As of commit 9050e0f7
the size of the client, according to the build
85.39 KB (+25.59 KB) build\static\js\2.3166d4ff.chunk.js
3.51 KB (+3.01 KB) build\static\js\main.db7fab20.chunk.js
776 B build\static\js\runtime-main.d3b87615.js
280 B build\static\css\main.6873463e.chunk.css
Chrome says the same version published on Netlify resulted in
88.4kB transferred
So that's a full c-r-a build with material-ui as the component library.
According to the analyze
command, that's 293.97 KB unzipped.
According to analyze
Name | Proportion |
react-dom | 40% |
material-ui | 32% |
main.chunk.js | 3.5% |
The rest of it is a bunch of small stuff from material-ui, react and create-react-app, etc. JSS, babel, module loading.
Note that even just for this simple functionality, I've actually pulled in quite a few material-ui components, mostly for error handling, progress feedback, etc.
As of commit a6434931
, I've implemented a hit counter with SB, that's one
query and one update statement.
According to the build
103.21 KB (-70 B) build\static\js\2.39f9fc0c.chunk.js
4.83 KB (+161 B) build\static\js\main.5b25f330.chunk.js
776 B build\static\js\runtime-main.d3b87615.js
280 B build\static\css\main.6873463e.chunk.css
Chrome reports 109 kB transferred
So that's a bit less than 20KB for Supabase.
According to analyze
Name | Proportion |
react-dom | 31.4% |
material-ui | 25.6% |
main.chunk.js | 3.9% |
Most of the supabase doesn't get reported by analyze
under the @supabase
module. The analyze results are a bit weird looking, but I don't wanna dig
into it. I'm pretty happy with 20KB for supabase - need to keep an eye on it
as I implement more parts, specifically authn/authz and realtime stuff.
There might be a bunch of code being dropped by tree-shaking since I'm not
doing much yet.
As of commit 7d251286
, build
147.26 KB build\static\js\2.f844de94.chunk.js
16.29 KB build\static\js\main.948c02b5.chunk.js
775 B build\static\js\runtime-main.6fdde2b1.js
280 B build\static\css\main.6873463e.chunk.css
FireFox reported 168.34 KB transferred
when loading the netlify app,
version efd162cf
So this is changing the package.json and running the safe codemod.
Still left with lots of code that uses the legacy makesStyles()
from the @mui/styles
As of commit 5e1e4909
, build
167.65 KB (+11.7 KB) build\static\js\2.4bda13d9.chunk.js
16.22 KB (+41 B) build\static\js\main.b729ccb0.chunk.js
776 B build\static\js\runtime-main.863ad24c.js
280 B build\static\css\main.6873463e.chunk.css
Went through all components and pulled out imports of @mui/styles/makeStyles
then removed usage of StyledEngineProvider
and said import from CabbageTheme.
As of commit 2ba42678
, build
155.92 KB (-11.73 KB) build\static\js\2.d18c238b.chunk.js
16.16 KB (-62 B) build\static\js\main.5751ba25.chunk.js
776 B build\static\js\runtime-main.863ad24c.js
280 B build\static\css\main.6873463e.chunk.css
Big Supabase upgrade.
As of commit 9bec3d8a
, build
159.04 KB (+101 B) build\static\js\2.a9185fef.chunk.js
16.18 KB (-4 B) build\static\js\main.3fe7f822.chunk.js
776 B build\static\js\runtime-main.863ad24c.js
280 B build\static\css\main.6873463e.chunk.css