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File metadata and controls

384 lines (283 loc) · 20.5 KB

Original Source by kohya-ss

First version: A.I Translation by Model: NousResearch/Nous-Hermes-2-Mixtral-8x7B-DPO, editing by Darkstorm2150

Some parts are manually added.

Config Readme

This README is about the configuration files that can be passed with the --dataset_config option.


By passing a configuration file, users can make detailed settings.

  • Multiple datasets can be configured
    • For example, by setting resolution for each dataset, they can be mixed and trained.
    • In training methods that support both the DreamBooth approach and the fine-tuning approach, datasets of the DreamBooth method and the fine-tuning method can be mixed.
  • Settings can be changed for each subset
    • A subset is a partition of the dataset by image directory or metadata. Several subsets make up a dataset.
    • Options such as keep_tokens and flip_aug can be set for each subset. On the other hand, options such as resolution and batch_size can be set for each dataset, and their values are common among subsets belonging to the same dataset. More details will be provided later.

The configuration file format can be JSON or TOML. Considering the ease of writing, it is recommended to use TOML. The following explanation assumes the use of TOML.

Here is an example of a configuration file written in TOML.

shuffle_caption = true
caption_extension = '.txt'
keep_tokens = 1

# This is a DreamBooth-style dataset
resolution = 512
batch_size = 4
keep_tokens = 2

  image_dir = 'C:\hoge'
  class_tokens = 'hoge girl'
  # This subset uses keep_tokens = 2 (the value of the parent datasets)

  image_dir = 'C:\fuga'
  class_tokens = 'fuga boy'
  keep_tokens = 3

  is_reg = true
  image_dir = 'C:\reg'
  class_tokens = 'human'
  keep_tokens = 1

# This is a fine-tuning dataset
resolution = [768, 768]
batch_size = 2

  image_dir = 'C:\piyo'
  metadata_file = 'C:\piyo\piyo_md.json'
  # This subset uses keep_tokens = 1 (the value of [general])

In this example, three directories are trained as a DreamBooth-style dataset at 512x512 (batch size 4), and one directory is trained as a fine-tuning dataset at 768x768 (batch size 2).

Settings for datasets and subsets

Settings for datasets and subsets are divided into several registration locations.

  • [general]
    • This is where options that apply to all datasets or all subsets are specified.
    • If there are options with the same name in the dataset-specific or subset-specific settings, the dataset-specific or subset-specific settings take precedence.
  • [[datasets]]
    • datasets is where settings for datasets are registered. This is where options that apply individually to each dataset are specified.
    • If there are subset-specific settings, the subset-specific settings take precedence.
  • [[datasets.subsets]]
    • datasets.subsets is where settings for subsets are registered. This is where options that apply individually to each subset are specified.

Here is an image showing the correspondence between image directories and registration locations in the previous example.

├─ hoge  ->  [[datasets.subsets]] No.1  ┐                        ┐
├─ fuga  ->  [[datasets.subsets]] No.2  |->  [[datasets]] No.1   |->  [general]
├─ reg   ->  [[datasets.subsets]] No.3  ┘                        |
└─ piyo  ->  [[datasets.subsets]] No.4  -->  [[datasets]] No.2   ┘

The image directory corresponds to each [[datasets.subsets]]. Then, multiple [[datasets.subsets]] are combined to form one [[datasets]]. All [[datasets]] and [[datasets.subsets]] belong to [general].

The available options for each registration location may differ, but if the same option is specified, the value in the lower registration location will take precedence. You can check how the keep_tokens option is handled in the previous example for better understanding.

Additionally, the available options may vary depending on the method that the learning approach supports.

  • Options specific to the DreamBooth method
  • Options specific to the fine-tuning method
  • Options available when using the caption dropout technique

When using both the DreamBooth method and the fine-tuning method, they can be used together with a learning approach that supports both. When using them together, a point to note is that the method is determined based on the dataset, so it is not possible to mix DreamBooth method subsets and fine-tuning method subsets within the same dataset. In other words, if you want to use both methods together, you need to set up subsets of different methods belonging to different datasets.

