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BTP Manager Operations


BTP Manager performs the following operations:

  • Provisioning of the SAP BTP service operator
  • Updating of the SAP BTP service operator
  • Deprovisioning of the SAP BTP service operator, its ServiceInstance resources, and ServiceBinding resources



  • Namespace kyma-system
  • Secret sap-btp-manager with data for the SAP BTP service operator

The namespace is created during SAP BTP, Kyma runtime installation. The Secret is injected into the cluster by Kyma Environment Broker (KEB). If you want to provision the SAP BTP service operator in a cluster without Kyma runtime, you must create the prerequisites yourself.


Provisioning diagram

The provisioning process is part of a module reconciliation.

  1. To trigger the reconciliation, create a BtpOperator custom resource (CR):

    cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    kind: BtpOperator
      name: btpoperator
  2. The BtpOperator reconciler picks up the created CR and determines whether the CR should be responsible for representing the module status.

  3. The BtpOperator CR reflects the status of the operand, that is, the SAP BTP service operator, only when it is the oldest CR present in the cluster. Otherwise, it is given the Error state (3a) with the condition reason OlderCRExists and the message containing details about the CR responsible for reconciling the operand.

  4. For the only or the oldest CR present in the cluster, a finalizer is added, the CR is set to the Processing state, and the reconciliation proceeds.

  5. In the kyma-system namespace, the reconciler looks for a sap-btp-manager Secret with the label kcp-kyma-environment-broker. This Secret contains the SAP Service Manager credentials for the SAP BTP service operator and should be delivered to the cluster by KEB. If the Secret is missing, an error is thrown (5a), and the reconciler sets the Warning state (with the condition reason MissingSecret) in the CR and stops the reconciliation until the Secret is created.

  6. When the Secret is present in the cluster, the reconciler verifies whether it contains the required data. The Secret should contain the following keys: clientid, clientsecret, sm_url, tokenurl, cluster_id. None of the key values should be empty. If some required data is missing, the reconciler throws an error (6a) with the message about missing keys/values, sets the CR in the Error state (reason InvalidSecret), and stops the reconciliation until there is a change in the required Secret.

  7. After checking the Secret, the reconciler performs the apply and delete operations of the module resources. One of GitHub Actions creates the module-resources directory, which contains manifests for applying and deleting operations. See workflows for more details. First, the reconciler deletes outdated module resources stored as manifests in to-delete.yml.

  8. After all outdated resources are deleted successfully, the reconciler prepares current resources from manifests in the apply directory to be applied to the cluster. The reconciler prepares certificates (regenerated if needed) and webhook configurations and adds these to the list of current resources. Then, preparation of the current resources continues, adding the btp-manager, chart-version: {CHART_VER} labels to all module resources, setting kyma-system namespace in all resources, setting module Secret and ConfigMap based on data read from the required Secret.

  9. After preparing the resources, the reconciler starts applying or updating them to the cluster. The non-existent resources are created using server-side apply to create the given resource and the existent ones are updated.

  10. The reconciler waits a specified time for all module resources to exist in the cluster. If the timeout is reached, the CR receives the Error state, and the resources are rechecked in the next reconciliation. The reconciler has a fixed set of timeouts defined as consts, which limit the processing time for performed operations.

  11. The provisioning is successful when all module resources exist in the cluster. This is the condition that allows the reconciler to set the CR in the Ready state.


Deprovisioning diagram

  1. To start the deprovisioning process, use the following command:

    kubectl delete btpoperator {BTPOPERATOR_CR_NAME}

    The command triggers the deletion of the module resources in the cluster. By default, the existing service instances or service bindings block the deletion. To unblock it, you must remove the existing service instances and service bindings. Then, after the reconciliation, the SAP BTP Operator resource is gone.

    You can force the deletion by adding this label to the SAP BTP Operator resource:

    force-delete: "true"

    If you use the label, all the existing service instances and service bindings are deleted automatically.

