- formulate : 공식
- in combination with B : B와 결합하여
- implication : 영향
- further research : 차후 연구
- be emerging : 출현하고 있다
- intensification : 강화
- diversification : 다양화
- communal : 공동의
- On the other hand : 다른 한편으로는
- demonstrated : 증명된
- assumption : 가정
- proportional : 비례의
- convergence : 수렴
- subsequently : 그 뒤에, 나중에
- generic : 포괄적인
- robust : 건장한, 적합한
- constraint : 제약
- carry out : 수행하다
- summarize : 요약하다
- instantaneous : 즉석의
- observation : 관찰
- via : 통하여, 경우하여
- simultaneously : 동시에
- corresponds : 상응하는
- qualitative and quantitative evaluation : 정성적 및 정량적 평가
- 증가: increase, upregulate, enhance, potentiate, failitate, promote, stimulate, elevate, augment, enrich, aggravate, accelerate, expand, extend, enlarge, rise, alter
- 감소: decrease, downregulate, inhibit, prevent, repress, suppress, abolish, nullify, attenuate, knockout, diminish, mitigate, ameliorate, alleviate, restrain, dampen, reduce, lower, eliminate, lessen, shrink, minimize, cut down, alter
- 조절: regulate, affect, modulate, control, modify, fine-tune, orchestrate, involve, govern, contribute, manage, stabilize, adjust
- 규명: examine, investigate, analyze, explore, test, characterize, elucidate, evaluate, monitor, study, dissect, clarify, address
- 처리: treat, administrate, inject, incubate
- 발견: exhibit, show, observe, identify, reveal, provide, find, prove, uncover, unveil, demonstrate, illustrate, illuminate
- 관련: associate, correlate, implicate, in this regard, in line with, consistently, consistent with, accompanied by, associated with
- 제안: suggest, imply, postulate, hypothesize, speculate, indicate, propose, reinforce, assume
- 추가: in addition, also, further, furthermore, moreover, additionally, besides, finally, likewise, similarily
- 주목: notably, of note, interestingly, intriguingly, surprisingly, to our surprise, unexpectedly, highlight
- 확인: confirm, affirm, verify, validate
- 비교: compared to, than, relatively, highly, potently, remarkably
- 반전: however, but, while, whereas, although, despite, nevertheless, nonetheless, conversely, meanwhile, notwithstanding
- 정리: collectively, taken together, together, therefore, thus, hence, indeed