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163 lines (96 loc) · 4.05 KB

File metadata and controls

163 lines (96 loc) · 4.05 KB

from tim

you can always build a new image if you want to test on your own.

from your gnssrefl directory (that has the Dockerfile): docker build --no-cache -t . docker run -it /bin/bash If you want to mount volumes you could copy the -v syntax from the unavdocker/gnssrefl docker run command.

docker images tells you what is running tag is latest get image number imageNu

docker run -i -t imageNu /bin/bash

google map API

disutils - change to meson

example of someone doing this ?

will be removed as of Python 12

should get rid of flipit detritus in subdaily

compile the fortran first f2py -c -m gnssrefl.gpssnr gnssrefl/gpssnr.f

you'll run the init command,

then add this section into your pyproject.toml (the file_patterns section is where you will add all the places where the version is) [tool.bumpver] current_version = "1.0.0" version_pattern = "MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH" commit_message = "Bump version {old_version} -> {new_version}" commit = true tag = true push = false

[tool.bumpver.file_patterns] "pyproject.toml" = ['current_version = "{version}"', 'version = "{version}"']

kelly provided this example of bumpver

Country codes

download_tides 8768094 noaa -date1 20150101 -date2 20150131

but it will be here

user guide not updated, so useless


Local notes: f2py -c -m gnssrefl.gpssnr gnssrefl/gpssnr.f f2py -c -m gnssrefl.gnsssnr gnssrefl/gnsssnr.f f2py -c -m gnssrefl.gnsssnrbigger gnssrefl/gnsssnrbigger.f

docker pull unavdocker/gnssrefl to install code.


when you make a new version

Use 1.5.1 as an sample version number

  • change the version number in

  • change the version in the

  • change the version number in and provide a description of the main changes in this new version.

  • push the code to github, git push origin master

  • git tag 1.5.1

  • git push --tags

The latter will tell github to make a new pypi version.

git push origin master will make a new docker.

Install a new python:

  • sudo apt install python3.9

Get a list of your outdated packages

  • pip list --outdated

How to update them all? The horror, the horror

$EXE/gfzrnx -finp rinex3 -fout rinex2 -vo 2 -ot G:S1C

Where is the static executable information for gpsSNR or gnssSNR? Cause it would be useful to know ...

git pull --rebase

def mjd_to_datetime(mjd): """ """ base_date=datetime(1858,11,17) delta=timedelta(days=mjd) return base_date + delta

mjd_dates = [60183 , 60184, 60185]

tv = [1, 5, 3] datetime_objects = [mjd_to_datetime(mjd) for mjd in mjd_dates]

a suggestion for the future:

Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the: MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes MINOR version when you add functionality in a backward compatible manner PATCH version when you make backward compatible bug fixes

Things to do:

  • update tropo models to include latest from Chalmers

  • finish up advanced model vwc

2024 short course

Make sure people are using version 3.9 is version 3.10 ok? for sure 3.11 is not.

How to make a new github release?

myAnimation.gif is in the EarthScopeLecture folder in Presentations. Need to find a better place for it