.. seo:: :description: Changelog for ESPHome version 1.17.0. :image: /_static/changelog-1.17.0.png :author: ESPHome :author_twitter: @esphome_
.. imgtable:: :columns: 4 Inkbird IBS-TH1 Mini, components/sensor/inkbird_ibsth1_mini, inkbird_isbth1_mini.jpg MCP4725, components/output/mcp4725, mcp4725.jpg Xiaomi Miscale, components/sensor/xiaomi_miscale, xiaomi_miscale.jpg Xiaomi Miscale2, components/sensor/xiaomi_miscale2, xiaomi_miscale2.jpg Midea Air Conditioner, components/climate/midea_ac, midea.svg Addressable Light Display, components/display/addressable_light, addressable_light.jpg Pulse Meter, components/sensor/pulse_meter, pulse.svg, dark-invert
So, ESPHome was acquired by Nabu Casa. That was big and unexpected, but awesome news for the project as now I have been hired by Nabu Casa full-time to work on ESPHome. I know I said this in the last release, but hopefully now that it is literally my job, the releases will move to a (yet to be defined) schedule.
A lot of fixes and updates to existing components in this release, and a couple of new integrations and features too. Check them out if you have the hardware but could not use it before.
Hopefully I can get some help and pointers from the Nabu Casa team to tidy up these release notes and make them all fancy and actually something to look forward to reading.
- esphome: Vl53l0x change address :esphomepr:`1126` by :ghuser:`kkellner` (new-feature)
- esphome: Background calibration & ABC commands for SenseAir S8 :esphomepr:`1623` by :ghuser:`nmaggioni` (new-feature)
- esphome: Add trigger for http actions to receive the status code :esphomepr:`1599` by :ghuser:`jesserockz` (new-feature)
- esphome: Adding support for the Inkbird IBS-TH1 Mini sensor :esphomepr:`1099` by :ghuser:`fkirill` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add MCP4725 DAC Component :esphomepr:`1418` by :ghuser:`JJK801` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add Xiaomi Miscale v1 and v2 :esphomepr:`1368` by :ghuser:`dckiller51` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add support for the SM300D2 7-in-1 sensor module :esphomepr:`1524` by :ghuser:`moritzgloeckl` (new-integration)
- esphome: Midea climate support :esphomepr:`1328` by :ghuser:`dudanov` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add addressable_light display platform :esphomepr:`1272` by :ghuser:`justfalter` (new-integration) (notable-change)
- esphome: Implement pulse_meter as an improvement on pulse_counter and pulse_width for meters :esphomepr:`1434` by :ghuser:`stevebaxter` (new-integration)
- esphome: MCP23XXX Refactor :esphomepr:`1560` by :ghuser:`jesserockz` (breaking-change)
- esphome: Device class attribute for sensor component :esphomepr:`1525` by :ghuser:`marecabo` (notable-change)
- esphome: Add default device classes to sensor components :esphomepr:`1533` by :ghuser:`marecabo` (notable-change)
- esphome: Add addressable_light display platform :esphomepr:`1272` by :ghuser:`justfalter` (new-integration) (notable-change)
- esphome: Fix BLE UUID matching :esphomepr:`1637` by :ghuser:`buxtronix`
- esphome: Add optional bindkey support for CGG1. :esphomepr:`1407` by :ghuser:`Flameeyes`
- docs: Update CGG1 documentation around bindkey :docspr:`876` by :ghuser:`Flameeyes`
- esphome: buffer allocation and TRUEFALSE templates :esphomepr:`1644` by :ghuser:`SenexCrenshaw`
- esphome: fix servo not reattaching with same target :esphomepr:`1649` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Fix colorlog removing colors and refactor color code :esphomepr:`1671`
- esphome: Fix servo detach chopped PWM :esphomepr:`1650` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Fix sensor.sensor_schema interface changed :esphomepr:`1659`
- esphome: Sensor Average Filter Fix Floating Pointer Error Accumulating :esphomepr:`1624`
- esphome: Added / to default glyphs :esphomepr:`1691` by :ghuser:`richardklingler`
- esphome: RC522 fixes :esphomepr:`1479` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- docs: Fixed typo in 1.17.0 changelogs :docspr:`1132` by :ghuser:`spacegaier`
- esphome: Do not call component update on failed components :esphomepr:`1392` by :ghuser:`alexyao2015`