  2. At first, the deprovisioning process tries to perform the deletion in a hard delete mode. It tries to delete all service bindings and service instances across all namespaces. The time limit for the hard delete is 20 minutes.

  3. Then, it checks if there are any leftover service bindings or service instances.

  4. The hard delete is unsuccessful if a timeout is reached, if some resources are still present, or in case of an error. Then, the process goes into the soft delete mode.

  5. The soft delete mode begins with deleting the SAP BTP service operator module deployment and webhooks.

  6. The reconciler removes finalizers from service bindings and deletes the related Secrets.

  7. The reconciler checks if there are any service bindings left.

  8. Then, it removes finalizers from service instances.

  9. The last step in the soft delete mode is checking for any leftover service instances.

  10. If any of steps 5-9 fail because of an error or unsuccessful resource deletion, the process throws a respective error, and the reconciliation starts again.

  11. Regardless of the mode, all the SAP BTP service operator resources marked with the label are deleted. The deletion of module resources is based on resources GVKs (GroupVersionKinds) found in manifests. If the process succeeds, the finalizer on BtpOperator CR itself is removed, and the resource is deleted. If an error occurs during the deprovisioning (11a), the state of BtpOperator CR is set to Error.


The state of SAP BTP Operator CR is represented by Status, which comprises State and Conditions. The only Condition used is of type Ready.

No. CR state Condition type Condition status Condition reason Remark
1 Ready Ready true ReconcileSucceeded Reconciled successfully
2 Ready Ready true UpdateCheckSucceeded Update not required
3 Ready Ready true UpdateDone Update done
4 Processing Ready false Initialized Initial processing or chart is inconsistent
5 Processing Ready false Processing Final State after deprovisioning
6 Processing Ready false UpdateCheck Checking for updates
7 Processing Ready false Updated Resource has been updated
8 Processing Ready false CredentialsNamespaceChanged Credentials namespace changed
9 Processing Ready false ClusterIdChanged Cluster ID changed
10 Deleting Ready false HardDeleting Trying to hard delete
11 Deleting Ready false SoftDeleting Trying to soft-delete after hard-delete failed
12 Warning Ready false ServiceInstancesAndBindingsNotCleaned Deprovisioning blocked because of ServiceInstances and/or ServiceBindings existence
13 Warning Ready false OlderCRExists This CR is not the oldest one so does not represent the module State
14 Warning Ready false MissingSecret sap-btp-manager Secret was not found - create proper Secret
15 Error Ready false ChartInstallFailed Failure during chart installation
16 Error Ready false ChartPathEmpty No chart path available for processing
17 Error Ready false ConsistencyCheckFailed Failure during consistency check
18 Error Ready false DeletionOfOrphanedResourcesFailed Deletion of orphaned resources failed
19 Error Ready false GettingConfigMapFailed Getting ConfigMap failed
20 Error Ready false InconsistentChart Chart is inconsistent, reconciliation initialized
21 Error Ready false InvalidSecret sap-btp-manager Secret does not contain required data - create proper Secret
22 Error Ready false PreparingInstallInfoFailed Error while preparing installation information
23 Error Ready false ProvisioningFailed Provisioning failed
24 Error Ready false ReconcileFailed Reconciliation failed
25 Error Ready false ResourceRemovalFailed Some resources can still be present due to errors while deprovisioning
26 Error Ready false StoringChartDetailsFailed Failure of storing chart details
27 Error Ready false GettingDefaultCredentialsSecretFailed Getting default credentials Secret failed
28 Error Ready false AnnotatingSecretFailed Annotating the required Secret failed
29 Error Ready false GettingSapBtpServiceOperatorConfigMapFailed Getting SAP BTP service operator ConfigMap failed
30 Error Ready false GettingSapBtpServiceOperatorClusterIdSecretFailed Getting SAP BTP service operator Cluster ID Secret failed


The update process is almost the same as the provisioning process. The only difference is the BtpOperator CR's existence in the cluster. For the update process, the CR should be present in the cluster with the Ready state.