            if service_url.endswith('/submissions/'):
-                service_url = service_url.replace('/submissions/', '/hook-signal/')
-                rest_service.service_url = service_url
-                do_save = True
-                rest_service.save(update_fields=["service_url"])
-            if service_url.startswith('/assets/'):
-                service_url = service_url.replace('/assets/', '/api/v2/assets/')
-                rest_service.service_url = service_url
-                do_save = True
-            if do_save:
-                rest_service.save(update_fields=["service_url"])
-        print('Done!')
diff --git a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/migrations/0001_initial.py b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/migrations/0001_initial.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d68804e6d..0000000000
--- a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/migrations/0001_initial.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-from django.db import migrations, models
-class Migration(migrations.Migration):
-    dependencies = [
-        ('logger', '0001_initial'),
-    ]
-    operations = [
-        migrations.CreateModel(
-            name='RestService',
-            fields=[
-                ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)),
-                ('service_url', models.URLField(verbose_name='Service URL')),
-                ('name', models.CharField(max_length=50, choices=[('f2dhis2', 'f2dhis2'), ('generic_json', 'JSON POST'), ('generic_xml', 'XML POST'), ('bamboo', 'bamboo')])),
-                ('xform', models.ForeignKey(to='logger.XForm', on_delete=models.CASCADE)),
-            ],
-        ),
-        migrations.AlterUniqueTogether(
-            name='restservice',
-            unique_together=set([('service_url', 'xform', 'name')]),
-        ),
-    ]
diff --git a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/migrations/0002_add_related_name_with_delete_on_cascade.py b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/migrations/0002_add_related_name_with_delete_on_cascade.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c2d6cf46c3..0000000000
--- a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/migrations/0002_add_related_name_with_delete_on_cascade.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-from django.db import migrations, models
-class Migration(migrations.Migration):
-    dependencies = [
-        ('restservice', '0001_initial'),
-    ]
-    operations = [
-        migrations.AlterField(
-            model_name='restservice',
-            name='name',
-            field=models.CharField(max_length=50, choices=[('f2dhis2', 'f2dhis2'), ('generic_json', 'JSON POST'), ('generic_xml', 'XML POST'), ('bamboo', 'bamboo'), ('kpi_hook', 'KPI Hook POST')]),
-        ),
-        migrations.AlterField(
-            model_name='restservice',
-            name='xform',
-            field=models.ForeignKey(related_name='restservices', to='logger.XForm', on_delete=models.CASCADE),
-        ),
-    ]
diff --git a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/migrations/0003_remove_deprecated_services.py b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/migrations/0003_remove_deprecated_services.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 306e80da8f..0000000000
--- a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/migrations/0003_remove_deprecated_services.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-from django.db import migrations, models
-class Migration(migrations.Migration):
-    dependencies = [
-        ('restservice', '0002_add_related_name_with_delete_on_cascade'),
-    ]
-    operations = [
-        migrations.AlterField(
-            model_name='restservice',
-            name='name',
-            field=models.CharField(max_length=50, choices=[('kpi_hook', 'KPI Hook POST')]),
-        ),
-    ]
diff --git a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/migrations/__init__.py b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/migrations/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 57d631c3f0..0000000000
--- a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/migrations/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
diff --git a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/models.py b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/models.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f93945a267..0000000000
--- a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/models.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-from django.db import models
-from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy
-from kobo.apps.openrosa.apps.logger.models.xform import XForm
-from kobo.apps.openrosa.apps.restservice import SERVICE_CHOICES
-class RestService(models.Model):
-    class Meta:
-        app_label = 'restservice'
-        unique_together = ('service_url', 'xform', 'name')
-    service_url = models.URLField(gettext_lazy("Service URL"))
-    xform = models.ForeignKey(XForm, related_name="restservices", on_delete=models.CASCADE)
-    name = models.CharField(max_length=50, choices=SERVICE_CHOICES)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "%s:%s - %s" % (self.xform, self.long_name, self.service_url)
-    def get_service_definition(self):
-        m = __import__(''.join(['kobo.apps.openrosa.apps.restservice.services.',
-                       self.name]),
-                       globals(), locals(), ['ServiceDefinition'])
-        return m.ServiceDefinition
-    @property
-    def long_name(self):
-        sv = self.get_service_definition()
-        return sv.verbose_name
diff --git a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/services/__init__.py b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/services/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f6b69c77ea..0000000000
--- a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/services/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-__all__ = ('kpi_hook')
diff --git a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/services/kpi_hook.py b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/services/kpi_hook.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d0f7127fe..0000000000
--- a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/services/kpi_hook.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-import logging
-import re
-import requests
-from django.conf import settings
-from kobo.apps.openrosa.apps.restservice.RestServiceInterface import RestServiceInterface
-from kobo.apps.openrosa.apps.logger.models import Instance
-class ServiceDefinition(RestServiceInterface):
-    id = 'kpi_hook'
-    verbose_name = 'KPI Hook POST'
-    def send(self, endpoint, data):
-        # Will be used internally by KPI to fetch data with KoBoCatBackend
-        post_data = {
-            'submission_id': data.get('instance_id')
-        }
-        headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
-        # Verify if endpoint starts with `/assets/` before sending
-        # the request to KPI
-        pattern = r'{}'.format(settings.KPI_HOOK_ENDPOINT_PATTERN.replace(
-            '{asset_uid}', '[^/]*'))
-        # Match v2 and v1 endpoints.
