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File metadata and controls

117 lines (93 loc) · 3.48 KB

This is a playground project for testing ideas on integrating declarative constraints into a general-purpose programming language. SAT, SMT, CSP, and Logic Programming are all welcome as back-ends.

We have the following dependencies:

To run the tests:

  • set smt.home to wherever you placed Z3 binary ("~/opt/z3" by default)
  • ./sbt update
  • ./sbt test

AST.scala defines the language of constraints. We support the linear arithmetic, boolean logic, equality theory on objects and fields of objects interpreted as functions.

Sceeves is a constraint environment that provides three primitive operations:

  • pick: creates a symbolic variable (think of it as an angelic choice)
  • assume: adds a constraint (this is in some way opposite to assert)
  • concretize: solves for symbolic variables using the constraints

pick also allows specifying default values which are applied whenever that does not cause contradiction with the rest of the constraints. This is a way to control non-determinism.

concretize also allows specifying context constraint that is assumed temporarily to evaluate an expression.

Jeeves is an extension of Sceeves for privacy constraints.

The examples are in test directory.

Example (Sudoku solver):

 val M = 3;
 val N = M * M;
 // create symbolic variables 
 val s = Array.ofDim[IntVar](N,N);
 for (i <- 0 until N; j <- 0 until N) 
   s(i)(j) = pick (x => 0 < x && x <= N)
 // all rows are distinct
 for (i <- 0 until N) 

 // all columns are distinct
 for (j <- 0 until N) 
   assume(DISTINCT(for (i <- 0 until N) yield s(i)(j)))

 // all M blocks are distinct
 for (mi <- 0 until M;
      mj <- 0 until M)
   assume(DISTINCT(for (i <- 0 until M; j <- 0 until M) 
             yield s(M*mi + i)(M*mj + j)))
 // fill in known cells
 assert (input.length == N * N);
 for (i <- 0 until N; 
      j <- 0 until N;
      c = input(i*N + j);
      if c != '0')
   assume(s(i)(j) === c.toString.toInt);

 // solve for constraints
 for (i <- 0 until N; j <- 0 until N) 

Example (Jeeves social network):

case class Name(s: String) extends JeevesRecord
case class Email(s: String) extends JeevesRecord
case class Network(s: String) extends JeevesRecord
sealed trait UserLevel 
object Anyone extends UserLevel
object Self extends UserLevel
object Friends extends UserLevel

class UserRecord(
  nameV: Name, 
  nameL: UserLevel,
  networkV: Network, 
  networkL: UserLevel, 
  friendsL: UserLevel) extends JeevesRecord {
  private var friends : Set[UserRecord] = Set()

  /** Mutators */
  def add(u: UserRecord) {friends = friends + u}
  def remove(u: UserRecord) {friends = friends - u}

  /** Observers */
  val name = mkSensitive[Name](level(nameL), nameV)
  val network = mkSensitive[Network](level(networkL), networkV);
  def getFriends() = {
    val l = level(friendsL);[UserRecord](l, _))
  def isFriends(u: UserRecord) = getFriends.has(u)

  /** Helpers */
  private def level(l: UserLevel): LevelVar = {
    val level = mkLevel();
    val me = CONTEXT === this;
    l match {
      case Anyone => 
      case Self => 
        policy(level, ! me, LOW)
      case Friends => 
        policy(level, ! friends.has(CONTEXT) && ! me,  LOW);