feat: add a generated not working go POC
feat: add a generated not working go POC
feat: add draft rust code, not compiling yet
feat: add draft rust code, not compiling yet
Deleted branch
8 days ago
fix: update npm-publish workflow to correctly reference package.json …
fix: update npm-publish workflow to correctly reference package.json …
fix: update Deno import path in deno.json to use deno-mod.ts
fix: update Deno import path in deno.json to use deno-mod.ts
chore: bump kkrpc version to 0.2.1 in package.json and deno.json
chore: bump kkrpc version to 0.2.1 in package.json and deno.json
Update pnpm-lock.yaml to remove unused dependencies, rename tauri exa…
Update pnpm-lock.yaml to remove unused dependencies, rename tauri exa…
Update with instructions to build and run the Tauri demo
Update with instructions to build and run the Tauri demo
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into tauri-js-backend
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into tauri-js-backend
Example tauri app is ready
Example tauri app is ready
Add example explanationi
Add example explanationi
remove drizzle, it's too complicated for a simple demo
remove drizzle, it's too complicated for a simple demo
feat: implement RPC methods and enhance build process
feat: implement RPC methods and enhance build process
chore: disable Deno in VSCode settings, add build task, and remove ma…
chore: disable Deno in VSCode settings, add build task, and remove ma…
got deno backend working in a separate dir, reduced size by removing …
got deno backend working in a separate dir, reduced size by removing …