- esphome: fixes #858 - esphome crashes with neolightbus and RMT :esphomepr:`1667` by :ghuser:`angelnu`
- docs: Fix abundant apostrophes :docspr:`1137` by :ghuser:`jmartens`
- docs: Add output part to binary light example :docspr:`1061` by :ghuser:`klaasnicolaas`
- esphome: Bump voluptuous from 0.12.0 to 0.12.1 :esphomepr:`1411` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: add http request tests :esphomepr:`1448` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: codegen: Lambda improvements :esphomepr:`1476` by :ghuser:`balrog-kun`
- docs: Add options to control pulse duration on Climate_IR_LG Component :docspr:`963` by :ghuser:`mhentschke`
- esphome: Add options to control pulse duration on Climate_IR_LG Component :esphomepr:`1470` by :ghuser:`mhentschke`
- esphome: Adding support for the Inkbird IBS-TH1 Mini sensor :esphomepr:`1099` by :ghuser:`fkirill` (new-integration)
- docs: Adding documentation for Inkbird IBS-TH1 Mini sensor :docspr:`657` by :ghuser:`fkirill`
- esphome: Add config validator location :esphomepr:`1490` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Add MCP4725 DAC Component :esphomepr:`1418` by :ghuser:`JJK801` (new-integration)
- docs: Add MCP4725 docs :docspr:`889` by :ghuser:`JJK801`
- docs: Fix format consistency :docspr:`989` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Added codeowners to max7219digit :esphomepr:`1487` by :ghuser:`rspaargaren`
- esphome: Correct Native API Wire Format Documentation :esphomepr:`1528` by :ghuser:`justin-gerhardt`
- esphome: st7735_conf_fixes :esphomepr:`1530` by :ghuser:`SenexCrenshaw`
- docs: ST7735 Changed configuration items to snake_case :docspr:`1000` by :ghuser:`SenexCrenshaw`
- esphome: Device class attribute for sensor component :esphomepr:`1525` by :ghuser:`marecabo` (notable-change)
- docs: Add doc for device_class attribute of sensor :docspr:`996` by :ghuser:`marecabo`
- docs: Add sleep duration to enter deep sleep action :docspr:`995` by :ghuser:`nuttytree`
- esphome: Add duration option to action start deep sleep :esphomepr:`1526` by :ghuser:`nuttytree`
- esphome: fix substitution losing track of document range :esphomepr:`1547` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- docs: Update esp32_camera.rst :docspr:`1020` by :ghuser:`lukaszrud`
- docs: Fix format next :docspr:`1023` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- docs: Add another project to diy.rst :docspr:`1019` by :ghuser:`shish`
- docs: Update esphome-configs URL :docspr:`1018` by :ghuser:`shish`
- docs: Icon is ignored by HA when device class is set :docspr:`1011` by :ghuser:`marecabo`
- docs: Update pid.rst :docspr:`1006` by :ghuser:`boradwell`
- docs: Mention that Hyperion.NG works with E1.31 :docspr:`975` by :ghuser:`rradar`
- esphome: Add Xiaomi Miscale v1 and v2 :esphomepr:`1368` by :ghuser:`dckiller51` (new-integration)
- docs: Add docs for Xiaomi Miscale v1 and v2 :docspr:`1021` by :ghuser:`dckiller51`
- docs: Add missing closing parenthesis in example :docspr:`1029` by :ghuser:`lepinkainen`
- docs: Update Inkplate.rst :docspr:`1026` by :ghuser:`jakommo`
- docs: typo in st7735 model number :docspr:`1025` by :ghuser:`wjcarpenter`
- docs: Fix mcp23sXX id config :docspr:`1017` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- docs: Update bme680.rst :docspr:`1007` by :ghuser:`wifwucite`
- docs: Sim800l dial :docspr:`1027` by :ghuser:`spilin`
- esphome: Add dial support for sim800l component :esphomepr:`1558` by :ghuser:`spilin`
- esphome: Climate IR LG -keep previous temp and fan if swing :esphomepr:`1556` by :ghuser:`Otamay`
- esphome: Vl53l0x change address :esphomepr:`1126` by :ghuser:`kkellner` (new-feature)
- docs: Update vl53l0x docs :docspr:`679` by :ghuser:`kkellner`
- esphome: tuya: Use queue for sending command messages :esphomepr:`1404` by :ghuser:`stubs12`
- esphome: Replace substitutions in substitutions first :esphomepr:`1567` by :ghuser:`edenhaus`
- esphome: Added heater to climate_ir_lg :esphomepr:`1555` by :ghuser:`Otamay`
