This is a new Library for using the Object Storage Service in Go. It has been heavily inspired by James Pond`s bunnystorage-go.
I wrote this because of a open PR implementing as Object Storage in JuiceFS and the maintainers were a bit hesitant merging code with many homebrew dependencies. This is using just three battletested dependencies (fasthttp, uuid, logrus) and is about 200 lines of library code, excluding tests.
- The E2E test coverage is currently at about 80%
- Simple to use
- Uses valyala/fasthttp under the hood to achive much better performance than other libraries.
- Implements Undocumented
funtion which allows to retrieve metadata for single, non-directory files. - Implements HTTP Range Downloads for downloading segments of objects
go get
import "net/url"
import ""
endpoint, err := endpoint.Parse("")
if err != nil {
bunnyclient = bunnystorage.NewClient(endpoint, password)
content := make([]byte, 1048576)
// Fill content with data
// The last argument controls if a checksum is included in the request
err := bunnyclient.Upload("foo/bar.txt", content, true)
if err != nil {
# Install pre-commit from
pre-commit install --install-hooks
# Make your changes
# Run the E2E tests
BUNNY_PASSWORD=<insert password> BUNNY_ENDPOINT=<zone-name> go test ./... -v
pre-commit run --all-files
# Commit your changes
git commit
[] Implement Pull Zone support
It is fast. The use-case built this library around is for a JuiceFS storage backend, which requires low latency and high throughput. Using the other library which uses net/http I got around 200⬇️ 400⬆️ MiB/s from Hetzner Nürnberg to the Bunny Edge PoP.
With this library after moving to fasthttp I was able to achive 1 GB/s upload and 600 Mbit/s download.
- James Pond for creating the original bunnystorage-go library, which allowed me to start prototyping my work on JuiceFS immediately
- for creating an awesome performing and attractively priced object storage solution
This is a community implementation of the Storage API. It is not sponsored or endorsed by BunnyWay d.o.o.