diff --git a/docs/advance/security-group.en.md b/docs/advance/security-group.en.md index 508363685..fc5a9fe36 100644 --- a/docs/advance/security-group.en.md +++ b/docs/advance/security-group.en.md @@ -32,6 +32,11 @@ The specific meaning of each field of the SecurityGroup can be found in the [Kub Pods bind security-groups by adding annotations, two annotations are used. - port_security: source address verification. If this function is enabled, only packets with ip addresses assigned by kube-ovn ipam can be exported from the pod network adapter. After this function is disabled, any ip address can be exported + +- When configuring a security group, the `priority` value ranges from 1 to 200, with smaller values indicating higher priority. When implementing a security group through ACL, the security group's priority is mapped to the ACL priority. The specific mapping relationship is as follows: + + ACL priority=2300−Security group priority,therefore, it is essential to distinguish between the priorities of security groups and subnet ACLs. + - security_groups: indicates a security group that contains a series of ACL rules > These two annotations are responsible for functions that are independent of each other. diff --git a/docs/advance/security-group.md b/docs/advance/security-group.md index 74d79879a..6d01517fa 100644 --- a/docs/advance/security-group.md +++ b/docs/advance/security-group.md @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Pod 通过添加 annotation 来绑定安全组,使用的 annotation 有两个 ## 注意事项 - 安全组最后是通过设置 ACL 规则来限制访问的,OVN 文档中提到,如果匹配到的两个 ACL 规则拥有相同的优先级,实际起作用的是哪个 ACL 是不确定的。因此设置安全组规则的时候,需要注意区分优先级。 - +- 配置安全组时 priority 的取值范围为 1-200,值越小,安全组的优先级越高。通过 ACL 实现安全组时,会将安全组的优先级映射成 ACL 的优先级,具体映射关系如下:ACL优先级 = 2300 - 安全组优先级,因此需要注意区分安全组和子网 ACL 优先级。 - 当添加安全组的时候,要清楚的知道是在添加什么限制。Kube-OVN 作为 CNI,创建 Pod 后会进行 Pod 到网关的连通性测试,如果访问不通网关,就会导致 Pod 一直处于 ContainerCreating 状态,无法顺利切换到 Running 状态。 ## 实际测试