- esphome: More yaml validation :esphomepr:`1568` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Add default device classes to sensor components :esphomepr:`1533` by :ghuser:`marecabo` (notable-change)
- docs: Document recurring data in uart switch :docspr:`986` by :ghuser:`gabe565`
- esphome: Add support for recurring data in uart switch :esphomepr:`1514` by :ghuser:`gabe565`
- esphome: Added samsung36 ir protocol :esphomepr:`1438` by :ghuser:`tuxBurner`
- docs: Added remote samsung36 protocol docs :docspr:`904` by :ghuser:`tuxBurner`
- docs: Add IWOOLE Table Lamp cookbook entry :docspr:`947` by :ghuser:`Deinara`
- docs: Update uart.rst example to read all available characters :docspr:`1031` by :ghuser:`RoganDawes`
- esphome: ADC fix: GPIO0 not usable as output if ADC_VCC is used :esphomepr:`1557` by :ghuser:`ferbar`
- esphome: Add constants for device classes of binary_sensor :esphomepr:`1549` by :ghuser:`marecabo`
- esphome: fix path on windows escape :esphomepr:`1573` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Migrate ESPColor to Color :esphomepr:`1551` by :ghuser:`SenexCrenshaw`
- docs: Migrate ESPColor to Color :docspr:`1036` by :ghuser:`SenexCrenshaw`
- esphome: Add support for the SM300D2 7-in-1 sensor module :esphomepr:`1524` by :ghuser:`moritzgloeckl` (new-integration)
- docs: Added documentation for the SM300D2 sensor :docspr:`993` by :ghuser:`moritzgloeckl`
- esphome: changed color temp from float to int :esphomepr:`1522` by :ghuser:`codyjamestechnical`
- esphome: Bump pytest-cov from 2.10.1 to 2.11.1 :esphomepr:`1483` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: Bump colorlog from 4.6.2 to 4.7.2 :esphomepr:`1473` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: pins: Add three new boards :esphomepr:`1576` by :ghuser:`balrog-kun`
- esphome: Bump pytest from 6.2.1 to 6.2.2 :esphomepr:`1574` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: Bump pytz from 2020.5 to 2021.1 :esphomepr:`1575` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: Fix for waveshare 2.13in-ttgo-b73 :esphomepr:`1543` by :ghuser:`nikito7`
- docs: Added new blogpost :docspr:`1038` by :ghuser:`pieterbrink123`
- esphome: Add min/max filters :esphomepr:`1569` by :ghuser:`gabe565`
- docs: Document new min/max filters :docspr:`1032` by :ghuser:`gabe565`
- esphome: Bump pylint from 2.6.0 to 2.7.2 :esphomepr:`1582` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: Extend 'uart:' with 'invert:' for esp32 :esphomepr:`1586` by :ghuser:`needspeed`
- docs: Uart invert option for ESP32 :docspr:`1039` by :ghuser:`Mynasru`
- esphome: Bump platformio from 5.0.4 to 5.1.0 :esphomepr:`1581` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: fix servo warning :esphomepr:`1591` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- docs: add-black :docspr:`1044` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: add-black :esphomepr:`1593` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: MCP23XXX Refactor :esphomepr:`1560` by :ghuser:`jesserockz` (breaking-change)
- docs: Update MCP23XXX docs with interrupts and pin schemas :docspr:`1028` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: Improve error checking: too many component id candidates :esphomepr:`1570` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Schema dump :esphomepr:`1564` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- docs: Dump schema :docspr:`1030` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- docs: Update i2c.rst :docspr:`1043` by :ghuser:`webeling67`
- docs: Update rf_bridge.rst :docspr:`1042` by :ghuser:`samnewman86`
- esphome: Inkplate 6 Optimizations :esphomepr:`1592` by :ghuser:`Sizurka`
- docs: Fix RF Bridge link to Portisch Repo :docspr:`1045` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- docs: pin schema and other fixes :docspr:`1047` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: schema-dump-pins :esphomepr:`1596` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- docs: Adding that mpr121_id is a valid option for binary_sensor :docspr:`966` by :ghuser:`minideezel`
- esphome: change lcd clear() to clear the buffer :esphomepr:`1600` by :ghuser:`ssieb`
- esphome: PN532 - don't read extra page and fix size :esphomepr:`1565` by :ghuser:`ssieb`
