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Time and space complexity

Space = memory usage; Time = number of primitive operations - with respect to input size and assuming worst case scenarios

Big O

as your input grows how fast does computation or memory grow?

growth is with respect to input

from fast to slow:

O(1)-constant(static val always the same doesnt matter how your input grows)
O(logn)-logarithmic(loop that cuts problem in half every iteration)
O(n)-linear(i.e. find min and max numbers with two not nested loops: 2n)
O(n^2)-quadratic(i.e. compare all numbers or double nested loop. N times nesting always ^n)

*JS methods, expressions mini-note


  • math, lookups, saving, running a statement, greater/less than are always constant ie. .pop(), arr[0], ect.
  • shift and unshift must move every element to a direction once, so they are linear, also a simple loop like for loop
  • nlogn for sort, but more details later


below every task has some tries before the optimized solution, the point is: the first ones always created as I check the task and tring to solve it asap this way I can make logical connections easier

task 1 in index.js is about solve a task in O(n) insted of O(n^2)

In terms of performance, the second approach ("caching approach") using caching should be more performant than the first approach ("my first thought"). This is because:

  • the first approach iterates over the entire array for each (!) element to check whether it is already in the sorted array or not, which leads to an O(n^2) time complexity.
  • On the other hand, the second approach uses a hash table to cache the elements as they are encountered, which provides constant-time lookup for each element and reduces the time complexity to O(n).
  • In addition to the improved time complexity, the second approach also reduces the memory usage by only storing unique elements in the result array, whereas the first approach creates a new array for each element and then sorts the entire array.
    Therefore, it is generally recommended to use a hash table or caching approach for unique sorting when dealing with large arrays to optimize performance and memory usage.

CACHING is always a tradeoff in favor of time complexity against space complexity

task 2 in index.js is about caching

About "first try": first mistake was to do anything before if statement! (never acceptable as running unnesseceary calculations, mechanics, ect.) furthermore it uses a global(or modular) scope cache obj and mutates that. Later I also divided this whole accomplishment to more fn than just do everything in one.
Important that I placed the whole context into a closure. You pass the arg to the return fn at invoke, this way I can use caching without rerendering it. The calculator fn passed as an arg for generic approach

task 3 recursion

recursion is always an iteration loop, there are cases when it is more clear to use (e.g. nested data structures)

build importance prority list

  • declare condition of completion / indentify base case - so when to stop
  • indentify recursive cases and return where appropriate
  • by the book: write procedures for each case that bring closer to the base (or goal)

wrapper function

fn memoLoop(i, end) {
    if (i < end ) {
        memoLoop(i+1, end);
    //implicit return

or with closure:

fn wrapperLoop(start, end){
    fn recurse(i){
        if(i < end) recurse(i + 1);

accumulator example - joining strings

    function joinElems(array, join) {
        let res = '';
        function recur(idx, ret){
            ret += array[idx];
            if (idx === array.length - 1) return res = ret;
            recur(idx + 1, ret + join);
        recur(0, '');
        // console.log(res); //return

by this we are not only incrementing an idex, but saving our result as well. That is the accumulator value in this case the "ret / res" variables.