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329 lines (167 loc) · 9.57 KB

File metadata and controls

329 lines (167 loc) · 9.57 KB



  • Improvements to reactor for more consistent animations (by @lego-eden)

  • Convenience methods on BufferedImageWriter use DefaultFrame

0.23.0 26-Jul-2024

  • Add HTML Canvas backend. It currently has fairly limited functionality.

  • Add size method to set bounding box width and height. Distinguished by the existing size method on Size by it's arguments. (#158)

0.22.0 10-Apr-2024

  • Arcs are available as paths on OpenPath, ClosedPath, and PathElement, and as conveniences on Image and Picture.

  • Add BufferedImageWriter algebra (by @jCabala)

  • Refactoring of writers (@jCabala)

  • SVG documentation (@vosid8)

0.21.0 30-Nov-2023

  • Image supports landmarks for layout with at and originAt.

  • Added fromHex method to Color to parse CSS hex-color

0.20.0 29-Jul-2023

  • Rework type inference for syntax, making syntax more flexible and requiring fewer type annotations. (#133)

  • Implement a Monad instance for Picture (#131)

  • Add flatMap method to Picture

  • Doodle is now Scala 3 only, as the new syntax doesn't compile under 2.13

0.19.0 28-Jun-2023

  • Add margin and originAt to Image, thanks to @danielost

  • Simplify handling of paths (#130). APIs prefer to work with OpenPath and ClosedPath

0.18.0 16-Mar-2023

  • Fix assorted typos

  • Add more constructors for creating animations

0.17.0 1-Mar-2023

  • Update Image render syntax to match changes to Picture render syntax

0.16.0 27-Feb-2023

  • Write a lot of documentation

  • Update to Scala 3.2

  • Rendering of pictures and animations is synchronous on the JVM. This should stop simple programs exiting before any output is displayed. Removed callbacks from rendering methods---they were never used, they don't make sense is rendering can be synchronous, and you can use the IO methods if you want that level of control.

  • Add strokeCap, strokeJoin, and strokeDash to Image, providing all the features of Style.

0.15.0 22-Feb-2023

  • Remove F[_] parameters from animation. This should have been done in the previous release, but I forgot to do so. Breaks binary compatibility, requiring a new version.

0.14.0 18-Jan-2023

  • 0.12 and 0.13 were broken and we weren't able to fix them due to MIMA checks. Hence the jump from 0.11 to 0.14

  • Add text and font to Image, courtesy of akiomik

  • Simplify the Picture type, which requires a large refactoring.

    • The Drawing type is now a type member of Algebra, not a type parameter.

    • Pictures are now equivalent to dependent function types, with the output being a.Drawing[A] where a is the Algebra the Picture is applied to.

    This means the Drawing parameter no longer needs to propagated outward in backend independent code and in turn Picture can now be backend indepndent. In turn makes writing backend independent code, such as libraries that build on Doodle, dramatically easier to write.

    Overall, the Picture type, plus syntax, is as easy to use Image.

0.11.2 24-Jul-2022

  • Add "constructors" to algebras. Described in WIP documentation. This allows construction of Picture without going via syntax, and in turn without requiring explicit types.

0.11.1 2-Jun-2022

  • Add originAt for even more layout flexibility

  • Move all interact syntax into all object. Use

    import doodle.interact.syntax.all._

    instead of

    import doodle.interact.syntax._

  • Set compiler flag to generate Java 8 compatible output

  • 0.11.0 was released with a mix of Java 11 and Java 8 code, so we're pretending it doesn't exist.

0.10.1 Jan 2022

  • Much more flexible layout using Landmark and margin

  • Syntax moves from import doodle.syntax._ to import doodle.syntax.all._. This is consistent with Typelevel projects and avoids name collisions between syntax methods and the objects on which they are defined (e.g. the text object contains a method named text)

  • Add missing syntax for strokeCap and strokeJoin. Contributed by Jeff Martin / custommonkey

  • Move to fs2 and Cats Effect 3 from Monix. I'm not convinced Monix is actively maintained any more. Zainab helped out immensely with this one.

  • Remove angle parameter from regularPolygon and star. This is not needed now we have rotations and their removal simplifies the API.

0.9.25 16-Aug-2021

  • Update to Scala 3.0, Scala 2.13.6, and Scala.js 1.6. The move to Scala 3 required:

    • removing the svg and explore projects, which have dependencies that don't yet work on Scala 3. They will be restored in due course.

    • updating a bunch of dependencies, changing some code, etc.

