nix develop
bun dev
The frontend can be accessed at http://localhost:5173/<tenant uuid>
Storybook can also be started using:
bun run storybook
The frontend uses the VITE_API_URL
to communicate with the
kontrol service. Alternatively, there is a localhost API proxy that will proxy requests to the
production API if desired. To use this, uncomment the commented line in
The kontrol service needs to be started in dev mode with the
flag -dev-mode
so CORS is disabled. This can be achieved with ether running (from the root)
nix develop
nix run ./#kontrol-service -- -dev-mode
Or using the helper script in the kontrol-service
nix develop
cd kontrol-service
To install an npm dependency with bun
, simply use bun i --save some-package
. Commit the resulting changes to package.json
and bun.lockb
If there is no diff on bun.lockb
but there is a diff on package.json
installing, try running bun i
After installing a new dependency with bun
, you must bump the version number
in pin.json
to tell nix to build a new derivation of the dependencies. After
bumping this version number, you will need to build the package in order to get
the new derivation hash to add to pin.json
nix develop
nix build ./#kontrol-frontend
This will output an error like
error: hash mismatch in fixed-output derivation '/nix/store/ri3g5rr26pkp29syvp1hb4v52c2m9y9z-kontrol-frontend-node_modules-0.7.0.drv':
specified: <some hash>
got: <some hash>
Put the new got
hash under aarch64-darwin
in pin.json
At this point you can push to a remote branch and run CI in order to get the
derivation hash for x86_64-linux
and update pin.json
with that hash as
well. Other architectures can be ignored for now.
depends on the cli-kontrol-api
nix package for
auto-generated TypeScript types. This package is built from the main kardinal
repo. The commit hash for this is
specified in the top level flake.nix
file under kardinal.url
. Once this is
updated, you can re-run nix develop
and you should see an update to
and possibly to kontrol-frontend/bun.lockb
as well. Commit all
of these diffs.