In terms of program behavior, if the metadata_file option exists, it is determined to be a subset of fine-tuning. Therefore, for subsets belonging to the same dataset, as long as they are either "all have the metadata_file option" or "all have no metadata_file option," there is no problem.

Below, the available options will be explained. For options with the same name as the command-line argument, the explanation will be omitted in principle. Please refer to other READMEs.

Common options for all learning methods

These are options that can be specified regardless of the learning method.

Data set specific options

These are options related to the configuration of the data set. They cannot be described in datasets.subsets.

Option Name Example Setting [general] [[datasets]]
batch_size 1 o o
bucket_no_upscale true o o
bucket_reso_steps 64 o o
enable_bucket true o o
max_bucket_reso 1024 o o
min_bucket_reso 128 o o
resolution 256, [512, 512] o o
  • batch_size
    • This corresponds to the command-line argument --train_batch_size.

These settings are fixed per dataset. That means that subsets belonging to the same dataset will share these settings. For example, if you want to prepare datasets with different resolutions, you can define them as separate datasets as shown in the example above, and set different resolutions for each.

Options for Subsets

These options are related to subset configuration.

Option Name Example [general] [[datasets]] [[dataset.subsets]]
color_aug false o o o
face_crop_aug_range [1.0, 3.0] o o o
flip_aug true o o o
keep_tokens 2 o o o
num_repeats 10 o o o
random_crop false o o o
shuffle_caption true o o o
caption_prefix "masterpiece, best quality, " o o o
caption_suffix ", from side" o o o
caption_separator (not specified) o o o
keep_tokens_separator `“ ”`
secondary_separator “;;;” o o o
enable_wildcard true o o o
  • num_repeats
    • Specifies the number of repeats for images in a subset. This is equivalent to --dataset_repeats in fine-tuning but can be specified for any training method.
  • caption_prefix, caption_suffix
    • Specifies the prefix and suffix strings to be appended to the captions. Shuffling is performed with these strings included. Be cautious when using keep_tokens.
  • caption_separator
    • Specifies the string to separate the tags. The default is ,. This option is usually not necessary to set.
  • keep_tokens_separator
    • Specifies the string to separate the parts to be fixed in the caption. For example, if you specify aaa, bbb ||| ccc, ddd, eee, fff ||| ggg, hhh, the parts aaa, bbb and ggg, hhh will remain, and the rest will be shuffled and dropped. The comma in between is not necessary. As a result, the prompt will be aaa, bbb, eee, ccc, fff, ggg, hhh or aaa, bbb, fff, ccc, eee, ggg, hhh, etc.
  • secondary_separator
    • Specifies an additional separator. The part separated by this separator is treated as one tag and is shuffled and dropped. It is then replaced by caption_separator. For example, if you specify aaa;;;bbb;;;ccc, it will be replaced by aaa,bbb,ccc or dropped together.
  • enable_wildcard
    • Enables wildcard notation. This will be explained later.

DreamBooth-specific options

DreamBooth-specific options only exist as subsets-specific options.

Subset-specific options

Options related to the configuration of DreamBooth subsets.

Option Name Example Setting [general] [[datasets]] [[dataset.subsets]]
image_dir 'C:\hoge' - - o (required)
caption_extension ".txt" o o o
class_tokens "sks girl" - - o
cache_info false o o o
is_reg false - - o

Firstly, note that for image_dir, the path to the image files must be specified as being directly in the directory. Unlike the previous DreamBooth method, where images had to be placed in subdirectories, this is not compatible with that specification. Also, even if you name the folder something like "5_cat", the number of repeats of the image and the class name will not be reflected. If you want to set these individually, you will need to explicitly specify them using num_repeats and class_tokens.

