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File metadata and controls

116 lines (90 loc) · 5 KB


An attempt to move away from plain SQL executions in Ms Access environment. Bringing LINQ / EF like operations for MS Access data tables. However, this project is only beneficial to those who do SQL operations in VBA.

We all agree that, due to the nature of VBA, it's quite easy to write a complex/clumsy code :

  'Select all apples from fruit table
   Set Rs = currentDb.openRecordset("SELECT * FROM fruits where typeid = " & appleId)
   'Select fruit name from the result set
   fruitName = rs("fruitName")
   'Update all apple price to 100
   currentDb.Execute "Update fruits SET price = 100 where typeId = " & appleId)

Nothing wrong with the above code but what really bothers me is, that I have to remember the table names and field names everytime I do a SQL operation. Plus in case if a field-name has changed, a global search and replace is required.

Besides, I really want to get rid of joining strings like

  updateCommand = "UPDATE fruits SET " & _
  "price =" & price & "," & _
  "description='" & description & "', " & _
  "updated_by ='" & staffName & "' " & _
  "where fruitId = " & fruitId
  currentDb.Execute updateCommand, dbFailOnError

See how quickly the updateCommand became clumsy? plus the code is now vulnerable to SQL injection attacks too. Surely there are ways to prevent sql injections in VBA like using creting query objects with parameters, or custom functions that takes care of SQL injection. Most of them still having to build an SQL command.

In this project I'm trying to achieve something like this:

  Dim fruits as new TFruits
  'Count number of furits from fruits table that are apples
  totalApples = fruits.where(typeId = appleId).count
  'Show the first fruit name from the fruit table
  me.txtFruitName = fruits.FirstOrDefault().FruitName ' Apple

  'Update fruit table and set the quantity to 60 for apples
  fruits.where(typeId = appleId)
  fruits.quantity = 60
  fruits.updated_by = staffName

Aim of this project

Pretty simple. Prevent or reduce writing plain SQL codes or having to remember table/field names when working with objects. Would like to use intelisense when selecting a property like furits.fruitName.


1> Because it's much easier and cleaner to read the code.
2> If a table has to be replaced, renamed or any other operation, do it in one place.
3> reduce ugly SQL and string joins when building SQL commands.
4> Feel free to add your answers here...


The fun part begins here, by design, in Access VBA, it's not possible to treat a table as a class. For that reason, we need to generate a class from a table. Suppose we have a table called fruits like this:

| fruitId |  fruitName  | typeId | price |  description   |
|       1 | Red Apple   |      1 | £0.40 | From Australia |
|       2 | Green Apple |      1 | £0.40 | From Australia |
|       3 | Banana      |      2 | £0.20 | Spain          |
|       4 | Pink Lady   |      1 | £0.40 | USA            |

| typeId |   type    |
|      1 | Apple     |
|      2 | Banana    |
|      3 | Guava     |
|      4 | Pineapple |
|      5 | Grape     |

we need to make a class for Fruits that has fruitId, fruitName, typeId, price, description properties. -Good old Getters and setters we've learned in the school-.
One problem though, doing this manually is just boring and time consuming. So we are going to make a script that can generate class out of tables. Similar to EF does it if you go for Database first method.

Notice, the Fruits table has a typeId. TypeId is a foreignKey pointing to FruitTypes table. That means we should be able to do something like this if we succeed with this project.

  Dim fruits      As new TFruits
  Dim fruitTypes  As new TFruitTypes
  Dim fruitType   As String
  'Method 1: Either join both fruits and fruitTypes and get the fruitType
  fruits.join JoinType.Inner, fruitTypes, fruits.typeId, fruitTypes.typeId
  fruits.where(fruits.typeId = appleId)
  fruitType = fruitTypes.FirstOrDefault().type ' => Apple
  'OR Method2: fruitTable should have fruitType property that returns the fruit type.
  fruitType = fruits.Where(fruits.typeId = appleId).FirstOrDefault().fruitTypes.type ' => Apple

Isn't that wonderful if we could use the tables this way? Clean code, no SQL strings? (ᴗ_ ᴗ。)

Let's make a list of functions what this project should achieve.
1> Tables as classes
2> Tables can be joined
3> Standard CRUD operations like, creating new fruits, updating a fruit, delete a fruit etc.
4> Should be easy enough to use.
5> Scripts that can validate, generate, upgrade table structures

Stay tuned for the end result..