- docs: schema-filters :docspr:`1052` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Fix component_tests config :esphomepr:`1608` by :ghuser:`madron`
- esphome: Added receive for Fujitsu ACs :esphomepr:`1577` by :ghuser:`alex-richards`
- esphome: Change COLOR_ON to be 255 values instead of 1 :esphomepr:`1594` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: a4988 wait 1ms when coming out of sleep :esphomepr:`1597` by :ghuser:`WeekendWarrior1`
- docs: Remove cs_pin from rc522 i2c example :docspr:`1059` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: Support fan speed levels :esphomepr:`1541` by :ghuser:`blejdfist`
- docs: Documentation for fan speed levels :docspr:`1056` by :ghuser:`blejdfist`
- docs: Add CLI logs section :docspr:`1060` by :ghuser:`Tmin10`
- esphome: Add option to suffix name with mac address :esphomepr:`1615` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: Midea climate support :esphomepr:`1328` by :ghuser:`dudanov` (new-integration)
- docs: Midea Climate support :docspr:`804` by :ghuser:`dudanov`
- docs: Add docs for name_add_mac_suffix config :docspr:`1058` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: SPI transfer fix. Use write when no miso pin is set :esphomepr:`1563` by :ghuser:`SenexCrenshaw`
- esphome: SPI Improvements :esphomepr:`1617` by :ghuser:`SenexCrenshaw`
- esphome: Add addressable_light display platform :esphomepr:`1272` by :ghuser:`justfalter` (new-integration) (notable-change)
- docs: Add docs for addressable_light display :docspr:`755` by :ghuser:`justfalter`
- esphome: Implement pulse_meter as an improvement on pulse_counter and pulse_width for meters :esphomepr:`1434` by :ghuser:`stevebaxter` (new-integration)
- esphome: e131: fix issue 1579: limitation of maximum light count :esphomepr:`1619` by :ghuser:`docteurzoidberg`
- docs: Add documentation for pulse_meter :docspr:`900` by :ghuser:`stevebaxter`
- esphome: Bump platformio from 5.1.0 to 5.1.1 :esphomepr:`1618` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: Fix pulse-meter with device_class and black :esphomepr:`1621` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: Declare Color objects in main.cpp :esphomepr:`1395` by :ghuser:`kbx81`
- esphome: Add 2.13in-ttgo-b1 waveshare epaper module. :esphomepr:`1326` by :ghuser:`matikij`
- docs: Add docs for ttgo-b1 version (next branch) :docspr:`808` by :ghuser:`matikij`
- esphome: Bump flake8 from 3.8.4 to 3.9.0 :esphomepr:`1612` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: Bundle platformio lib_deps in docker images :esphomepr:`1625`
- esphome: Bump protobuf from 3.13.0 to 3.15.6 :esphomepr:`1607` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: Bump pyyaml from 5.3.1 to 5.4.1 :esphomepr:`1482` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: Switch docker images to debian :esphomepr:`1626`
- esphome: Background calibration & ABC commands for SenseAir S8 :esphomepr:`1623` by :ghuser:`nmaggioni` (new-feature)
- docs: SenseAir: background calibration & ABC commands :docspr:`1066` by :ghuser:`nmaggioni`
- esphome: Add trigger for http actions to receive the status code :esphomepr:`1599` by :ghuser:`jesserockz` (new-feature)
- docs: Add docs for http_request on_response trigger :docspr:`1049` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- docs: Fix typo lambada -> lambda in multiple display compoments :docspr:`1071` by :ghuser:`rheinz`
- docs: Consistent spelling of "ID" :docspr:`1068` by :ghuser:`spacegaier`
- docs: Change GREYSCALE to GRAYSCALE :docspr:`1073` by :ghuser:`adrienbrault`
- docs: SPI: fix Example :docspr:`1076` by :ghuser:`ferbar`
- docs: Update diy.rst :docspr:`1106` by :ghuser:`electrofun-smart`
- docs: Make changelog banner dismissable :docspr:`1113` by :ghuser:`manutenfruits`
- docs: Correct typo: "between between" -> "between" :docspr:`1109` by :ghuser:`janosrusiczki`
- docs: Update canbus.rst :docspr:`1115` by :ghuser:`meijerwynand`
- docs: Update diy.rst :docspr:`1114` by :ghuser:`murilobaliego`
- docs: Update email addresses :docspr:`1122` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`