- Add INA219 sensor module. #221 @birdie1
- Implement PinPUD.OFF for pcf8574/5. #217 @IlmLV
- Ensure HCSR04 distance cannot be None. #215 @joseffallman
- Add GPIOZero module. #212 @fipwmaqzufheoxq92ebc
- Render config with confp to allow dynamic configuration based on environment/redis/etcd vars. #210 @fipwmaqzufheoxq92ebc
- Log uncaught exceptions to configured logging handlers. #206 @fipwmaqzufheoxq92ebc
- Create docs in a tempdir to stop them from being clobbered when changing branches.
- Sort versions in docs. Use git pull properly.
- Generate docs versions and root index to strings and write them after switching branches
- Add docs root index to git separately
- Fix version regex for docs index generation
- Handle tags in generate docs script.
- Multi-versioned documentation.
- Auto-reconnect to MQTT server on disconnection. #207 @fipwmaqzufheoxq92ebc
- Fix broken hcsr04 sensor that I (@flyte) broke when rewriting for v2.x. #211 @r00tat
- Fix inversion not taken into account when publishing initial digital output value. #203 @r00tat
- Fix #198 where Future wasn't created from the right thread. #205 @fipwmaqzufheoxq92ebc
- Add install_requirements config option to skip installing missing module requirements. #199
- Add ADS1x15 module. #200 @r00tat
- Update PyYAML version to 5.4 CVE-2020-14343
- Add version to 'model' field of HA Discovery config payload. #196 @pbill2003
- Add missing
config schema entry for MCP3008 sensor module. #194
- Remove config validation that checks usage of the same numbered pin used twice. #191
- Fix bodged BH1750 sensor value reading code. #189
- Add OPT-IN error reporting to sentry. Bumps minor version because it adds a config entry.
- Fix bug where sensor config was retrieved from the wrong place flyte#185
- Rewrite core with asyncio
- Change MQTT client to asyncio-mqtt
- Add better validation for config
- Move some config values around, but mostly stay compatible with existing configs
- Add MCP23017 module
- Rework interrupts to allow for pins to be interrupts for other pins on other modules
- Enable extra values to be added to the Home Assistant Discovery config payloads
- Rename package from pi-mqtt-gpio to mqtt-io since it's not just for Raspberry Pi, and not just for GPIO
- Create generated documentation for the config file options ("Section Reference" section of the documentation)
- Tons more stuff, too varied to list here. It's safe to say that almost everything has been improved (hopefully) in some way
- Add PCF8575 support. #121
- Add MCP3008 sensor support. #115
- Add AHT20 sensor support. #122
- Add BME280 sensor support. #132
- Install requirements using current Python executable. #134
- Add sensors to HASS discovery. #133
- Add option to publish output value on startup. #125
- Update PyYAML to a version that doesn't suffer from CVE-2020-1747 vulnerability.
- Add 'stream' IO.
- Pin safe version of PyYAML in requirements.
- Merge PR from @BenjiU which implements a new sensor interface. #52
- Add cleanup function to modules which are called before program exit. #16
- Decode received MQTT message payload as utf8 before trying to match with on/off payload values. #14
- Fix bug with selection of pullup value in raspberrypi module when none set. #15
- Successful fix for bug with loading config schema. #13
- Failed fix for bug with loading config schema. #13
- Implement
topic suffixes. Closes #10
- Large refactor and tidyup.
- Implement config validation using cerberus.
- Enable configuration of MQTT protocol. Closes #11.
- Deploy Python Wheel as well as source package.
- Add some (not exhaustive) tests.