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Scripting Basics

Komefai edited this page Sep 19, 2017 · 13 revisions


  1. Setup Project
  2. Basic Structure
  3. Tutorial Video

Setup Project

Create a Class Library project in Visual Studio and add references to PS4MacroAPI.dll. You also need to add references to System.Drawing if you plan to use the included image processing libraries, and references to System.Windows.Forms if your script will include a UI. The main class will be entry point which needs to be a subclass of ScriptBase in order to be detected by PS4 Macro.

Use the following template to get started.

Bare-bone script example

using PS4MacroAPI;

public class Script : ScriptBase
    /* Constructor */
    public Script()
        Config.Name = "Example Script";
        Config.LoopDelay = 800;

    // Called when the user pressed play
    public override void Start()

    // Called every interval set by LoopDelay
    public override void Update()

Basic Structure

The structure of a subclass of ScriptBase is inspired by Unity. ScriptBase comes with many built-in methods that wraps useful functions that a bot/script might need such as pressing buttons (with timing), taking a screenshot, and basic image processing. See code examples or the API docs.


The constructor will be invoked only once after the script DLL is loaded from PS4 Macro. Use this for initializing default values especially values in the Config property.

NOTE: If the script includes UI then the main form must be created here and nowhere else.


Start() will be called every time the user pressed play. The method should contain initialization that needs to occur every time the script is started. The best practice is to initialize variables that has to be reset every playback "session".


Update() is called every interval that is set by Config.LoopDelay (in milliseconds). This is the main loop of the script and probably where most of the script's implementations will be called from.

Tutorial Video

Introduction to Scripting in PS4 Macro