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A Big Brother compliant servlet filter to add basic but very useful Prometheus metrics for your app


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A Servlet filter to add basic but very useful Prometheus metrics for your app.


The only exposed metrics are the following:

request_seconds_bucket{type, status, isError, errorMessage, method, addr, le}
request_seconds_count{type, status, isError, errorMessage, method, addr}
request_seconds_sum{type, status, isError, errorMessage, method, addr}
response_size_bytes{type, status, isError, errorMessage, method, addr}
dependency_request_seconds_bucket{name, type, status, isError, errorMessage, method, addr, le}
dependency_request_seconds_count{name, type, status, isError, errorMessage, method, add}
dependency_request_seconds_sum{name, type, status, isError, errorMessage, method, add}

Attention, Buckets/Histogram only work if It was defined in web.xml file


  1. The request_seconds_bucket metric defines the histogram of how many requests are falling into the well-defined buckets represented by the label le;

  2. The request_seconds_count is a counter that counts the overall number of requests with those exact label occurrences;

  3. The request_seconds_sum is a counter that counts the overall sum of how long the requests with those exact label occurrences are taking;

  4. The response_size_bytes is a counter that computes how much data is being sent back to the user for a given request type. It captures the response size from the content-length response header. If there is no such header, the value exposed as metric will be zero;

  5. The dependency_up is a metric to register whether a specific dependency is up (1) or down (0). The label name registers the dependency name;

  6. The dependency_request_seconds_bucket is a metric that defines the histogram of how many requests to a specific dependency are falling into the well defined buckets represented by the label le;

  7. The dependency_request_seconds_count is a counter that counts the overall number of requests to a specific dependency;

  8. The dependency_request_seconds_sum is a counter that counts the overall sum of how long requests to a specific dependency are taking;

  9. The application_info holds static info of an application, such as it's semantic version number;


  1. type tells which request protocol was used (e.g. grpc or http);

  2. status registers the response status (e.g. HTTP status code);

  3. method registers the request method;

  4. addr registers the requested endpoint address;

  5. version tells which version of your app handled the request;

  6. isError lets us know if the status code reported is an error or not;

  7. errorMessage registers the error message;

  8. name registers the name of the dependency;

How to

Importing dependency

Import the following dependency to your project:



Please use the latest version: Released Version

Collecting metrics

The collector filter can be programmatically added to javax.servlet.ServletContext or initialized by web.xml file.


You just need to place the code below in your web.xml file.

<!-- This must be the first <filter-mapping> in the web.xml file so that you can get
the most accurate measurement of latency and response size. -->

⚠️ NOTE: This must be the first <filter-mapping> in the web.xml file so that you can get the most accurate measurement of latency and response size.

Metrics Collector filter parameters

It is possible to use the following properties to configure the Metrics Collector Filter by init parameters on the web.xml file.

Configure buckets metrics

The number of buckets is only available and can be configured by passing a comma-separated string of doubles as the buckets init parameter.


Define max path depth

The max depth of the URI path(that is the value of addr label) can be configured by passing an integer value as the path-depth init parameter. By default, the filter will provide the full path granularity. Any number provided that is less than one will provide the full path granularity.



⚠️ NOTE: Using full path granularity may affect performance

Exclude path from metrics collect

Exclusions of paths from collect can be configured by passing a comma-separated string of paths as the exclusions init parameter.

e.g. exclude paths starting with '/metrics' or '/static'

JVM metrics export

It is possible to enable/disable the JVM metrics export. The export is enabled by default.

e.g. disabling

Capture error messages

It is possible to capture error messages that were saved using HttpServletRequest.setAttribute. The error-message init param must be configured to get the name of the attribute.

e.g capture error messages from requests with attribute name equals to 'error-info'


Your java code should look like this:

req.setAttribute("error-info", "Page not found");
Improving error messages

It is possible to filter the error message to avoid long messages or personal info exposed in the metrics. To do it, two params may be used: error-info-regex and error-info-max-size. The first will set the regex to apply in the message, with [^A-zÀ-ú .,]+ as the default value. The second, error-info-max-size, defines the max size of the message to be truncated and has 50 as the default value.

Setting application version


To provide the application version to the metrics collector, the file must exist in the project at the project resources path(Maven projects default path src/main/resources) with the application version set to application.version property.

e.g. src/main/resources/


Make sure the file classes/ exist into your jar or war package.

From Maven pom.xml file

The process to automatically set application version retrieving the project version from the pom.xml file is using Maven resource filtering. To have Maven filter resources when copying, simply set filtering to true for the resource directory in your pom.xml.


Create the file application.propeties at the application resources path(most commonly src/main/resources) and add the application.version=${project.version} property whose value ${project.version} will be supplied when the resource is filtered.

e.g. src/main/resources/


Make sure the file classes/ exist into your jar or war package and the property value is the same of the pom.xml file.

Sending parameter

It's also possible to provide application version sending parameter:


or programmatically:

setInitParameter("application-version", "x.x.x");

Exporting metrics

As well as the metrics filter, the class MetricsServlet can also be programmatically added to javax.servlet.ServletContext or initialized via web.xml file.


Place the code below in your web.xml file to expose the metrics at the /metrics path.


Dependency state metrics

To add a dependency state metrics to the Monitor, you would implement the interface DependencyChecker and add an instance to the MonitorMetrics with the period interval that the dependency must be checked.

DependencyChecker fakeChecker = new DependencyChecker() {
    public DependencyState run() {
        // checking the database state
        return DependencyState.UP;

    public String getDependencyName() {
        return "fake-database-checker";
long periodIntervalInMillis = 15000;
MonitorMetrics.INSTANCE.addDependencyChecker(fakeChecker, periodIntervalInMillis);

⚠️ NOTE: The dependency checkers will run on a new thread, to prevent memory leak, make sure to call the method MonitorMetrics.INSTANCE.cancelAllDependencyCheckers() on undeploying/terminating the web app.

You also can monitore a dependency event. Just call addDependencyEvent and pass the right params.

MonitorMetrics.INSTANCE.addDependencyEvent(name, type, status, method, address, isError, errorMessage, elapsedSeconds);

Big Brother

This project is part of a more large application called Big Brother.