-        if re.match(pattern, endpoint) or re.match(pattern[7:], endpoint):
-            # Build the url in the service to avoid saving hardcoded
-            # domain name in the DB
-            url = f'{settings.KOBOFORM_INTERNAL_URL}{endpoint}'
-            response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=post_data)
-            response.raise_for_status()
-            # Save successful
-            Instance.objects.filter(pk=data.get('instance_id')).update(
-                posted_to_kpi=True
-            )
-        else:
-            logging.warning(
-                f'This endpoint: `{endpoint}` is not valid for `KPI Hook`'
-            )
diff --git a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/signals.py b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/signals.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 80ae3b874c..0000000000
--- a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/signals.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-from django.conf import settings
-from django.db.models.signals import post_save
-from django.dispatch import receiver
-from kobo.apps.openrosa.apps.restservice import SERVICE_KPI_HOOK
-from kobo.apps.openrosa.apps.logger.models import XForm
-from kobo.apps.openrosa.apps.restservice.models import RestService
-@receiver(post_save, sender=XForm)
-def save_kpi_hook_service(sender, instance, **kwargs):
-    """
-    Creates/Deletes Kpi hook Rest service related to XForm instance
-    :param sender: XForm class
-    :param instance: XForm instance
-    :param kwargs: dict
-    """
-    kpi_hook_service = instance.kpi_hook_service
-    if instance.has_kpi_hooks:
-        # Only register the service if it hasn't been created yet.
-        if kpi_hook_service is None:
-            # For retro-compatibility, if `asset_uid` is null, fallback on
-            # `id_string`
-            asset_uid = instance.kpi_asset_uid if instance.kpi_asset_uid \
-                else instance.id_string
-            kpi_hook_service = RestService(
-                service_url=settings.KPI_HOOK_ENDPOINT_PATTERN.format(
-                    asset_uid=asset_uid),
-                xform=instance,
-                name=SERVICE_KPI_HOOK[0]
-            )
-            kpi_hook_service.save()
-    elif kpi_hook_service is not None:
-        # Only delete the service if it already exists.
-        kpi_hook_service.delete()
diff --git a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/tasks.py b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/tasks.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ce67dfd5e2..0000000000
--- a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/tasks.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-import logging
-from celery import shared_task
-from django.conf import settings
-from kobo.apps.openrosa.apps.restservice.models import RestService
-def service_definition_task(self, rest_service_id, data):
-    """
-    Tries to send data to the endpoint of the hook
-    It retries 3 times maximum.
-    - after 2 minutes,
-    - after 20 minutes,
-    - after 200 minutes
-    :param self: Celery.Task.
-    :param rest_service_id: RestService primary key.
-    :param data: dict.
-    """
-    try:
-        rest_service = RestService.objects.get(pk=rest_service_id)
-        service = rest_service.get_service_definition()()
-        service.send(rest_service.service_url, data)
-    except Exception as e:
-        logger = logging.getLogger("console_logger")
-        logger.error("service_definition_task - {}".format(str(e)), exc_info=True)
-        # Countdown is in seconds
-        countdown = 120 * (10 ** self.request.retries)
-        # Max retries is 3 by default.
-        raise self.retry(countdown=countdown, max_retries=settings.REST_SERVICE_MAX_RETRIES)
-    return True
diff --git a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/templates/add-service.html b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/templates/add-service.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 717082f50e..0000000000
--- a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/templates/add-service.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-{% load i18n %}
-{% block content %}
-    <div id="addserviceform-container">
-    <p>
-      Please manage REST Services within the new user interface. Go to the
-      <a href="{{ koboform_url }}">Project Dashboard</a> and navigate to
-      <span style="white-space: nowrap"><strong>
-        Your Project &gt; Settings &gt; REST Services.
