Kusto Sink Connector allows writing data from a Spark DataFrame to a table in the specified Kusto cluster and database.
The connector uses Azure Active Directory (AAD) to authenticate the client application that is using it. Please verify the following first:
- Client application is registered in AAD
- Client application has 'user' privileges or above on the target database
- When writing to an existing table, client application has 'admin' privileges on the target table
For details on Kusto principal roles, please refer to Role-based Authorization section in Kusto Documentation.
For managing security roles, please refer to Security Roles Management section in Kusto Documentation.
Kusto connector implements Spark 'Datasource V1' API. Kusto data source identifier is "com.microsoft.kusto.spark.datasource". Dataframe schema is translated into kusto schema as explained in DataTypes.
.option(KustoSinkOptions.<option-name-1>, <option-value-1>
.option(KustoSinkOptions.<option-name-n>, <option-value-n>
All the options that can be used in the Kusto Sink can be found in KustoSinkOptions.
Mandatory Parameters:
KUSTO_CLUSTER: 'kustoCluster' - Target Kusto cluster to which the data will be written. Use either cluster profile name for global clusters, or <profile-name.region> for regional clusters. For example: if the cluster URL is 'https://testcluster.eastus.kusto.windows.net', set this property as 'testcluster.eastus' or the URL.
KUSTO_DATABASE: 'kustoDatabase' - Target Kusto database to which the data will be written. The client must have 'user' and 'ingestor' privileges on this database.
KUSTO_TABLE: 'kustoTable' - Target Kusto table to which the data will be written. If KUSTO_CREATE_TABLE_OPTIONS is set to "FailIfNotExist" (default), the table must already exist, and the client must have 'admin' privileges on the table.
Authentication Parameters can be found here - AAD Application Authentication.
Important Parameters:
KUSTO_POLLING_ON_DRIVER: 'pollingOnDriver' - If set to false (default) Kusto Spark will create a new job for the final two ingestion steps done after processing the data, so that the write operation doesn't seem to 'hang' on the Spark UI. It's recommended to set this flag to true in production scenarios, so that the worker node doesn't occupy a core while completing the final ingestion steps.
KUSTO_TABLE_CREATE_OPTIONS: 'tableCreateOptions' - If set to 'FailIfNotExist' (default), the operation will fail if the table is not found in the requested cluster and database.
If set to 'CreateIfNotExist' and the table is not found in the requested cluster and database, it will be created, with a schema matching the DataFrame that is being written. -
KustoSinkOptions.KUSTO_SPARK_INGESTION_PROPERTIES_JSON: 'sparkIngestionPropertiesJson' - A json representation of a
to make a json of an instance).Properties:
dropByTags, ingestByTags, additionalTags, ingestIfNotExists: util.ArrayList[String] - Tags list to add to the extents. Read kusto docs - extents
creationTime: DateTime - sets the extents creationTime value to this date
csvMapping: String - a full json representation of a csvMapping (the connector always uploads csv files to Kusto), see here kusto docs - mappings
csvMappingNameReference: String - a reference to the name of a csvMapping pre-created for the table
flushImmediately: Boolean - use with caution - flushes the data immediately upon ingestion without aggregation.
Optional Parameters:
KUSTO_TIMEOUT_LIMIT: 'timeoutLimit' - After the dataframe is processed, a polling operation begins. This integer corresponds to the period in seconds after which the polling process will timeout, eventually deleting the staging resources and fail the command. This is an upper limit that may coexist with addition timeout limits as configured on Spark or Kusto clusters.
Default: '172000' (2 days) -
KUSTO_STAGING_RESOURCE_AUTO_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT: 'stagingResourcesAutoCleanupTimeout' - An integer number corresponding to the period in seconds after which the staging resources used for the writing operation are cleaned if they weren't cleaned gracefully at the end of the run. Default: '172000' (7 days)
KUSTO_ADJUST_SCHEMA: 'adjustSchema' If set to 'NoAdjustment' (default), it does nothing. If set to 'GenerateDynamicCsvMapping', dynamically generates csv mapping based on DataFrame schema and target Kusto table column names. If some Kusto table fields are missing in the DataFrame, they will be ingested as empty. If some DataFrame fields are missing in target table, it fails. If SparkIngestionProperties.csvMappingNameReference exists, it fails. If set to 'FailIfNotMatch' - fails if schemas don't agree on names and order.
