The first midterm will be on 29 Feb for M/W classes and 1 Mar for T/H classes. A study guide and sample exam will be available approximately one week beforehand.
There will be a quiz next week during your lab section. Remember that quizzes are worth 5% of the grade. You cannot make up quizzes unless there is an emergency and you tell me beforehand!
Please sign up for GitHub! We will be turning all of our assignments in with it. Specifically sign up for the GitHub Student Developer Pack so that you can have private repos (and all sorts of other fun stuff): https://education.github.com/pack
Editor comparison and where to get them here: https://github.com/laboon/cs0401/tree/master/tangents/editor.md
Download JDK 1.8 here http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html