diff --git a/docs/contributor/code-contribute.md b/docs/contributor/code-contribute.md
index 7530ddef20e..4de249e8eb9 100644
--- a/docs/contributor/code-contribute.md
+++ b/docs/contributor/code-contribute.md
@@ -379,4 +379,102 @@ Learn how to write the docs by the following guide:
 * [kubevela.io Developer Guide](https://github.com/kubevela/kubevela.io/blob/main/README.md)
 * [Update KubeVela.io CLI Reference Doc](./cli-ref-doc)
-Great, you have complete the lifecycle of code contribution, try to [join the community as a member](https://github.com/kubevela/community/blob/main/community-membership.md) if you're interested.
\ No newline at end of file
+Great, you have complete the lifecycle of code contribution, try to [join the community as a member](https://github.com/kubevela/community/blob/main/community-membership.md) if you're interested.
+## Code Map
+### /apis
+Package apis contains all api types of KubeVela.
+#### /apis/core.oam.dev
+Package core.oam.dev contains API Schema definitions for the core.oam.dev API group.
+#### /apis/standard.oam.dev
+Package standard.oam.dev contains API Schema definitions for the standard.oam.dev API group.
+#### /apis/types
+Package types contains auxiliary definitions for the API group.
+### /charts
+Used as a Helm Chart.
+### /cmd
+Place for initialization code.
+#### /cmd/apiserver
+Place for `vela-apiserver` initialization code.
+#### /cmd/core
+Place for `vela-core` initialization code.
+#### /cmd/plugin
+Place for command line interface `vela` initialization code.
+### /contribute
+Place for contributor and developer guide.
+### /design
+The design for api, platform, vela-cli and vela-core.
+### /docs
+Place for api docs and examples of feature.
+### /e2e and /test
+Code that does the e2e-tests.
+### /makefiles
+Used as a collection of shortcuts, e.g `make build` or `make reviewable`
+### /pkg
+Main place for the go code.
+#### /pkg/addon
+Addon related code.
+#### /pkg/apiserver
+`vela-apiserver` related code.
+#### /pkg/appfile
+Code for appfile that is an important go structure of `vela-core`.
+#### /pkg/auth
+The authorization for KubeVela.
+#### /pkg/client
+The client for controller_client and delegating_client.
+#### /pkg/controller
+Custom resource controllers for core.oam.dev and standard.oam.dev API group.
+#### /pkg/cue
+Cue file related code, contains validation and generation etc.
+#### /pkg/monitor
+It contains a context that supports fork and commit like trace span.
+#### /pkg/multicluster
+Code for multiple cluster delivery.
+#### /pkg/policy
+Policy related code, contains topology, override and envbinding.
+#### /pkg/resourcekeeper
+ResourceKeeper handler for dispatching, deleting resources and keeping resources up-to-date.
+#### /pkg/stdlib
+The lib for cue operators.
+#### /pkg/utils
+Common utils for KubeVela.
+#### /pkg/velaql
+Place for VelaQL. It is a resource query language for KubeVela, used to query status of any extended resources in application-level.
+#### /pkg/workflow
+Code for workflow.
+### /references
+Place for `vela-cli` reference implementation.
+### /vela-templates
+This is the place for hold built-in CUE templates for Vela Core and Registry.
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