This project contains a simple class to aid in parsing CSV formatted data from a string to generate new filenames for the referenced image files.
- A current version of Ruby installed & available. (Tested with 3.2.2 & 2.7.8)
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd heartland-photos
Install dependencies:
bundle install
Run the specs:
bundle exec rspec spec/
Open IRB while sourcing the PhotoListConverter class:
irb -r "./lib/photo_list_converter.rb"
Create a new instance of the PhotoListConverter class:
converter =
Import the string containing your CSV list:
list ="sample_list.txt")
Process the list with the converter:
new_names = converter.process(list)
Display the list of new filenames:
print new_names
(Optional) Save the list of new filenames to a text file:
File.write("my_new_filename.txt", new_names)