  • image_dir
    • Specifies the path to the image directory. This is a required option.
    • Images must be placed directly under the directory.
  • class_tokens
    • Sets the class tokens.
    • Only used during training when a corresponding caption file does not exist. The determination of whether or not to use it is made on a per-image basis. If class_tokens is not specified and a caption file is not found, an error will occur.
  • cache_info
    • Specifies whether to cache the image size and caption. If not specified, it is set to false. The cache is saved in metadata_cache.json in image_dir.
    • Caching speeds up the loading of the dataset after the first time. It is effective when dealing with thousands of images or more.
  • is_reg
    • Specifies whether the subset images are for normalization. If not specified, it is set to false, meaning that the images are not for normalization.

Fine-tuning method specific options

The options for the fine-tuning method only exist for subset-specific options.

Subset-specific options

These options are related to the configuration of the fine-tuning method's subsets.

Option name Example setting [general] [[datasets]] [[dataset.subsets]]
image_dir 'C:\hoge' - - o
metadata_file 'C:\piyo\piyo_md.json' - - o (required)
  • image_dir
    • Specify the path to the image directory. Unlike the DreamBooth method, specifying it is not mandatory, but it is recommended to do so.
      • The case where it is not necessary to specify is when the --full_path is added to the command line when generating the metadata file.
    • The images must be placed directly under the directory.
  • metadata_file
    • Specify the path to the metadata file used for the subset. This is a required option.
      • It is equivalent to the command-line argument --in_json.
    • Due to the specification that a metadata file must be specified for each subset, it is recommended to avoid creating a metadata file with images from different directories as a single metadata file. It is strongly recommended to prepare a separate metadata file for each image directory and register them as separate subsets.

Options available when caption dropout method can be used

The options available when the caption dropout method can be used exist only for subsets. Regardless of whether it's the DreamBooth method or fine-tuning method, if it supports caption dropout, it can be specified.

Subset-specific options

Options related to the setting of subsets that caption dropout can be used for.

Option Name [general] [[datasets]] [[dataset.subsets]]
caption_dropout_every_n_epochs o o o
caption_dropout_rate o o o
caption_tag_dropout_rate o o o

Behavior when there are duplicate subsets

In the case of the DreamBooth dataset, if there are multiple image_dir directories with the same content, they are considered to be duplicate subsets. For the fine-tuning dataset, if there are multiple metadata_file files with the same content, they are considered to be duplicate subsets. If duplicate subsets exist in the dataset, subsequent subsets will be ignored.

However, if they belong to different datasets, they are not considered duplicates. For example, if you have subsets with the same image_dir in different datasets, they will not be considered duplicates. This is useful when you want to train with the same image but with different resolutions.

# If data sets exist separately, they are not considered duplicates and are both used for training.

resolution = 512

  image_dir = 'C:\hoge'

resolution = 768

  image_dir = 'C:\hoge'

Command Line Argument and Configuration File

There are options in the configuration file that have overlapping roles with command line argument options.

The following command line argument options are ignored if a configuration file is passed:

  • --train_data_dir
  • --reg_data_dir
  • --in_json

The following command line argument options are given priority over the configuration file options if both are specified simultaneously. In most cases, they have the same names as the corresponding options in the configuration file.

Command Line Argument Option Prioritized Configuration File Option
--dataset_repeats num_repeats
--train_batch_size batch_size

Error Guide

Currently, we are using an external library to check if the configuration file is written correctly, but the development has not been completed, and there is a problem that the error message is not clear. In the future, we plan to improve this problem.

As a temporary measure, we will list common errors and their solutions. If you encounter an error even though it should be correct or if the error content is not understandable, please contact us as it may be a bug.

