- Setting up the language server is very straightforward , these are the only commands required.
# clone and build
git clone [email protected]:zigtools/zls.git && cd zls
zig build -Doptimize=ReleaseSafe
# validate
cd zls/zig-out/bin && chmod +x zls
# confirm the lang server runs
# Optionally Add Binary to Path
sudo cp zls/zig-out/bin/zls /usr/local/zig/bin/
VSCode Extension Settings for Language Server
- Install the Official Zig Language Server Extension
- Update settings.json to point to the binary
"zig.path": "/usr/local/zig/bin/zig",
"zig.initialSetupDone": true,
"zig.zls.zigLibPath": "/usr/local/zig/lib/zig/",
"zig.zls.semanticTokens": "full",
"zig.formattingProvider": "zls",
"zig.zls.path": "/usr/local/zig/bin/zls",
"zig.zls.warnStyle": true,
- That should be it!
Open a File
Create hello.zig
const std = @import("std");
test "Print Colors" {
const blue_background = "\x1b[44m \x1b[0m";
const delimiter = "\x1b[2;37m======================================================\x1b[0m";
const cmd_usage = "\x1b[1;94mvsfragment\x1b[0m -f hello.zig";
const sky_blue = "\x1b[96mThis text will be Sky blue\x1b[0m";
const bright_blue = "\x1b[94mThis text will be bright blue\x1b[0m";
const bright_red = "\x1b[91mThis text will be bright red\x1b[0m";
const bright_green = "\x1b[92mThis text will be bright green\x1b[0m";
const bright_yellow = "\x1b[93mThis text will be bright yellow\x1b[0m";
const bright_cyan = "\x1b[96mThis text will be bright cyan\x1b[0m";
const vs_step_one = "cmd + shift + p\x1b[0m -> Snippets: Configure Code Snippets";
const vs_step_two = "\x1b[97m- Paste cmd output and set the prefix as zig_color_test";
const vs_step_three = "Control ^ + Space\x1b[0m + zig_color_test\x1b[0m";
const inverted_colors_text = "\x1b[7mEasy! Now try using vsfragment! :) \x1b[0m";
const bright_magenta = "\x1b[95mThis text will be bright magenta\x1b[0m";
const bright_black = "\x1b[90mThis text will be bright black (dark gray)\x1b[0m";
const bright_white = "\x1b[97mThis text will be bright white\x1b[0m";
const standard_green = "\x1b[32mThis text will be standard green\x1b[0m";
const dark_green = "\x1b[2;32mThis text will be dark green\x1b[0m";
const bold_green = "\x1b[1;32mThis text will be bold green\x1b[0m";
const bold_text = "\x1b[1mThis text will be bold\x1b[0m";
const italic_text = "\x1b[3mThis text will be italic\x1b[0m";
const underline_text = "\x1b[4mThis text will be underlined\x1b[0m";
const red_err_text = "\x1b[31mThis text will be red error text.\x1b[0m";
const red_bold_err_text = "\x1b[1mThis text will be bold error text.\x1b[0m";
const warning_yellow = "\x1b[33mNot Recommended for Production\x1b[0m";
const warning_bright_yellow = "\x1b[93mWWarning Message Present.\x1b[0m";
const warning_bold_yellow = "\x1b[1;33mWARNING: Check Memory Usage..\x1b[0m";
const light_grey = "\x1b[37mThis text will be light grey\x1b[0m";
const alt_cmd_info = "- Optionally use the --prefiix flag to include a prefix";
const alt_cmd_usage = "vsfragment\x1b[0m -f hello.zig --prefix 'zig_color_test'";
const out = std.io.getStdOut();
var buf = std.io.bufferedWriter(out.writer());
var w = buf.writer();
try w.print("\n{s}", .{inverted_colors_text});
try w.print("\n{s}\n", .{delimiter});
try w.print("\n{s}\n\n", .{blue_background});
try w.print("\n{s}\n\n", .{cmd_usage});
try w.print("\n\x1b[97m- \x1b[1;33m{s}\x1b[0m\n\n", .{vs_step_one});
try w.print("{s}\x1b[0m\n\n", .{vs_step_two});
try w.print("\x1b[97m- \x1b[1;33m{s}\n\n\n", .{vs_step_three});
try w.print("{s}", .{alt_cmd_info});
try w.print("\n\n\x1b[1;94m{s}\n", .{alt_cmd_usage});
try w.print("\n{s}\n", .{delimiter});
try w.print("\n{s}", .{bright_green});
try w.print("\n{s}", .{standard_green});
try w.print("\n{s}", .{dark_green});
try w.print("\n{s}", .{bold_green});
try w.print("\n{s}", .{bright_white});
try w.print("\n{s}", .{sky_blue});
try w.print("\n{s}", .{bright_blue});
try w.print("\n{s}", .{bright_red});
try w.print("\n{s}", .{bright_yellow});
try w.print("\n{s}", .{bright_cyan});
try w.print("\n{s}", .{bright_magenta});
try w.print("\n{s}", .{bright_black});
try w.print("\n{s}", .{bold_text});
try w.print("\n{s}", .{italic_text});
try w.print("\n{s}\n", .{red_err_text});
try w.print("{s}\n", .{red_bold_err_text});
try w.print("{s}\n", .{warning_yellow});
try w.print("{s}\n", .{warning_bright_yellow});
try w.print("{s}\n", .{warning_bold_yellow});
try w.print("{s}\n", .{light_grey});
try w.print("{s}\n", .{bold_text});
try w.print("{s}\n", .{italic_text});
try w.print("{s}\n", .{underline_text});
try w.print("\nColored Strings ANSI Escaped Printed", .{});
try buf.flush();
try std.testing.expect(true);
run the test , simple design
zig test hello.zig