-      </strong></span>
-    </p>
-{% endblock %}
diff --git a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/tests/__init__.py b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/tests/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 57d631c3f0..0000000000
--- a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/tests/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
diff --git a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/tests/fixtures/dhisform.xls b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/tests/fixtures/dhisform.xls
deleted file mode 100755
index d0b29d74b7..0000000000
Binary files a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/tests/fixtures/dhisform.xls and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/tests/test_restservice.py b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/tests/test_restservice.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f27414601e..0000000000
--- a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/tests/test_restservice.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-import os
-from django.conf import settings
-from kobo.apps.openrosa.apps.main.tests.test_base import TestBase
-from kobo.apps.openrosa.apps.logger.models.xform import XForm
-from kobo.apps.openrosa.apps.restservice.RestServiceInterface import RestServiceInterface
-from kobo.apps.openrosa.apps.restservice.models import RestService
-class RestServiceTest(TestBase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        super().setUp()
-        xls_file_path = os.path.join(
-            os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
-            'fixtures',
-            'dhisform.xls'
-        )
-        self._publish_xls_file_and_set_xform(xls_file_path)
-    def _create_rest_service(self):
-        rs = RestService(
-            service_url=settings.KPI_HOOK_ENDPOINT_PATTERN.format(
-                asset_uid='aAAAAAAAAAAA'),
-            xform=XForm.objects.all().reverse()[0],
-            name='kpi_hook')
-        rs.save()
-        self.restservice = rs
-    def test_create_rest_service(self):
-        count = RestService.objects.all().count()
-        self._create_rest_service()
-        self.assertEqual(RestService.objects.all().count(), count + 1)
-    def test_service_definition(self):
-        self._create_rest_service()
-        sv = self.restservice.get_service_definition()()
-        self.assertEqual(isinstance(sv, RestServiceInterface), True)
diff --git a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/utils.py b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e3cbbb5a0..0000000000
--- a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/restservice/utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-from kobo.apps.openrosa.apps.restservice.models import RestService
-from kobo.apps.openrosa.apps.restservice.tasks import service_definition_task
-def call_service(parsed_instance):
-    # lookup service
-    instance = parsed_instance.instance
-    rest_services = RestService.objects.filter(xform=instance.xform)
-    # call service send with url and data parameters
-    for rest_service in rest_services:
-        # Celery can't pickle ParsedInstance object,
-        # let's use build a serializable object instead
-        # We don't really need `xform_id`, `xform_id_string`, `instance_uuid`
-        # We use them only for retro compatibility with all services (even if they are deprecated)
-        data = {
-            "xform_id": instance.xform.id,
-            "xform_id_string": instance.xform.id_string,
-            "instance_uuid": instance.uuid,
-            "instance_id": instance.id,
-            "xml": parsed_instance.instance.xml,
-            "json": parsed_instance.to_dict_for_mongo()
-        }
-        service_definition_task.delay(rest_service.pk, data)
diff --git a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/viewer/models/parsed_instance.py b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/viewer/models/parsed_instance.py
index 469fae597a..4afd88a3f3 100644
--- a/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/viewer/models/parsed_instance.py
+++ b/kobo/apps/openrosa/apps/viewer/models/parsed_instance.py
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 from kobo.apps.openrosa.apps.api.mongo_helper import MongoHelper
 from kobo.apps.openrosa.apps.logger.models import Instance
 from kobo.apps.openrosa.apps.logger.models import Note
-from kobo.apps.openrosa.apps.restservice.utils import call_service
 from kobo.apps.openrosa.libs.utils.common_tags import (
@@ -27,6 +26,8 @@
 from kobo.apps.openrosa.libs.utils.decorators import apply_form_field_names
 from kobo.apps.openrosa.libs.utils.model_tools import queryset_iterator
+from kobo.apps.hook.utils.services import call_services
+from kpi.utils.log import logging
 # this is Mongo Collection where we will store the parsed submissions
 xform_instances = settings.MONGO_DB.instances
@@ -371,7 +372,16 @@ def save(self, asynchronous=False, *args, **kwargs):
