Adding a new scenario is as simple as adding a new config file under scenarios directory and defining it in the main kraken config. You can either copy an existing yaml file and make it your own, or fill in one of the templates below to suit your needs.
For example, for adding a pod level scenario for a new application, refer to the sample scenario below to know what fields are necessary and what to add in each location:
# yaml-language-server: $schema=../plugin.schema.json
- id: kill-pods
namespace_pattern: ^<namespace>$
label_selector: <pod label>
kill: <number of pods to kill>
krkn_pod_recovery_time: <expected time for the pod to become ready>
- actions: # Node chaos scenarios to be injected.
- <chaos scenario>
- <chaos scenario>
node_name: <node name> # Can be left blank.
label_selector: <node label>
instance_kill_count: <number of nodes on which to perform action>
timeout: <duration to wait for completion>
cloud_type: <cloud provider>
- action: 'skew_time' or 'skew_date'
object_type: 'pod' or 'node'
label_selector: <label of pod or node>
If you just want to make small changes to pre-existing scenarios, feel free to edit the scenario file itself.
If you want to kill 2 pods instead of 1 in any of the pre-existing scenarios, you can either edit the number located at filters -> randomSample -> size or the runs under the config -> runStrategy section.
If your cluster is build on GCP instead of AWS, just change the cloud type in the node_scenarios_example.yml file.