This app contains all the necessary modules to develop a simple express app to play around, test and put into production with.
Technologies used
- Express 4.0
- Npm 4.1.1
- Node 6.9.0
- Pug 2.0.0 beta (can be downgraded to 2.0.0, simply)
- Clone (git bash recommeneded) or download the zip file onto your computer.
- Open folder in preferred text editor.
- Run - nodemon app - on git bash
- Visit localhost:3000 on your browser.
- Welcome message should appear if everything was done right.
- You are ready to go!
- List of all dependencies are shown in the package.json file
- Nodemon is saved under development dependencies and is used to restart the server automatically anytime a change is made to the application. To start the server, simply type the command: nodemon app.
- For the most part, each file has some comments explaining what each piece of code does.
- Developed for CreativeBitStudio by Danny Mack - Full Stack Developer.
- Developer Feedback: [email protected].
- To contact or hire us: [email protected].
- Website: