This folder contains the necessary files and data to run the DADA2 pipeline in R. For this course we will mainly use Rstudio when running , which you already should have installed R. Also make sure that you have installed the necessary packages.
- Make a working directory for the DADA2 pipeline on your computer
- Optional: Make an R-project in your working directory
- Download the R script either from Rstudio (type in the console):
download.file("", "DADA2_pipeline.R")
- Or the boring way DADA2_pipeline.R
- Open the script in Rstudio
- Make as subdirectory called fastq in the working directroy
- Download the fastq files to the subdirectory (link is in the script)
The fastq files have already been processed:
The samples have been demultiplexed, i.e. split into individual per-sample fastq files.
Primers and adapters and have been removed.
Paired-end data has been matched in the same order (i.e. sequences in the R1 and R2 fastq files arein the same order)
A link can be found in the DADA2 script
If you didn't manage to finish the pipeline during hands-on an RData image of the full pipeline has been added to the repository containing all the necessary results from the pipeline: dada2.RData
This can be downloaded and the opened i Rstudio:
The script is based on the DADA2 tutorial