WhatsApp SMR is a remake of WhatsApp
- Downlaod the .rar file from the releases tab and decompress it
- Run WhatsApp SMR.exe from the decompressed folder
- Log in or register and put a group chat name
- The chat screen will show up
- Enjoy chatting with your fiends! 😊
- Download and install WhatsApp SMR-Signed.apk from the releases tab
- Log in or register and put a group chat name
- The chat screen will show up
- Enjoy chatting with your fiends! 😊
- You can clone / download the source of WhatsApp SMR clicking the green button Code and downloading the zip file.
- Decompress the file and open Godot Engine
- Import the project from src folder (src_old is the old project made with node.js)
- And that's it!