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Note: All of the following commands need to run with root privilege.

Build and install StratoVirt

  • If you use openEuler 23.03 OS in your physical server, you can directly install the newest StratoVirt package by yum.

    $ yum install stratovirt
  • If you use another Linux distribution OS, you can build the stratovirt from the source and install it: Build StratoVirt

  • After you build or install the stratovirt package, you can find the following important binary file in your sever:

    # stratovirt hypervisor binary file
    $ ls /usr/bin/stratovirt 
    # stratovirt related virtiofs daemon binary file
    $ ls /usr/bin/vhost_user_fs 

Build and configure kuasar vmm-sandboxer with stratovirt hypervisor

Build requirement

Kuasar use docker or containerd container engine to build guest os initrd image, so you need to make sure docker or containerd is correctly installed and can pull the image from the dockerhub registries.

Tips: make vmm build command will download the Rust and Golang packages from the internet, so you need to provide the http_proxy and https_proxy environments for the make all command.

If a self-signed certificate is used in the make all build command execution environment, you may encounter SSL issues with downloading resources from https URL failed. Therefore, you need to provide a CA-signed certificate and copy it into the root directory of the Kuasar project, then rename it as "proxy.crt". In this way, our build script will use the "proxy.crt" certificate to access the https URLs of Rust and Golang installation packages.

Build and install kuasar vmm-sandboxer

# build kuasar vmm-sandboxer with stratovirt hypervisor
$ HYPERVISOR=stratovirt make vmm

# install kuasar vmm-sandboxer
$ HYPERVISOR=stratovirt make install-vmm

After installation, you will find the required files in the specified path

# 1. vmm-sandboxer binary

# 2. kernel binary

# 3. initrd image file

# 4. stratovirt config toml file

Build and configure iSulad

iSulad supports Kuasar with its master branch at the moment. For building iSulad from scratch, please refer to iSulad build guide. Here we only emphasize the difference of the building steps.

Build LCR

$ git clone
$ cd lcr
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ sudo -E cmake ..
$ sudo -E make -j $(nproc)
$ sudo -E make install

Build iSulad

$ git clone
$ cd iSulad
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ sudo make -j
$ sudo -E make install

Configure iSulad

Add the following configuration in the iSulad configuration file /etc/isulad/daemon.json

    "default-sandboxer": "vmm",
    "cri-sandboxers": {
        "vmm": {
            "name": "vmm",
            "address": "/run/vmm-sandboxer.sock"
    "cri-runtimes": {
        "vmm": "io.containerd.vmm.v1"

Build and configure Containerd

Build containerd

Sine some code have not been merged into the upstream containerd community, so you need to manually compile the containerd source code in the kuasar-io/containerd.

git clone the codes of containerd fork version from kuasar repository.

$ git clone -b v0.2.0-kuasar
$ cd containerd
$ make bin/containerd
$ install bin/containerd /usr/bin/containerd

Configure containerd

Add the following sandboxer config in the containerd config file /etc/containerd/config.toml

    type = "sandbox"
    address = "/run/vmm-sandboxer.sock"

  runtime_type = "io.containerd.kuasar-vmm.v1"
  sandboxer = "vmm"
  io_type = "streaming"

Configure crictl

Install CNI plugin

Install cni-plugin which is required by crictl-tools to configure pod network.

$ wget

mkdir -p /opt/cni/bin/
mkdir -p /etc/cni/net.d

tar -zxvf cni-plugins-linux-arm64-v1.2.0.tgz -C /opt/cni/bin/

Install and configure crictl

VERSION="v1.15.0" # check latest version in /releases page
sudo tar zxvf crictl-$VERSION-linux-arm64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin
rm -f crictl-$VERSION-linux-arm64.tar.gz

create the crictl config file in the /etc/crictl.yaml

cat /etc/crictl.yaml
# isulad container engine configuraiton
runtime-endpoint: unix:///var/run/isulad.sock
image-endpoint: unix:///var/run/isulad.sock

# containerd container engine configuration
# runtime-endpoint: unix:///var/run/containerd/containerd.sock
# image-endpoint: unix:///var/run/containerd/containerd.sock
timeout: 10

Run pod and container with crictl

Configure config_stratovirt.toml file

The default config file /var/lib/kuasar/config_stratovirt.toml for stratovirt vmm-sandboxer:

  # set kuasar log level, (default: info)
  log_level = "info"

  # set stratovirt binary path, (default: stratovirt)
  path = "/usr/bin/stratovirt"
  # set the type of the analog chip, "virt" for ARM architecture and "q35" for x86 architecture, (default: virt)
  machine_type = "virt,mem-share=on"
  # set guest kernel path, (default: /var/lib/kuasar/vmlinux.bin)
  kernel_path = "/var/lib/kuasar/vmlinux.bin"
  # set guest image path, (default: "")
  image_path = ""
  # set guest initrd path, select either image or image, (default: "")
  initrd_path = "/var/lib/kuasar/kuasar.initrd"
  # set parameters of the guest kernel, (default: "")
  kernel_params = "task.log_level=debug task.sharefs_type=virtiofs"
  # set number of vcpus for each sandbox, (default: 1)
  vcpus = 1
  # set memory size for each sandbox, (default: 1024)
  memory_in_mb = 1024
  # set the drivers of block devices, (default: virtio-blk)
  block_device_driver = "virtio-blk"       
  # set whether to enable debug mode, (default: false)
  debug = true
  # enable VM RAM pre-allocation, (default: false)
  enable_mem_prealloc = false
  # set vhost_user_fs path, (default: /usr/bin/vhost_user_fs)
  path = "/usr/bin/vhost_user_fs"

Start containerd process

# TODO: create a containerd systemd service with ENABLE_CRI_SANDBOXES env
$ ENABLE_CRI_SANDBOXES=1 ./bin/containerd

Run kuasar-vmm service

$ systemctl start kuasar-vmm

Run pod sandbox with config file

$ cat podsandbox.yaml 
  attempt: 1
  name: busybox-sandbox2
  namespace: default
  uid: hdishd83djaidwnduwk28bcsc
log_directory: /tmp
    options: {}

$ crictl runp --runtime=kuasar-vmm podsandbox.yaml

Tips: --runtime=kuasar-vmm indicates that containerd needs to use vmm-sandboxer runtime to run a pod sandbox

  • List pod sandboxes and check the sandbox is in Ready state:
$ crictl pods
POD ID              CREATED              STATE               NAME                NAMESPACE           ATTEMPT
5cbcf744949d8       About a minute ago   Ready               busybox-sandbox2    default             1

Create and start container in the pod sandbox with config file

Create a container in the podsandbox

$ cat pod-container.yaml
  name: busybox1
- top
log_path: busybox.0.log
no pivot: true

$ crictl create 5cbcf744949d8500e7159d6bd1e3894211f475549c0be15d9c60d3c502c7ede3 pod-container.yaml podsandbox.yaml

List containers and check the container is in Created state:

$ crictl ps -a
CONTAINER           IMAGE                              CREATED             STATE               NAME                ATTEMPT             POD ID
c11df540f913e   15 seconds ago      Created             busybox1            0                   5cbcf744949d8

Start container in the podsandbox

$ crictl start c11df540f913e57d1e28372334c028fd6550a2ba73208a3991fbcdb421804a50

$ crictl ps
CONTAINER           IMAGE                              CREATED             STATE               NAME                ATTEMPT             POD ID
c11df540f913e   2 minutes ago       Running             busybox1            0                   5cbcf744949d8

Test Network Connectivity

Get the vsock guest-cid from stratovirt vm process

$ ps -ef | grep stratovirt | grep 5cbcf744949d8 
/usr/bin/stratovirt -name sandbox-5cbcf744949d8500e7159d6bd1e3894211f475549c0be15d9c60d3c502c7ede3 ...
-device vhost-vsock-pci,id=vsock-395568061,guest-cid=395568061,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x3,vhostfd=3 

Enter the guest os debug console shell environment:

# ncat --vsock <guest-cid> <debug-console>
# enter the guest os debug console shell
$ ncat --vsock 395568061 1025

# now in the guest os console shell
bash-5.1# busybox ip addr show
busybox ip addr show
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 1000
    link/ether 42:e2:92:d4:39:9f brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global eth0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::40e2:92ff:fed4:399f/64 scope link 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

# is the gateway ip in the host
bash-5.1# busybox ping
busybox ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.618 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.116 ms
64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.152 ms