KUSTO_CLIENT_BATCHING_LIMIT: 'clientBatchingLimit' - A limit indicating the size in MB of the aggregated data before ingested to Kusto. Note that this is done for each partition. The Kusto ingestion endpoint also aggregates data with a default of 1GB, but here we suggest a maximum of 100MB to adjust it to Spark pulling of data.
KUSTO_REQUEST_ID: 'requestId' - A unique identifier UUID for this ingestion command. Will be used as part of the staging table name as well.
Note: For both synchronous and asynchronous operation, 'write' is an atomic transaction, i.e. either all data is written to Kusto, or no data is written.
Write performance depends on multiple factors, such as scale of both Spark and Kusto clusters. Regarding Kusto target cluster configuration, one of the factors that impacts performance and latency is Ingestion Batching Policy. The default policy works well for typical scenarios, especially when writing large amounts of data as batch. For reduced latency, consider altering the policy to a relatively low value (minimal allowed is 10 seconds). This is mostly relevant when writing to Kusto in streaming mode. For more details and command reference, please see Ingestion Batching Policy command reference.
Synchronous mode, table already exists:
.option(KustoSinkOptions.KUSTO_CLUSTER, "MyCluster.RegionName")
.option(KustoSinkOptions.KUSTO_DATABASE, "MyDatabase")
.option(KustoSinkOptions.KUSTO_TABLE, "MyTable")
.option(KustoSinkOptions.KUSTO_AAD_APP_ID, "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx")
.option(KustoSinkOptions.KUSTO_AAD_APP_SECRET, "MyPassword")
.option(KustoSinkOptions.KUSTO_AAD_AUTHORITY_ID, "AAD Authority Id") // "microsoft.com"
IngestionProperties and short scala usage:
val sp = new SparkIngestionProperties
var tags = new java.util.ArrayList[String]()
sp.ingestByTags = tags
sp.creationTime = new DateTime().minusDays(1)
conf, // optional
Some(sp)) // optional
Asynchronous mode, table may not exist and will be created:
.option(KustoSinkOptions.KUSTO_CLUSTER, "MyCluster.RegionName")
.option(KustoSinkOptions.KUSTO_DATABASE, "MyDatabase")
.option(KustoSinkOptions.KUSTO_TABLE, "MyTable")
.option(KustoSinkOptions.KUSTO_AAD_APP_ID, "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx")
.option(KustoSinkOptions.KUSTO_AAD_APP_SECRET, "MyPassword")
.option(KustoSinkOptions.KUSTO_AAD_AUTHORITY_ID, "AAD Authority Id") // "microsoft.com"
.option(KustoSinkOptions.KUSTO_WRITE_ENABLE_ASYNC, true)
.option(KustoSinkOptions.KUSTO_TABLE_CREATE_OPTIONS, "CreateIfNotExist")
Kusto Sink Connector was adapted to support writing from a streaming source to a Kusto table.
<query-name> = <streaming-source-name>
KustoSinkOptions.<option-name-1>, <option-value-1>,
KustoSinkOptions.<option-name-n>, <option-value-n>))
.trigger(Trigger.Once) // Or use ProcessingTime
var customSchema = new StructType().add("colA", StringType, nullable = true).add("colB", IntegerType, nullable = true)
// Read data to stream
val csvDf = spark
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.streaming.checkpointLocation", "/FileStore/temp/checkpoint")
val kustoQ = csvDf
KustoSinkOptions.KUSTO_CLUSTER -> cluster,
KustoSinkOptions.KUSTO_TABLE -> table,
KustoSinkOptions.KUSTO_DATABASE -> database,
KustoSinkOptions.KUSTO_AAD_APP_ID -> appId,
KustoSinkOptions.KUSTO_AAD_APP_SECRET -> appKey,
KustoSinkOptions.KUSTO_AAD_AUTHORITY_ID -> authorityId))
For more reference code examples, please see: