MEBOCOST is a Python-based computational tool for inferring metabolite, such as lipid, mediated cell-cell communication events using single-cell RNA-seq data. Briefly, in the first step, MEBOCOST imputes the relative abundance of metabolites based on the gene expression of metabolic reaction enzymes. The genes of enzymes were collected from Human Metabolome Database (HMDB). Next, MEBOCOST identifies cell-cell metabolite-sensor communications between cell groups, in which metabolite enzymes and sensors were highly expressed in sender and receiver cells, respectively.
You agree NOT to make the MEBOCOST data (or any part thereof, modified or not) available to anyone outside your research group. "Make available" includes leaving the data where it may be accessible to outside individuals without your direct knowledge (e.g. on a computer to which people outside your group have login privileges), as well as directly providing it to someone.
You agree NOT to build another website and/or methods using the MEBOCOST data. Please contact us if you are going to.
You agree NOT to use the MEBOCOST data for proprietary analysis. You agree to properly cite the MEBOCOST papers and its specific, original contributions if directly related to your work.
You certify that you are authorized to accept this agreement on behalf of your institution.
All members of your group with access to the MEBOCOST data agree to the same conditions.
workflow for predicting cell-cell metabolic communication events taking scRNA-seq data as input.
We keep updating MEBOCOST!!!
- fixed bugs in background estimation
- automated decision of cutoffs to exclude lowly ranked 25% sensors or metabolites across all cells, cutoffs can still be specified by users
- add parameters in plot functions, including show_num in eventnum_bar
- download and install miniconda enviroment (Users can skip this step if a python-based environment has been well-established)
wget && bash
conda create -n mebocost python=3.8
conda activate mebocost
- download MEBOCOST package from github
git clone
- install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- install MEBOCOST
python install
pip uninstall mebocost
pip install git+ --upgrade
>>from mebocost import mebocost
Please cite us at bioRxiv if you find MEBOCOST is useful to your project.
Copy Right @ Kaifu Chen Lab @ Boston Childrens Hospital / Harvard Medical School