  • Add equilateralTriangle path

  • We will never speak of 0.9.24

0.9.23 11-Feb-2021

  • Mouse click algebra

  • Reactors support mouse click


  • Java2d writers correctly use frame background color.

0.9.21 21-Apr-2020

  • Add redraw specification to Java2D Frame, which allows rendering animations in an way that captures the animation as a static image.

  • A lot of work on documentation.

  • Text rendering correctly uses stroke and fill where possible. Java2D doesn't support fill. SVG supports both.

0.9.20 29-Mar-2020

  • Republish because I didn't completely rebuild last time and hence published some byte code compiled with JVM 11.

0.9.19 28-Mar-2020

  • Build with Java 8 to avoid class file version issues that occur when compiling with new JVM versions.

0.9.18 18-Mar-2020

  • Fix error in constructing open and closed paths

0.9.17 8-Mar-2020

  • Improve modelling of fonts. Fonts can be both bold and italic

  • Java2D backend actually uses given font information to render the font

  • Add scanLeft method to Transducer

  • Add Base64 wrapper type to core which encodes image format as well indicating base 64 data. Update Base64 algebra to use.

  • Add ToPicture algebra and syntax

    The ToPicture algebra provides a generic way to convert some type into a Picture. The syntax adds a method toPicture so one can call, e.g.

    someBase64Value.toPicture[Algebra, Drawing]

    There are implementations for the Java2d backend for Base64 and BufferedImage.

    This replaces some of the functionality of the Bitmap algebra and it is likely that the Bitmap algebra will be removed or reworked in the future.

  • Implement Text algebra for the SVG backend on JS

0.9.16 27-Feb-2020

  • Build and publish for Scala 2.12 and 2.13.

  • add Monoid instance for Picture.

  • add golden testing, to make tests more robust against rendering errors.

  • write and base64 methods are usable.

  • add debug method to Image.

  • Vec apply method accept cartesian or polar coordinates, inline with Point.

  • add withFrameRate utility to Observable.

  • add Invariant instance for Interpolator, and Interpolator instance for Angle.

  • add scaleLength method to Point.

0.9.15 19-Jan-2020

  • explore takes a Frame, which means it now works again.

  • Some work on the plot library

  • Algebraic animations via Interpolation and Transducer allow easier construction and composition of common animations types.

0.9.14 20-Dec-2019

  • Picture has a Monad instance if the underlying type F does.

  • Refactor base64 encoding support into a separate type class, and augment the syntax with an optional frame.

  • Fix Java2dWriter use of 0 size BufferedImage

  • Fix error in calculating bounding box if the picture uses at layout. This will prevent the issue where the frame is too large or small for the enclosed picture.

  • Add Debug algebra, which draws bounding box and origin for the given picture.

  • Draw bitmaps the correct way around (they were upside-down).

  • Add some easing functions, the start of a library to make animations easier.

  • Miscellaneous small improvements.

0.9.13 21-Nov-2019

  • Add text rendering via the Text algebra. Currently only implemented for the Java2D back-end.

  • Add syntax for Size and Transform algebras

  • Add derived methods for some common types of shapes to the Path algebra. Add syntax for these.

0.9.12 16-Nov-2019

  • Doodle has been completely rewritten in terms of tagless final algebras. This gives extensibility needed to support diffferent features on different platforms.

  • 0.9.12 add the ability to load bitmap images on the java2d backend (the read methods on the Bitmap algebra.) It's likely this API will be reworked in the future. This is very basic support for this feature.

  • 0.9.11 added mouse movement events to reactors.

--- Period when I wasn't recording changes ---


Fix most SVG text rendering issues.

  • The layout is passable but not great. This will be improved with time.
  • Java2D does not support fills for text, to the best of my knowledge, while SVG does. This can lead to different rendering on the two platforms, and we need to think about how we will handle this.

Add some more predefined paths

  • Image.regularPolygon

Improvements to Random

  •,upper) to generate an Int in a given range.
  • Random.discrete((atom, p), ...) creates a discrete distribution that chooses the atom with the given probability
  • Refactoring of Random code that avoids strange REPL interactions.

More examples


Save to SVG

  • the format is Svg E.g.[Svg]("filename.svg")

Save to PDF and SVG

  • use PdfAndSvg as the format, and specify only the base name of the file. E.g.[PdfAndSvg]("filename") will produce filename.pdf and filename.svg

Reduce the size of PDF files by enabling compression


These changes are lost in the mists of time