  • voluptuous.error.MultipleInvalid: required key not provided @ ...: This error occurs when a required option is not provided. It is highly likely that you forgot to specify the option or misspelled the option name.
    • The error location is indicated by ... in the error message. For example, if you encounter an error like voluptuous.error.MultipleInvalid: required key not provided @ data['datasets'][0]['subsets'][0]['image_dir'], it means that the image_dir option does not exist in the 0th subsets of the 0th datasets setting.
  • voluptuous.error.MultipleInvalid: expected int for dictionary value @ ...: This error occurs when the specified value format is incorrect. It is highly likely that the value format is incorrect. The int part changes depending on the target option. The example configurations in this README may be helpful.
  • voluptuous.error.MultipleInvalid: extra keys not allowed @ ...: This error occurs when there is an option name that is not supported. It is highly likely that you misspelled the option name or mistakenly included it.


Multi-line captions

By setting enable_wildcard = true, multiple-line captions are also enabled. If the caption file consists of multiple lines, one line is randomly selected as the caption.

1girl, hatsune miku, vocaloid, upper body, looking at viewer, microphone, stage
a girl with a microphone standing on a stage
detailed digital art of a girl with a microphone on a stage

It can be combined with wildcard notation.

In metadata files, you can also specify multiple-line captions. In the .json metadata file, use \n to represent a line break. If the caption file consists of multiple lines, will create a metadata file in this format.

The tags in the metadata (tags) are added to each line of the caption.

    "/path/to/image.png": {
        "caption": "a cartoon of a frog with the word frog on it\ntest multiline caption1\ntest multiline caption2",
        "tags": "open mouth, simple background, standing, no humans, animal, black background, frog, animal costume, animal focus"

In this case, the actual caption will be a cartoon of a frog with the word frog on it, open mouth, simple background ..., test multiline caption1, open mouth, simple background ..., test multiline caption2, open mouth, simple background ..., etc.

Example of configuration file : secondary_separator, wildcard notation, keep_tokens_separator, etc.

flip_aug = true
color_aug = false
resolution = [1024, 1024]

batch_size = 6
enable_bucket = true
bucket_no_upscale = true
caption_extension = ".txt"
keep_tokens_separator= "|||"
shuffle_caption = true
caption_tag_dropout_rate = 0.1
secondary_separator = ";;;" # subset 側に書くこともできます / can be written in the subset side
enable_wildcard = true # 同上 / same as above

  image_dir = "/path/to/image_dir"
  num_repeats = 1

  # ||| の前後はカンマは不要です(自動的に追加されます) / No comma is required before and after ||| (it is added automatically)
  caption_prefix = "1girl, hatsune miku, vocaloid |||" 
  # ||| の後はシャッフル、drop されず残ります / After |||, it is not shuffled or dropped and remains
  # 単純に文字列として連結されるので、カンマなどは自分で入れる必要があります / It is simply concatenated as a string, so you need to put commas yourself
  caption_suffix = ", anime screencap ||| masterpiece, rating: general"

Example of caption, secondary_separator notation: secondary_separator = ";;;"

1girl, hatsune miku, vocaloid, upper body, looking at viewer, sky;;;cloud;;;day, outdoors

The part sky;;;cloud;;;day is replaced with sky,cloud,day without shuffling or dropping. When shuffling and dropping are enabled, it is processed as a whole (as one tag). For example, it becomes vocaloid, 1girl, upper body, sky,cloud,day, outdoors, hatsune miku (shuffled) or vocaloid, 1girl, outdoors, looking at viewer, upper body, hatsune miku (dropped).

Example of caption, enable_wildcard notation: enable_wildcard = true

1girl, hatsune miku, vocaloid, upper body, looking at viewer, {simple|white} background

simple or white is randomly selected, and it becomes simple background or white background.

1girl, hatsune miku, vocaloid, {{retro style}}

If you want to include { or } in the tag string, double them like {{ or }} (in this example, the actual caption used for training is {retro style}).

Example of caption, keep_tokens_separator notation: keep_tokens_separator = "|||"

1girl, hatsune miku, vocaloid ||| stage, microphone, white shirt, smile ||| best quality, rating: general

It becomes 1girl, hatsune miku, vocaloid, microphone, stage, white shirt, best quality, rating: general or 1girl, hatsune miku, vocaloid, white shirt, smile, stage, microphone, best quality, rating: general etc.