         # Rest Services were called before data was saved in DB.
         success = self.update_mongo(asynchronous)
         if success and created:
-            call_service(self)
+            records = ParsedInstance.objects.filter(
+                instance_id=self.instance_id
+            ).values_list('instance__xform__kpi_asset_uid', flat=True)
+            if not (asset_uid := records[0]):
+                logging.warning(
+                    f'ParsedInstance #: {self.pk} - XForm is not linked with Asset'
+                )
+            else:
+                call_services(asset_uid, self.instance_id)
         return success
     def add_note(self, note):
diff --git a/kobo/apps/openrosa/libs/constants.py b/kobo/apps/openrosa/libs/constants.py
index 761d96edd5..9e1b580763 100644
--- a/kobo/apps/openrosa/libs/constants.py
+++ b/kobo/apps/openrosa/libs/constants.py
@@ -39,6 +39,5 @@
-    'restservice',
diff --git a/kobo/apps/openrosa/libs/serializers/xform_serializer.py b/kobo/apps/openrosa/libs/serializers/xform_serializer.py
index cc910c1e41..f9ad5c0685 100644
--- a/kobo/apps/openrosa/libs/serializers/xform_serializer.py
+++ b/kobo/apps/openrosa/libs/serializers/xform_serializer.py
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ class XFormSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
     users = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_xform_permissions')
     hash = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
-    has_kpi_hooks = serializers.BooleanField()
     class Meta:
         model = XForm
diff --git a/kobo/settings/base.py b/kobo/settings/base.py
index 19b1644a35..715d2badc3 100644
--- a/kobo/settings/base.py
+++ b/kobo/settings/base.py
@@ -138,7 +138,6 @@
-    'kobo.apps.openrosa.apps.restservice.app.RestServiceConfig',
@@ -1199,7 +1198,7 @@ def dj_stripe_request_callback_method():
     # http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/getting-started/brokers/redis.html#redis-visibility-timeout
     # TODO figure out how to pass `Constance.HOOK_MAX_RETRIES` or `HookLog.get_remaining_seconds()
     # Otherwise hardcode `HOOK_MAX_RETRIES` in Settings
-    "visibility_timeout": 60 * (10 ** 3)  # Longest ETA for RestService (seconds)
+    "visibility_timeout": 60 * (10 ** 2)  # Longest ETA for RestService (seconds)
diff --git a/kpi/deployment_backends/base_backend.py b/kpi/deployment_backends/base_backend.py
index d2e6d88ac2..f7860fdf71 100644
--- a/kpi/deployment_backends/base_backend.py
+++ b/kpi/deployment_backends/base_backend.py
@@ -446,10 +446,6 @@ def set_enketo_open_rosa_server(
-    @abc.abstractmethod
-    def set_has_kpi_hooks(self):
-        pass
     def set_status(self, status):
         self.save_to_db({'status': status})
diff --git a/kpi/deployment_backends/mock_backend.py b/kpi/deployment_backends/mock_backend.py
index 1efbd5e650..296e8fbb25 100644
--- a/kpi/deployment_backends/mock_backend.py
+++ b/kpi/deployment_backends/mock_backend.py
@@ -91,7 +91,6 @@ def generate_uuid_for_form():
                 'active': active,
                 'backend_response': {
                     'downloadable': active,
-                    'has_kpi_hook': self.asset.has_active_hooks,
                     'kpi_asset_uid': self.asset.uid,
                     'uuid': generate_uuid_for_form(),
                     # TODO use XForm object and get its primary key
@@ -525,19 +524,6 @@ def set_enketo_open_rosa_server(
-    def set_has_kpi_hooks(self):
-        """
-        Store a boolean which indicates that KPI has active hooks (or not)
-        and, if it is the case, it should receive notifications when new data
-        comes in
-        """
-        has_active_hooks = self.asset.has_active_hooks
-        self.store_data(
-            {
-                'has_kpi_hooks': has_active_hooks,
-            }
-        )
     def set_namespace(self, namespace):
diff --git a/kpi/deployment_backends/openrosa_backend.py b/kpi/deployment_backends/openrosa_backend.py
index a17b72114b..1d89afdb63 100644
--- a/kpi/deployment_backends/openrosa_backend.py
+++ b/kpi/deployment_backends/openrosa_backend.py
@@ -150,10 +150,9 @@ def connect(self, active=False):
         with kc_transaction_atomic():
             self._xform = publish_xls_form(xlsx_file, self.asset.owner)
             self._xform.downloadable = active
-            self._xform.has_kpi_hooks = self.asset.has_active_hooks
             self._xform.kpi_asset_uid = self.asset.uid
-                update_fields=['downloadable', 'has_kpi_hooks', 'kpi_asset_uid']
+                update_fields=['downloadable', 'kpi_asset_uid']
@@ -842,11 +841,9 @@ def redeploy(self, active=None):
-                has_kpi_hooks=self.asset.has_active_hooks,
             self.xform.downloadable = active
             self.xform.title = self.asset.name
-            self.xform.has_kpi_hooks = self.asset.has_active_hooks
             publish_xls_form(xlsx_file, self.asset.owner, self.xform.id_string)
@@ -1024,27 +1021,6 @@ def set_enketo_open_rosa_server(
-    def set_has_kpi_hooks(self):
-        """
-        `PATCH` `has_kpi_hooks` boolean of related KoBoCAT XForm.
-        It lets KoBoCAT know whether it needs to notify KPI
-        each time a submission comes in.
-        Store results in deployment data
-        """
-        # Use `queryset.update()` over `model.save()` because we don't need to
-        # run the logic of the `model.save()` method and we don't need signals
-        # to be called.
-        XForm.objects.filter(pk=self.xform_id).update(
-            kpi_asset_uid=self.asset.uid,
-            has_kpi_hooks=self.asset.has_active_hooks
-        )
-        self.xform.kpi_asset_uid = self.asset.uid
-        self.xform.has_active_hooks = self.asset.has_active_hooks
-        self.backend_response['kpi_asset_uid'] = self.asset.uid
-        self.store_data({'backend_response': self.backend_response})
     def set_validation_status(
         submission_id: int,
diff --git a/kpi/signals.py b/kpi/signals.py
index 90245bbee6..89be23937d 100644
--- a/kpi/signals.py
+++ b/kpi/signals.py
@@ -74,16 +74,6 @@ def tag_uid_post_save(sender, instance, created, raw, **kwargs):
-@receiver(post_save, sender=Hook)
-def update_kc_xform_has_kpi_hooks(sender, instance, **kwargs):
-    """
-    Updates KoboCAT XForm instance as soon as Asset.Hook list is updated.
-    """
-    asset = instance.asset
-    if asset.has_deployment:
-        asset.deployment.set_has_kpi_hooks()
 @receiver(post_delete, sender=Asset)
 def post_delete_asset(sender, instance, **kwargs):
     # Update parent's languages if this object is a child of another asset.
diff --git a/kpi/tests/api/v2/test_api_invalid_password_access.py b/kpi/tests/api/v2/test_api_invalid_password_access.py
index 9468156e6e..fc2f2918ef 100644
--- a/kpi/tests/api/v2/test_api_invalid_password_access.py
+++ b/kpi/tests/api/v2/test_api_invalid_password_access.py
@@ -185,20 +185,3 @@ def _access_endpoints(self, access_granted: bool, headers: dict = {}):
         # `/environment`
         response = self.client.get(reverse('environment'), **headers)
         assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
-        # Hook signal is a particular case but should not return a 403
-        data = {'submission_id': submission_id}
-        # # `/api/v2/assets/<parent_lookup_asset>/hook-signal/`
-        response = self.client.post(
-            reverse(
-                self._get_endpoint('hook-signal-list'),
-                kwargs={
-                    'format': 'json',
-                    'parent_lookup_asset': self.asset.uid,
-                },
-            ),
-            data=data,
-            **headers,
-        )
-        # return a 202 first time but 409 other attempts.
-        assert response.status_code != status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN
diff --git a/kpi/urls/router_api_v1.py b/kpi/urls/router_api_v1.py
index 4e53c7ae8c..368101a9e3 100644
--- a/kpi/urls/router_api_v1.py
+++ b/kpi/urls/router_api_v1.py
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
 from kobo.apps.hook.views.v1.hook import HookViewSet
 from kobo.apps.hook.views.v1.hook_log import HookLogViewSet
-from kobo.apps.hook.views.v1.hook_signal import HookSignalViewSet
 from kobo.apps.reports.views import ReportsViewSet
 from kpi.views.v1 import (
@@ -29,11 +28,6 @@
-                      HookSignalViewSet,
-                      basename='hook-signal',
-                      parents_query_lookups=['asset'],
-                      )
diff --git a/kpi/urls/router_api_v2.py b/kpi/urls/router_api_v2.py
index 9883884fc4..7c7dbd2575 100644
--- a/kpi/urls/router_api_v2.py
+++ b/kpi/urls/router_api_v2.py
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
 from kobo.apps.audit_log.urls import router as audit_log_router
 from kobo.apps.hook.views.v2.hook import HookViewSet
 from kobo.apps.hook.views.v2.hook_log import HookLogViewSet
-from kobo.apps.hook.views.v2.hook_signal import HookSignalViewSet
 from kobo.apps.languages.urls import router as language_router
 from kobo.apps.organizations.views import OrganizationViewSet
 from kobo.apps.project_ownership.urls import router as project_ownership_router
@@ -104,12 +103,6 @@ def get_urls(self, *args, **kwargs):
-                      HookSignalViewSet,
-                      basename='hook-signal',
-                      parents_query_lookups=['asset'],
-                      )